Abe Lincoln: What they won't teach in school.

All we need to know about Lincolns views towards slavery is that the south seceded rather than face a Lincoln presidency.


I posted lincolns views on slavery and negroes in general, in his own words..
He was a politician. In the end the words mean very little. The actions are what counts. You try to place more importance on his words than his actual actions. You are placing greater importance on what he said and other place more importance on what he did. Everyday we read and hear about politicians changing their minds, flip flopping and evolving. Why is a Trump not responsible for the things he has said, but Lincoln has to be held to account for every letter or speech he ever made?

There is no doubt he was a dishonorable, lying POS politician...that was never in question..In your mind politicians lying are normal and acceptable...I disagree..

His actions were to attack fellow americans who tried to peacefully and legally withdraw from the union. He unleashed fed. troops to murder, rape and rob fellow americans, steal their belongings, burn their homes and businesses, wreck the infrastructure, seize their property and then "re distribute" it.

If your wife asks for a divorce, do you think it would be ok to beat her and force her to stay?

Millions of southern families lost everything in the war of northern aggression and millions of their descendants haven't forgotten.
Lincoln showed them mercy when he should've just finished the job. It would have saved this country a whole lot of grief over the ensuing 150 years. He should've let ol' Sherman loose a little while longer.

All we need to know about Lincolns views towards slavery is that the south seceded rather than face a Lincoln presidency.


I posted lincolns views on slavery and negroes in general, in his own words..
He was a politician. In the end the words mean very little. The actions are what counts. You try to place more importance on his words than his actual actions. You are placing greater importance on what he said and other place more importance on what he did. Everyday we read and hear about politicians changing their minds, flip flopping and evolving. Why is a Trump not responsible for the things he has said, but Lincoln has to be held to account for every letter or speech he ever made?

There is no doubt he was a dishonorable, lying POS politician...that was never in question..In your mind politicians lying are normal and acceptable...I disagree..

His actions were to attack fellow americans who tried to peacefully and legally withdraw from the union. He unleashed fed. troops to murder, rape and rob fellow americans, steal their belongings, burn their homes and businesses, wreck the infrastructure, seize their property and then "re distribute" it.

If your wife asks for a divorce, do you think it would be ok to beat her and force her to stay?

Millions of southern families lost everything in the war of northern aggression and millions of their descendants haven't forgotten.
Lincoln showed them mercy when he should've just finished the job. It would have saved this country a whole lot of grief over the ensuing 150 years. He should've let ol' Sherman loose a little while longer.


Yes..murder, rape and robbery are a worthy and noble response to inflict on people who wanted to peacefully and legally withdraw and form their own government....
..and you're "proud" of it?
Go look up phil sheridan, too for another murderous fed officer...I'm sure you'll be VERY proud of what he did to the native americans....along with what he did to fellow americans..
Here's a couple more sherman quotes for your enjoyment.

I profess…to fight for but one single purpose, viz, to sustain a Government capable of vindicating its just and rightful authority, independent of n iggers, cotton, money, or any earthly interest. (Letter of October 10, 1863)

We must act with vindictive earnestness against the Sioux, even to the extermination, men, women and children….The more Indians we can kill this year, the less will have to be killed next year….They all have to be killed or be maintained as a species of paupers. (Quoted in “Citizen Sherman” by Michael Fellman)
All we need to know about Lincolns views towards slavery is that the south seceded rather than face a Lincoln presidency.


I posted lincolns views on slavery and negroes in general, in his own words..
He was a politician. In the end the words mean very little. The actions are what counts. You try to place more importance on his words than his actual actions. You are placing greater importance on what he said and other place more importance on what he did. Everyday we read and hear about politicians changing their minds, flip flopping and evolving. Why is a Trump not responsible for the things he has said, but Lincoln has to be held to account for every letter or speech he ever made?

There is no doubt he was a dishonorable, lying POS politician...that was never in question..In your mind politicians lying are normal and acceptable...I disagree..

His actions were to attack fellow americans who tried to peacefully and legally withdraw from the union. He unleashed fed. troops to murder, rape and rob fellow americans, steal their belongings, burn their homes and businesses, wreck the infrastructure, seize their property and then "re distribute" it.

If your wife asks for a divorce, do you think it would be ok to beat her and force her to stay?

