A 'Timely' Diversion for Obama: The Paris Climate Change Summit


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
On the heels of the Paris terrorist attacks.... on the heels of the 'revelation' that Obama has supplied, armed, trained, and even protected ISIS and its 'black market' oil dealings which have funded 50% of its terrorist operations - like the invasion of Iraq, the slaughter of thousands of Christian Iraqi men / women / children, and the terrorist attacks on Paris that left over 150 dead and almost as many wounded...

Obama declared to the world that our greatest threat is global Warming....and what a 'rebuke' of ISIS is will be to go ahead with the Climate Summit in Paris...

More importantly it is the perfect, timely diversion to take the world's attention that Obama has been ISIS partner, protector, arms dealer, terrorist facilitator, and Public Relations director!


As hundreds of world leaders and reps flock to Paris in preparation for the summit, the news and headlines regarding Climate Change are not much kinder to them than those regarding ISIS:

1. Global warming summit will produce '300,000 TONS of C02' as 50,000 people travel to Paris from across the world for two-week conference
LINK: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3339333/Let-s-hope-talks-aren-t-load-hot-air-Global-warming-summit-produce-300-000-TONS-C02-50-000-people-travel-Paris-world-two-week-conference.html

I thought their goal was to SAVE the planet?! :p

2. Skeptical Climate Documentary Set to Rock UN Climate Summit – ‘Climate Hustle’ To Have Red Carpet Premiere in Paris
LINK: http://www.climatedepot.com/2015/11/29/skeptical-climate-documentary-set-to-rock-un-climate-summit-film-to-have-red-carpet-premiere-in-paris/

"Featuring interviews and comments from more than 30 renowned scientists and climate experts, Climate Hustle lays out compelling evidence that devastates the global warming scare. Film host Marc Morano, founder and publisher of CFACT’s award-winning Climate Depot news and information service, leads viewers on a fact-finding and often times hilarious journey through the propaganda-laced world of “climate change” claims.

The film is the first climate documentary to profile scientists who have reversed their views from supporting the so-called “consensus” position to a conversion to skepticism. The film also profiles politically left scientists who have now declared themselves skeptics of man-made global warming and United Nations scientists who have now turned against the UN for “distorting” climate science.

Nationally syndicated columnist Cal Thomas calls Climate Hustle “tremendous” and says “anyone who still believes in ‘climate change’ after watching this film needs the type of reprogramming given to cult members.”


My favorite story, though, is how Global Warming 'scientists' warn how we will all have to watch for 'flying boulders':

The new danger of climate change... 'flying boulders': Scientists warn giant rocks will be catapulted into the air during powerful superstorms caused by global warming

LINK: 'Flying boulders' are another danger of climate change

** Reminds me of the bit in the Monty Python Movie, the holy Grail, where they're trying to decide whether a woman is a witch or not - one of the knights asks the village people 'What else FLOATS?' and one answers 'little tiny rocks.'

Yes, Global Warming Scientists believes storms picked up humongous boulders and placed them high atop mountains and in other locations......Beware the 'flying boulders'! :p

(It is worth noting that these same geniuses warned us in 2008 that if we did not act quickly NYC would be under water ... in 2015!)

Thank God Obama is going to save us from Global Warming, whether we like it or not, while continuing to support, fund, arm, and defend ISIS....
He's like the gay black man on the block, who invites all the gang members to his house. He prances around pretending to be their leader...smiling...speaking meaningless platitudes...everyone is happy...everyone lets him get away with the charade...because in the end, they will all get paid.
Lucky for the world that Prez Barry multi-tasks so well.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to create jobs, economic recovery, deal with the single biggest issue of our time and a whole lot more - all while conducting more than 7000 attacks on ISIL and killing more ISIL and more terrorists than anyone else in history.

Meanwhile, the Repubs are still obstructing and DOing absolutely nothing besides still mourning bin Laden and accusing our military of lying.

The rest of the 65 countries in Obama's coalition have managed about 2000 attacks and Pooting is still thinking about how to stay home, starve his people, drive his own country further into bankruptcy, continue to buck up Assad and make the low-info RWNJs in the US believe he's actually doing something.

And the RWNJ traitors in the US? They just keep lying.


Just more proof the man's a blithering idiot... climate change... what next, the tooth fairy?
The rest of the 65 countries in Obama's coalition have managed about 2000 attacks and Pooting is still thinking about how to stay home, starve his people, drive his own country further into bankruptcy, continue to buck up Assad and make the low-info RWNJs in the US believe he's actually doing something.

And the RWNJ traitors in the US? They just keep lying.


Speaking of crazies....

Obama prevented his 'coalition' from striking critical ISIS targets, to include ISIS HQs, oil facilities, and approx. 2,000 oil tankers which ISIS used to engage in black market oil dealings with Turkey, funding 50% of their terrorist activities. It was not until after the Paris terrorist attacks that Paris finally had enough of Obama's 'Rules of Engagement' which protected ISIS and began - with Russia's help - striking the critical until-then 'off limit' ISIS targets.

Until then, after 6 months of 'targeting ISIS' NO oil facilities and tankers had been struck In 3 days France and Russia struck a reported approximate 1,500 tankers, several key oil facilities, and 3 ISIS HQs. The French were reporting they could not believe the targets that had been protected - our own pilots had been complaining for months about coming back from missions with missiles and bombs still on the rails because the Obama administration would not approve certain targets.

'Obama's coalition' rebelled and began striking on their own!

We now KNOW Obama armed ISIS. We KNOW Obama supplied them and even trained troops for them (5 fighters trained, supplied, armed, and sent into Syria to join ISIS at a cost of millions to Americans)

...and you call Americans who are willing to stand up and point this out 'traitors'?! F* YOU! Ignore the facts, if you want, but you can take that shite and shove it where your head is - up Obama's arse....

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