ABC News Edited Out Key Parts of Sarah Palin Interview (Showing Her Knowledgeable On Foreign Policy)

Lol, liberals call Palin stupid, but have to edit out parts of her interview to make Obama look smarter. Not looking good for Obama and his worshippers.

Palin by the way for Palin bashers NEVER said this:
Sarah Palin never said “I can see Russia from my house.”
Tina Fey did, in a hilarious skit on Saturday Night Live.
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, on the other hand, said something a little bit different from which the Tina Fey line derived.
To which she gave an earnest, but widely ridiculed, response:
They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”
Subsequent investigations demonstrated that Russia is visible from an Alaskan island, Little Diomede, that sits in the center of the Bering Sea, well north of the Aleutian Islands.
Did Sarah Palin Really Say I Can See Russia from My House

BUT how many of you idiots believed Tina Fey's inaccurate statement and then REPEATED!
Not me. I always get her idiotic quote right. On a side note, Tina Fey was fucking hysterical.
She was hysterical and she did not have to that far past the reality of things to show just how ridiculous Palin was for a VP pick.
She was more qualified than Obama who had zero governing experience. Her policy record proves it.

Her biggest policy achievement in Alaska was to pass a huge windfall profits TAX on Alaska oil production,

and she did that siding with the Democrats in the Alaska legislature, against her own party.

If she stayed that sort of Republican, she'd have been okay.
Lol, liberals call Palin stupid, but have to edit out parts of her interview to make Obama look smarter. Not looking good for Obama and his worshippers.

Palin by the way for Palin bashers NEVER said this:
Sarah Palin never said “I can see Russia from my house.”
Tina Fey did, in a hilarious skit on Saturday Night Live.
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, on the other hand, said something a little bit different from which the Tina Fey line derived.
To which she gave an earnest, but widely ridiculed, response:
They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”
Subsequent investigations demonstrated that Russia is visible from an Alaskan island, Little Diomede, that sits in the center of the Bering Sea, well north of the Aleutian Islands.
Did Sarah Palin Really Say I Can See Russia from My House

BUT how many of you idiots believed Tina Fey's inaccurate statement and then REPEATED!

How many of you idiots claimed that Palin's being governor of Alaska gave her foreign policy experience?

how many of you claim that obama's community organizing gave him foreign policy experience? His lack of experience in foreign policy has hurt this country very badly.
The link is from 2008.

Yes, it is. And the site is a blog. And the blog does not prove that the copy in bold was edited by ABC. I even remember Gibson querying the twit about trade delegation responsibilities of governors.

Another O/P total fucking failure.

But even if it was all true, Palin shot herself in the foot and killed McCain's campaign when she couldn't name ONE newspaper that she read when asked that question by Katie Couric.

Katie Couric saved America from Sarah Palin.
Who reads newspapers in the age of the internet? Couric took journalism to a new low when she asked that very stupid insulting irrelevant question.

But I suppose you don't think it's insulting to ask a sitting president of the United States for his birth certificate, right?
It's not insulting, especially after he released a 100% forged one discovered after a lengthy investigation by the Maricopa County Sheriifs Office.
Lol, liberals call Palin stupid, but have to edit out parts of her interview to make Obama look smarter. Not looking good for Obama and his worshippers.

Palin by the way for Palin bashers NEVER said this:
Sarah Palin never said “I can see Russia from my house.”
Tina Fey did, in a hilarious skit on Saturday Night Live.
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, on the other hand, said something a little bit different from which the Tina Fey line derived.
To which she gave an earnest, but widely ridiculed, response:
They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”
Subsequent investigations demonstrated that Russia is visible from an Alaskan island, Little Diomede, that sits in the center of the Bering Sea, well north of the Aleutian Islands.
Did Sarah Palin Really Say I Can See Russia from My House

BUT how many of you idiots believed Tina Fey's inaccurate statement and then REPEATED!

How many of you idiots claimed that Palin's being governor of Alaska gave her foreign policy experience?

how many of you claim that obama's community organizing gave him foreign policy experience? His lack of experience in foreign policy has hurt this country very badly.

He was Senator. He was 100% right about Iraq in 2002 BEFORE the disaster of the war even began.
Lol, liberals call Palin stupid, but have to edit out parts of her interview to make Obama look smarter. Not looking good for Obama and his worshippers.

Palin by the way for Palin bashers NEVER said this:
Sarah Palin never said “I can see Russia from my house.”
Tina Fey did, in a hilarious skit on Saturday Night Live.
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, on the other hand, said something a little bit different from which the Tina Fey line derived.
To which she gave an earnest, but widely ridiculed, response:
They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”
Subsequent investigations demonstrated that Russia is visible from an Alaskan island, Little Diomede, that sits in the center of the Bering Sea, well north of the Aleutian Islands.
Did Sarah Palin Really Say I Can See Russia from My House

BUT how many of you idiots believed Tina Fey's inaccurate statement and then REPEATED!