Millions of southern families lost everything in the war of northern aggression and millions of their descendants haven't forgotten.
Lincoln showed them mercy when he should've just finished the job. It would have saved this country a whole lot of grief over the ensuing 150 years. He should've let ol' Sherman loose a little while longer.


Yes..murder, rape and robbery are a worthy and noble response to inflict on people who wanted to peacefully and legally withdraw and form their own government....
..and you're "proud" of it?
Go look up phil sheridan, too for another murderous fed officer...I'm sure you'll be VERY proud of what he did to the native americans....along with what he did to fellow americans..
A people who peacefully and legally wanted to maintain slavery and ensure that the evil negro would never be considered their equals as humans. The confederates of 150 years ago will get no sympathy from me.

I have no doubt that the south would still have rampant segregation to this day if left to their own devices. It's what many of them still want; running around waving their NOVA battle flags like idiots. Who knows how long slavery would have lasted if the south hadn't been put in its place.
Here's a couple more sherman quotes for your enjoyment.

I profess…to fight for but one single purpose, viz, to sustain a Government capable of vindicating its just and rightful authority, independent of n iggers, cotton, money, or any earthly interest. (Letter of October 10, 1863)

We must act with vindictive earnestness against the Sioux, even to the extermination, men, women and children….The more Indians we can kill this year, the less will have to be killed next year….They all have to be killed or be maintained as a species of paupers. (Quoted in “Citizen Sherman” by Michael Fellman)
Remember earlier when you dismissed my Lincoln quote because it was sourced from someone second hand? Well I dismiss you're Sherman quote about the Sioux. And the first quote says nothing. Unless you think Sherman hated cotton and money too? :cuckoo:

I posted lincolns views on slavery and negroes in general, in his own words..
He was a politician. In the end the words mean very little. The actions are what counts. You try to place more importance on his words than his actual actions. You are placing greater importance on what he said and other place more importance on what he did. Everyday we read and hear about politicians changing their minds, flip flopping and evolving. Why is a Trump not responsible for the things he has said, but Lincoln has to be held to account for every letter or speech he ever made?

There is no doubt he was a dishonorable, lying POS politician...that was never in question..In your mind politicians lying are normal and acceptable...I disagree..

His actions were to attack fellow americans who tried to peacefully and legally withdraw from the union. He unleashed fed. troops to murder, rape and rob fellow americans, steal their belongings, burn their homes and businesses, wreck the infrastructure, seize their property and then "re distribute" it.

If your wife asks for a divorce, do you think it would be ok to beat her and force her to stay?

Millions of southern families lost everything in the war of northern aggression and millions of their descendants haven't forgotten.
Lincoln showed them mercy when he should've just finished the job. It would have saved this country a whole lot of grief over the ensuing 150 years. He should've let ol' Sherman loose a little while longer.


Yes..murder, rape and robbery are a worthy and noble response to inflict on people who wanted to peacefully and legally withdraw and form their own government....
..and you're "proud" of it?
Go look up phil sheridan, too for another murderous fed officer...I'm sure you'll be VERY proud of what he did to the native americans....along with what he did to fellow americans..
A people who peacefully and legally wanted to maintain slavery and ensure that the evil negro would never be considered their equals as humans.
The war wasn't fought to retain, nor abolish slavery. That's been shown to you repeatedly.

The confederates of 150 years ago will get no sympathy from me.
So? You've proven you're more "indoctrinated" than "informed" on the matter...despite reading direct quotes and letters and speeches...

You posted a sherman quote as if you're proud of what he and sheridan did...People like that and who support that will get no sympathy from me.

I have no doubt that the south would still have rampant segregation to this day if left to their own devices.
I have no doubt you're just making things up to be inflammatory.

It's what many of them still want; running around waving their NOVA battle flags like idiots.

List one quote from anyone anywhere today who "wants" slavery. You're projecting your own biases onto others.

Who knows how long slavery would have lasted if the south hadn't been put in its place.

southerners and the southern leaders knew slavery was a dying practice. The industrial revolution had begun and there was no point in importing farm animals when there were machines that were more efficient and cheaper to maintain.
Here's a couple more sherman quotes for your enjoyment.

