ABC, CBS, NBC Are 'Censoring Footgage' of Union Thug Violence in Lansing

Really show me a photo of a TPM throwing a left hook.

Here's a photo of a Rand Paul supporter stomping on a woman's head.


Happy now?

:eusa_clap: Weak.... very weak!

Plus, IF that were an actual assault, I'd agree with ya... but we all know it wasn't.

Nice try though. :cool:

Like we all knew Jeep was moving to China? Like we all knew Romney was going to win the election because the polls were skewed?
Really show me a photo of a TPM throwing a left hook.

Here's a photo of a Rand Paul supporter stomping on a woman's head.


Happy now?

:eusa_clap: Weak.... very weak!

Plus, IF that were an actual assault, I'd agree with ya... but we all know it wasn't.

Nice try though. :cool:

Actual assault?

Tim Profitt Gets Probation After Physical Scuffle During 2010 Election Season

LEXINGTON, Ky. — A former campaign worker for U.S. Sen. Rand Paul has agreed to serve probation and pay medical expenses in an assault on a liberal activist during the 2010 election.

Assistant Fayette County Attorney Jackie Alexander says 53-year-old Tim Profitt agreed to an Alford plea on Monday. It means he acknowledged that prosecutors had enough evidence to convict him in the assault but didn't admit guilt.

Think before you post, genius.
Liberal and conservative bias on this Board are quite obvious everyday.

And the bias is not so bad media wise that we, indeed, do here about TPM numbskulls and Union guys full of too must testosterone and not enough common sense.
Now if these were Tea Partiers, the networks would be showing the violence 24/7

Of course they would. But the mindless on this board will tell you there is no Liberal media bias.

So when was the TP screwed over like these union guys, except by Pubs THEMSELVES (so DUMB)? See sig pp1..

The unions and smart journalists may be Dems, but the greedy a-holes running ABC, CBS, and NBC only care about ratings and controversy, and bend over backwards to repeat your greedy rich masters' BS like it might be true.
Union Thugs Demolish Lansing,Michigan Hot Dog Vendor Clint Tarver’s Equipment [Photo] Update: “N*gger, Uncle Tom” –Slurs Confirmed | Ironic Surrealism

Union Thugs Demolish Lansing,Michigan Hot Dog Vendor Clint Tarver’s Equipment [Photo] Update: “N*gger, Uncle Tom” –Slurs Confirmed

Early today[December 11, 2012], Clint Tarver, known as “The Hot Dog Guy” here in Lansing had his business attacked and destroyed by out of line and out of control protesters near the Capitol.

Everyone who has passed the hot dog cart knows what a kind and caring individual Clint is. He never fails to bestow a smile or friendly greeting. In no way [did] he provoke this attack, nor any of the behavior displayed toward him.

Beyond the Cart: The Story of Clint Tarver:

[ame=]Beyond the Cart: The Story of Clint Tarver - YouTube[/ame]

Regardless of your position on current legislation, rebuilding Clint’s Hot Dogs is something we can all support. Please give what you can to get this deserving businessman back out there!

If you would like to help Clint get back on his feet

Update 2: The plot thickens!

The woman (Lorilea Susanne) who set up the fundraising page for Clint has spoken to his wife. Apparently Clint was hired to provide catering for the Americans For Prosperity tent which was also destroyed by union thugs.

*UPDATE* 11:40am – I have spoken with Linda Lee, Clint’s wife. She says he is absolutely overwhelmed with our support, even more so than by the events of yesterday. I would like to clarify the events, however. Clint hired as a caterer for the AFP tent which was torn down. He was much more concerned about the others, and particularly helped to get the women out of the tent. It was when he returned to gather his equipment that the taunts and racial slurs began. He says the working people did not respect the working man. He was not there to be political; he was just there to serve. This is the Clint we know and love. Please, let’s respect him and leave our political opinions out of this. This is about our support for Clint.

Emphasis hers.

Update 7: Lee Stranahan’s in person interview with Clint The Hot Dog Guy. Topic: The union mob racist attack and the the attack on the AFP tent in Lansing. At first Clint was caught in the crossfire then the vicious union mob turned their racist anger towards him. He was working for the enemy –Americans For Prosperity. Thus deserving of their wrath.

[ame=]Clint The Hot Dog Guy : Union Mob Racist Attack In Lansing - YouTube[/ame]

Good Lord. Of course, they have no sense of shame, but are they also completely lacking a sense of irony? I mean, the Left has spent nearly four years building their “Tea Party is racist” meme, and the AFL-CIO brutes — who were nearly all white, as Stranahan reports and video verifies — decide they’ll just waste all that liberal media propaganda in order to terrorize a guy whose only “crime” is serving hot dogs?
Let's see.....

Young punk provokes old union guy. Old union guy whips his sorry ass. Young guy then whines about it on national TV.

Am I the only one that finds this all to be hilarious?

Okay, so if a young occupy movement punk provokes a old tea party guy, by saying he should pay his way, and he sucker punches and beats him down. You still find that funny?


Kind of like I thoroughly enjoyed that ass whipping Nolan Ryan gave to that batter.
Union Democrat supporters are racists pig fuckers. I don't know if i could find this any more disgusting. I seriously hope that those who participated in the destruction of private property and those calling that man a ****** and such, are proud of themselves. They sure are classy.
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