How many of you idiots claimed that Palin's being governor of Alaska gave her foreign policy experience?

how many of you claim that obama's community organizing gave him foreign policy experience? His lack of experience in foreign policy has hurt this country very badly.
What was Bush's excuse?
The deceptive bastards. They didn't want her to upstage Obama on foreign policy and governing, something he had zero experience at.

ABC News Edited Out Key Parts of Sarah Palin Interview

of course they did. Why is anyone surprised? Palin is a bit of a buffoon, but the lib media has been scared shitless of her for years.

Scared? How? By criticizing her? Put that measure on Obama vs. you people.

by continuing to be obsessed with her even though she holds no position, has no authority, and zero power to do anything besides talk.

the number of anti-palin threads on this message board prove my point.
Lol, liberals call Palin stupid, but have to edit out parts of her interview to make Obama look smarter. Not looking good for Obama and his worshippers.

Palin by the way for Palin bashers NEVER said this:
Sarah Palin never said “I can see Russia from my house.”
Tina Fey did, in a hilarious skit on Saturday Night Live.
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, on the other hand, said something a little bit different from which the Tina Fey line derived.
To which she gave an earnest, but widely ridiculed, response:
They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”
Subsequent investigations demonstrated that Russia is visible from an Alaskan island, Little Diomede, that sits in the center of the Bering Sea, well north of the Aleutian Islands.
Did Sarah Palin Really Say I Can See Russia from My House

BUT how many of you idiots believed Tina Fey's inaccurate statement and then REPEATED!

How many of you idiots claimed that Palin's being governor of Alaska gave her foreign policy experience?

how many of you claim that obama's community organizing gave him foreign policy experience? His lack of experience in foreign policy has hurt this country very badly.
What was Bush's excuse?

same as Clinton's, Kerry's, Gore's, and every dem who supported and authorized the Iraq fiasco----------bad intel.
Lol, liberals call Palin stupid, but have to edit out parts of her interview to make Obama look smarter. Not looking good for Obama and his worshippers.

Palin by the way for Palin bashers NEVER said this:
Sarah Palin never said “I can see Russia from my house.”
Tina Fey did, in a hilarious skit on Saturday Night Live.
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, on the other hand, said something a little bit different from which the Tina Fey line derived.
To which she gave an earnest, but widely ridiculed, response:
They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”
Subsequent investigations demonstrated that Russia is visible from an Alaskan island, Little Diomede, that sits in the center of the Bering Sea, well north of the Aleutian Islands.
Did Sarah Palin Really Say I Can See Russia from My House

BUT how many of you idiots believed Tina Fey's inaccurate statement and then REPEATED!

How many of you idiots claimed that Palin's being governor of Alaska gave her foreign policy experience?

how many of you claim that obama's community organizing gave him foreign policy experience? His lack of experience in foreign policy has hurt this country very badly.

Hurt us how?
The deceptive bastards. They didn't want her to upstage Obama on foreign policy and governing, something he had zero experience at.

ABC News Edited Out Key Parts of Sarah Palin Interview

of course they did. Why is anyone surprised? Palin is a bit of a buffoon, but the lib media has been scared shitless of her for years.

Scared? How? By criticizing her? Put that measure on Obama vs. you people.

by continuing to be obsessed with her even though she holds no position, has no authority, and zero power to do anything besides talk.

the number of anti-palin threads on this message board prove my point.

Who started this thread?
Lol, liberals call Palin stupid, but have to edit out parts of her interview to make Obama look smarter. Not looking good for Obama and his worshippers.

Palin by the way for Palin bashers NEVER said this:
Sarah Palin never said “I can see Russia from my house.”
Tina Fey did, in a hilarious skit on Saturday Night Live.
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, on the other hand, said something a little bit different from which the Tina Fey line derived.
To which she gave an earnest, but widely ridiculed, response:
They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”
Subsequent investigations demonstrated that Russia is visible from an Alaskan island, Little Diomede, that sits in the center of the Bering Sea, well north of the Aleutian Islands.
Did Sarah Palin Really Say I Can See Russia from My House

BUT how many of you idiots believed Tina Fey's inaccurate statement and then REPEATED!

How many of you idiots claimed that Palin's being governor of Alaska gave her foreign policy experience?

how many of you claim that obama's community organizing gave him foreign policy experience? His lack of experience in foreign policy has hurt this country very badly.
What was Bush's excuse?

same as Clinton's, Kerry's, Gore's, and every dem who supported and authorized the Iraq fiasco----------bad intel.

Obama didn't support it.
The deceptive bastards. They didn't want her to upstage Obama on foreign policy and governing, something he had zero experience at.

ABC News Edited Out Key Parts of Sarah Palin Interview
We've seen her speak of foreign policy experience. It was the ability to see Russia from Alaska.

That was a SNL parody. Same as news for lefties.
Parody must have a basis in reality or it is not funny.

Also, another parody that was really funny but went mostly unnoticed was the Palin-like Character portrayed as president in this movie:

Her character did not seem so far-fetched in a movie that was totally far-fetched.
Lol, liberals call Palin stupid, but have to edit out parts of her interview to make Obama look smarter. Not looking good for Obama and his worshippers.