I profess…to fight for but one single purpose, viz, to sustain a Government capable of vindicating its just and rightful authority, independent of n iggers, cotton, money, or any earthly interest. (Letter of October 10, 1863)

We must act with vindictive earnestness against the Sioux, even to the extermination, men, women and children….The more Indians we can kill this year, the less will have to be killed next year….They all have to be killed or be maintained as a species of paupers. (Quoted in “Citizen Sherman” by Michael Fellman)
Remember earlier when you dismissed my Lincoln quote because it was sourced from someone second hand? Well I dismiss you're Sherman quote about the Sioux. And the first quote says nothing. Unless you think Sherman hated cotton and money too? :cuckoo:

LMAO..every time you get cornered you try to change the subject.
I didn't "dismiss" your alleged quote..I asked for your source..

You can misinterpret sherman however you want...but it sure made you stop and think after you presumed to be so clever by quoting him.
I made every one of my points and backed them up...so you change the subject every time and try to introduce something new....I will accept that as your concession.
He was a politician. In the end the words mean very little. The actions are what counts. You try to place more importance on his words than his actual actions. You are placing greater importance on what he said and other place more importance on what he did. Everyday we read and hear about politicians changing their minds, flip flopping and evolving. Why is a Trump not responsible for the things he has said, but Lincoln has to be held to account for every letter or speech he ever made?

There is no doubt he was a dishonorable, lying POS politician...that was never in question..In your mind politicians lying are normal and acceptable...I disagree..

His actions were to attack fellow americans who tried to peacefully and legally withdraw from the union. He unleashed fed. troops to murder, rape and rob fellow americans, steal their belongings, burn their homes and businesses, wreck the infrastructure, seize their property and then "re distribute" it.

If your wife asks for a divorce, do you think it would be ok to beat her and force her to stay?

Millions of southern families lost everything in the war of northern aggression and millions of their descendants haven't forgotten.
Lincoln showed them mercy when he should've just finished the job. It would have saved this country a whole lot of grief over the ensuing 150 years. He should've let ol' Sherman loose a little while longer.


Yes..murder, rape and robbery are a worthy and noble response to inflict on people who wanted to peacefully and legally withdraw and form their own government....
..and you're "proud" of it?
Go look up phil sheridan, too for another murderous fed officer...I'm sure you'll be VERY proud of what he did to the native americans....along with what he did to fellow americans..
A people who peacefully and legally wanted to maintain slavery and ensure that the evil negro would never be considered their equals as humans.
The war wasn't fought to retain, nor abolish slavery. That's been shown to you repeatedly.

The confederates of 150 years ago will get no sympathy from me.
So? You've proven you're more "indoctrinated" than "informed" on the matter...despite reading direct quotes and letters and speeches...

You posted a sherman quote as if you're proud of what he and sheridan did...People like that and who support that will get no sympathy from me.

I have no doubt that the south would still have rampant segregation to this day if left to their own devices.
I have no doubt you're just making things up to be inflammatory.

It's what many of them still want; running around waving their NOVA battle flags like idiots.

List one quote from anyone anywhere today who "wants" slavery. You're projecting your own biases onto others.

Who knows how long slavery would have lasted if the south hadn't been put in its place.

southerners and the southern leaders knew slavery was a dying practice. The industrial revolution had begun and there was no point in importing farm animals when there were machines that were more efficient and cheaper to maintain.
Several of the confederate states specifically listed slavery as a major reason for their secession, and others alluded to it. AND the confederate constitution specifically addressed protecting the rights of its citizens to own slaves. You cannot deny a single one of those things.
There is no doubt he was a dishonorable, lying POS politician...that was never in question..In your mind politicians lying are normal and acceptable...I disagree..

His actions were to attack fellow americans who tried to peacefully and legally withdraw from the union. He unleashed fed. troops to murder, rape and rob fellow americans, steal their belongings, burn their homes and businesses, wreck the infrastructure, seize their property and then "re distribute" it.

If your wife asks for a divorce, do you think it would be ok to beat her and force her to stay?

Millions of southern families lost everything in the war of northern aggression and millions of their descendants haven't forgotten.
Lincoln showed them mercy when he should've just finished the job. It would have saved this country a whole lot of grief over the ensuing 150 years. He should've let ol' Sherman loose a little while longer.


Yes..murder, rape and robbery are a worthy and noble response to inflict on people who wanted to peacefully and legally withdraw and form their own government....
..and you're "proud" of it?
Go look up phil sheridan, too for another murderous fed officer...I'm sure you'll be VERY proud of what he did to the native americans....along with what he did to fellow americans..
A people who peacefully and legally wanted to maintain slavery and ensure that the evil negro would never be considered their equals as humans.
The war wasn't fought to retain, nor abolish slavery. That's been shown to you repeatedly.

The confederates of 150 years ago will get no sympathy from me.
So? You've proven you're more "indoctrinated" than "informed" on the matter...despite reading direct quotes and letters and speeches...

You posted a sherman quote as if you're proud of what he and sheridan did...People like that and who support that will get no sympathy from me.

I have no doubt that the south would still have rampant segregation to this day if left to their own devices.
I have no doubt you're just making things up to be inflammatory.

It's what many of them still want; running around waving their NOVA battle flags like idiots.

List one quote from anyone anywhere today who "wants" slavery. You're projecting your own biases onto others.

Who knows how long slavery would have lasted if the south hadn't been put in its place.

southerners and the southern leaders knew slavery was a dying practice. The industrial revolution had begun and there was no point in importing farm animals when there were machines that were more efficient and cheaper to maintain.
Several of the confederate states specifically listed slavery as a major reason for their secession, and others alluded to it. AND the confederate constitution specifically addressed protecting the rights of its citizens to own slaves. You cannot deny a single one of those things.

I never did...
Not every state constitution mentioned slaves, though did it?
The north had been agitating for so long the issue couldn't be ignored..It HAD to be mentioned...Kind of thumbing their nose at washington...
The war was neither fought to free nor maintain the slaves and slavery.
The north invaded after the south tried to peacefully and legally withdraw.
All patriots will fight to repel invaders in their homeland.
Why are you so proud of federal imperialism against people wanting the right of self determination?

If your wife asks you for a divorce do you think it's ok to beat her and force her to stay?
All we need to know about Lincolns views towards slavery is that the south seceded rather than face a Lincoln presidency.


I posted lincolns views on slavery and negroes in general, in his own words..

Cherry picking from a prestigious body of work

Among politicians, Lincoln was the leading proponent of abolition
You are welcome to name anyone from that era who had made more statements against slavery than Lincoln

The south was so afraid of a Lincoln Presedency that they seceded so they could preserve their right to rape slaves and own other human beings
Rotagilla What I realize here is this.

Libtards aka those in this thread are OK with a president being a tyrannical dictator when it fits something they believe in even though its completely illegal,immoral,and against the constitution that president promised to uphold and the fact that he was a racist to put it lightly towards negro's is of no concern they just care he "freed" negro's. Now if its a president doing the same thing Lincoln did but he has an R beside his name or its not something these cultural marxists approve of he is a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. Got it now? They aren't interested in FACTS or TRUTH they are just interested in what makes them FEEL GOOD. That's our society today.
Lincoln knew the crisis was coming but he was either too timid or too stupid try to keep the Union together before it fell apart. He should have made promises and wined and dined the Southern agitators and even bribed them if that's what it took to cool down the hot heads but he didn't. The fool thought the Civil War would only last a month. The fawning drooling "historians" had it backward. Lincoln was responsible for splitting the Union rather than keeping it together.

The south seceded before Lincoln even took office

That is why he declared martial law in 1861 when he became President.
Lincoln knew the crisis was coming but he was either too timid or too stupid try to keep the Union together before it fell apart. He should have made promises and wined and dined the Southern agitators and even bribed them if that's what it took to cool down the hot heads but he didn't. The fool thought the Civil War would only last a month. The fawning drooling "historians" had it backward. Lincoln was responsible for splitting the Union rather than keeping it together.

Not sure if you are aware, but states seceded before Lincoln was inaugurated.
They aren't interested in FACTS or TRUTH they are just interested in what makes them FEEL GOOD. That's our society today.

It's funny, after watching part of your nutty OP video, I would have to say the same thing about you.

Those 'facts' in the video sure made you feel good, huh?

I love when homeschooled kids get to college and read actual history- by McPherson, Goodwin or Foote.