Palin by the way for Palin bashers NEVER said this:
Sarah Palin never said “I can see Russia from my house.”
Tina Fey did, in a hilarious skit on Saturday Night Live.
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, on the other hand, said something a little bit different from which the Tina Fey line derived.
To which she gave an earnest, but widely ridiculed, response:
They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”
Subsequent investigations demonstrated that Russia is visible from an Alaskan island, Little Diomede, that sits in the center of the Bering Sea, well north of the Aleutian Islands.
Did Sarah Palin Really Say I Can See Russia from My House

BUT how many of you idiots believed Tina Fey's inaccurate statement and then REPEATED!

How many of you idiots claimed that Palin's being governor of Alaska gave her foreign policy experience?

how many of you claim that obama's community organizing gave him foreign policy experience? His lack of experience in foreign policy has hurt this country very badly.

Hurt us how?

we are the joke of the world under the obama administration. Putin has more credibility than obama.
how about obama's red line in Syria? his lies that he is stopping the Iranian nuke process, his lies that al queda is on the run, his lies that ISIS is JV?

your boy is a terrible president, face it.
Last edited:
Lol, liberals call Palin stupid, but have to edit out parts of her interview to make Obama look smarter. Not looking good for Obama and his worshippers.

Not looking good? This happened in 2008 you idiot.
They are digging deep, much like when their hands are down the backs of their pants...

You would think that after the 2014 election these tools would have something better to talk about than Sarah Palin.

I suspect the O/P has Sarah's picture pinned to the ceiling over his bed in his mom's basement.

Also note the righties on here aren't dissing the O/P for being "obsessed" with her.
Better than the Obama poster on your ceiling.
The deceptive bastards. They didn't want her to upstage Obama on foreign policy and governing, something he had zero experience at.

ABC News Edited Out Key Parts of Sarah Palin Interview

of course they did. Why is anyone surprised? Palin is a bit of a buffoon, but the lib media has been scared shitless of her for years.

Scared? How? By criticizing her? Put that measure on Obama vs. you people.

by continuing to be obsessed with her even though she holds no position, has no authority, and zero power to do anything besides talk.

the number of anti-palin threads on this message board prove my point.

Who started this thread?

this one is about the media lying about what she said. try to keep up.
Lol, liberals call Palin stupid, but have to edit out parts of her interview to make Obama look smarter. Not looking good for Obama and his worshippers.

Palin by the way for Palin bashers NEVER said this:
Sarah Palin never said “I can see Russia from my house.”
Tina Fey did, in a hilarious skit on Saturday Night Live.
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, on the other hand, said something a little bit different from which the Tina Fey line derived.
To which she gave an earnest, but widely ridiculed, response:
They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”
Subsequent investigations demonstrated that Russia is visible from an Alaskan island, Little Diomede, that sits in the center of the Bering Sea, well north of the Aleutian Islands.
Did Sarah Palin Really Say I Can See Russia from My House

BUT how many of you idiots believed Tina Fey's inaccurate statement and then REPEATED!

How many of you idiots claimed that Palin's being governor of Alaska gave her foreign policy experience?

how many of you claim that obama's community organizing gave him foreign policy experience? His lack of experience in foreign policy has hurt this country very badly.

Hurt us how?

Well let's start when he was a Senator in 2007 and was so ignorant of how his words would be manipulated and used to KILL Americans.
Words like this:... "so that we're not just air-raiding villages and killing civilians, which is causing enormous pressure over there."

Harvard study...
The Harvard Study asked: THE EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT
"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

The resounding answer WAS YES!!! according to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.
Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war.
In Iraqi provinces that were broadly comparable in social and economic terms, attacks increased between 7 percent and 10 percent following what the researchers call "high-mention weeks," like the two just before the November 2006 election.
Proof that Obama was so dumb in foreign affairs he had NO idea his words were to be used to kill US troops! Dumb!
Lol, liberals call Palin stupid, but have to edit out parts of her interview to make Obama look smarter. Not looking good for Obama and his worshippers.

Palin by the way for Palin bashers NEVER said this:
Sarah Palin never said “I can see Russia from my house.”
Tina Fey did, in a hilarious skit on Saturday Night Live.
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, on the other hand, said something a little bit different from which the Tina Fey line derived.
To which she gave an earnest, but widely ridiculed, response:
They’re our next-door neighbors. And you can actually see Russia, from land, here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”
Subsequent investigations demonstrated that Russia is visible from an Alaskan island, Little Diomede, that sits in the center of the Bering Sea, well north of the Aleutian Islands.
Did Sarah Palin Really Say I Can See Russia from My House

BUT how many of you idiots believed Tina Fey's inaccurate statement and then REPEATED!

How many of you idiots claimed that Palin's being governor of Alaska gave her foreign policy experience?

how many of you claim that obama's community organizing gave him foreign policy experience? His lack of experience in foreign policy has hurt this country very badly.

Hurt us how?

we are the joke of the world under the obama administration. Putin has more credibility than obama.
how about obama's red line in Syria? his lies that he is stopping the Iranian nuke process, his lies that al queda is on the run, his lies that ISIS is JV?

your buy is a terrible president, face it.

All of that is pure bullshit.

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