The lightbulb just goes on.
They aren't interested in FACTS or TRUTH they are just interested in what makes them FEEL GOOD. That's our society today.

It's funny, after watching part of your nutty OP video, I would have to say the same thing about you.

Those 'facts' in the video sure made you feel good, huh?

I love when homeschooled kids get to college and read actual history- by McPherson, Goodwin or Foote.

The lightbulb just goes on.

Debunk or refute anything in the video, then.
They aren't interested in FACTS or TRUTH they are just interested in what makes them FEEL GOOD. That's our society today.

It's funny, after watching part of your nutty OP video, I would have to say the same thing about you.

Those 'facts' in the video sure made you feel good, huh?

I love when homeschooled kids get to college and read actual history- by McPherson, Goodwin or Foote.

The lightbulb just goes on.

The light bulb was on before they got there.
Liberal Professors hate them, especially when they correct them on their revisionist history.
They aren't interested in FACTS or TRUTH they are just interested in what makes them FEEL GOOD. That's our society today.

It's funny, after watching part of your nutty OP video, I would have to say the same thing about you.

Those 'facts' in the video sure made you feel good, huh?

I love when homeschooled kids get to college and read actual history- by McPherson, Goodwin or Foote.

The lightbulb just goes on.

The light bulb was on before they got there.
Liberal Professors hate them, especially when they correct them on their revisionist history.
Ah, yes. The homeschooled who are taught by videos made by political and religious people on the fringe always know better than scholars who have spent their academic careers reading primary sources.
They aren't interested in FACTS or TRUTH they are just interested in what makes them FEEL GOOD. That's our society today.

It's funny, after watching part of your nutty OP video, I would have to say the same thing about you.

Those 'facts' in the video sure made you feel good, huh?

I love when homeschooled kids get to college and read actual history- by McPherson, Goodwin or Foote.

The lightbulb just goes on.

The light bulb was on before they got there.
Liberal Professors hate them, especially when they correct them on their revisionist history.
Ah, yes. The homeschooled who are taught by videos made by political and religious people on the fringe always know better than scholars who have spent their academic careers reading primary sources.

You have no clue how homeschoolers are taught, and it is not videos on you tube.
Especially real history.
They out perform on all of the tests compared to our kids who are taught in our public schools.
They aren't interested in FACTS or TRUTH they are just interested in what makes them FEEL GOOD. That's our society today.

It's funny, after watching part of your nutty OP video, I would have to say the same thing about you.

Those 'facts' in the video sure made you feel good, huh?

I love when homeschooled kids get to college and read actual history- by McPherson, Goodwin or Foote.

The lightbulb just goes on.

The light bulb was on before they got there.
Liberal Professors hate them, especially when they correct them on their revisionist history.
Ah, yes. The homeschooled who are taught by videos made by political and religious people on the fringe always know better than scholars who have spent their academic careers reading primary sources.

You have no clue how homeschoolers are taught, and it is not videos on you tube.
Especially real history.
They out perform on all of the tests compared to our kids who are taught in our public schools.
Well, the OP claimed that that was the history being taught.

The public schools my kids go to routinely do better than homeschooled kids, according to the stats I've seen. Yours might be different, though.
They aren't interested in FACTS or TRUTH they are just interested in what makes them FEEL GOOD. That's our society today.

It's funny, after watching part of your nutty OP video, I would have to say the same thing about you.

Those 'facts' in the video sure made you feel good, huh?

I love when homeschooled kids get to college and read actual history- by McPherson, Goodwin or Foote.

The lightbulb just goes on.

The light bulb was on before they got there.
Liberal Professors hate them, especially when they correct them on their revisionist history.
Ah, yes. The homeschooled who are taught by videos made by political and religious people on the fringe always know better than scholars who have spent their academic careers reading primary sources.

You have no clue how homeschoolers are taught, and it is not videos on you tube.
Especially real history.
They out perform on all of the tests compared to our kids who are taught in our public schools.
Well, the OP claimed that that was the history being taught.

The public schools my kids go to routinely do better than homeschooled kids, according to the stats I've seen. Yours might be different, though.

Just because he put up a correct small part of Lincolns history as a part of demonstration for those on the board to see, does not mean that little snip of true history is how homeschoolers are taught.
They are taught from books.

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