A third of the world could live in places as hot as the Sahara desert by 2070, World Economic Forum warns

You have a long running habit of ignoring my links, while YOU habitually fail to post yours.

Buuut...you are a liar and have no such link. I wasnt asking honestly. Such a link does not exist. I just wanted to pull your string and watch you flail.
You have a long running habit of ignoring my links, while YOU habitually fail to post yours.

Buuut...you are a liar and have no such link.


Ah you can prove me a liar.... if you just Google it up....., too bad you will never do it.

I have known about this for a few years now, it is all over the internet, if you would only google it up you would see many articles about it.

Naaah you are too lazy and stupid to figure it out.

Here are a few headlines you could have seen.... if you used google:

15 To 20 Foot Sea Level Rise Possible Sooner Rather Than Later

Sea Levels Could Rise At Least 20 Feet

Sea Level Could Rise at Least 6 Meters

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Ah you can prove me a liar..
Absolutely. Anyone with a functioning brain cell who actually read his comments ( you didn't, you are a moron regurgitating what paid liars were paid to write to fool morons like you) knows you are wrong.


I just destroyed your position by slowly drawing you out, while I gave YOU several opportunities to prove me wrong, you never did because you are full of stupidity. Three headlines I posted should have slowed you down, but nooooo…. FULL SPEED AHEAD right over the cliff.

Anyone with a brain at all would know google was just a few finger tips away, Me and ReinyDays gave you lazy asses several hints, in the end it was too hard for brain dead warmists/alarmists to handle.
Ah you can prove me a liar.... if you just Google it up....., too bad you will never do it.

Dumbass, how does one prove by googling that Hansen _didn't_ make a certain insane prediction? It's like asking us to prove by web search that Hansen didn't say the moon is made of cheese. You made the stupid positive claim, so the onus is on you to prove it or retract it.

I have known about this for a few years now, it is all over the internet, if you would only google it up you would see many articles about it.

And thus Tommy, by his own standards, admits to being a puppy-kicker. After all, I say you can just google up stories of his puppy-kicking, so that settles it. Tommy just loves to kick puppies. I mean, do you see this headline?


15 To 20 Foot Sea Level Rise Possible Sooner Rather Than Later

<snap><snap>Cletus, over here. Pay attention. You made the kook claim that Hansen predicted a 20 foot sea level rise by now. Pasting random unsourced headlines is not evidence for that. You're crying and running, and everyone sees it.

Next time, when I catch you pushing some stupidity that your cult fed you, just admit you were bamboozled, or even just quietly slink away. I won't pursue you for being stupid.

However, you can't use stupidity as an excuse now. You've graduated to deliberate fraud, and that should be highlighted. If you'll engage in fraud this brazen here, it means that everything else you say should initially be assumed to be just as fraudulent.
Ah you can prove me a liar..
Absolutely. Anyone with a functioning brain cell who actually read his comments ( you didn't, you are a moron regurgitating what paid liars were paid to write to fool morons like you) knows you are wrong.


I just destroyed your position by slowly drawing you out, while I gave YOU several opportunities to prove me wrong, you never did because you are full of stupidity. Three headlines I posted should have slowed you down, but nooooo…. FULL SPEED AHEAD right over the cliff.

Anyone with a brain at all would know google was just a few finger tips away, Me and ReinyDays gave you lazy asses several hints, in the end it was too hard for brain dead warmists/alarmists to handle.
I have already read his comments. Like, years ago, when your dumb ass was reading your first denier blog and pulling your taffy. He did not say what you claim b

I am not sure what you think you destroyed....you are an angry, ignorant slob with no education or experience in any relevant field. Yet you honestly think you have outsmarted the global scientific community. You are an embarrassing idiot.
Ah you can prove me a liar.... if you just Google it up....., too bad you will never do it.

Dumbass, how does one prove by googling that Hansen _didn't_ make a certain prediction? You made the stupid positive claim, so the onus is on you to prove it or retract it.

I have known about this for a few years now, it is all over the internet, if you would only google it up you would see many articles about it.

And thus Tommy, by his own standards, admits to being a puppy-kicker. After all, I say you can just google it up stories of his puppy-kicking, so that settles it. Tommy just loves to kick puppies. I mean, do you see this headline?


15 To 20 Foot Sea Level Rise Possible Sooner Rather Than Later

<snap><snap>Cletus, over here. Pay attention. You made the kook claim that Hansen predicted a 20 foot sea level rise by now. Pasting random unsourced headlines is not evidence for that. You're crying and running, and everyone sees it.

Next time, when I catch you pushing some stupidity that your cult fed you, just admit you were bamboozled, or even just quietly slink away. I won't pursue you for being stupid.

However, you can't use stupidity as an excuse now. You've graduated to deliberate fraud, and that should be highlighted. If you'll engage in fraud this brazen here, it means that everyone else you say should also be assumed to be just as fraudulent.

No I am drawing you out slowly because you are a continuous troll, constantly avoiding the post one article in thread after thread, over and over. You are not here to debate but to post insults, personal attacks and empty off topic drivel.

I posted THREE actual headlines using Google search, they are real.... but you are even now, denying they exist.

Ah you can prove me a liar..
Absolutely. Anyone with a functioning brain cell who actually read his comments ( you didn't, you are a moron regurgitating what paid liars were paid to write to fool morons like you) knows you are wrong.


I just destroyed your position by slowly drawing you out, while I gave YOU several opportunities to prove me wrong, you never did because you are full of stupidity. Three headlines I posted should have slowed you down, but nooooo…. FULL SPEED AHEAD right over the cliff.

Anyone with a brain at all would know google was just a few finger tips away, Me and ReinyDays gave you lazy asses several hints, in the end it was too hard for brain dead warmists/alarmists to handle.
I have already read his comments. Like, years ago, when your dumb ass was reading your first denier blog and pulling your taffy. He did not say what you claim b

I am not sure what you think you destroyed....you are an angry, ignorant slob with no education or experience in any relevant field. Yet you honestly think you have outsmarted the global scientific community. You are an embarrassing idiot.

Still going to ignore those three headlines....

No I am drawing you out slowly
By making ridiculous claims at odds with all the evidence and by just stating flat out lies.

Has this strategy of making yourself look like a moron ever actually worked for you?

Oh I am going to enjoy it when I post the links to those headlines you are ignoring, maybe in the morning?

You have been warned that they are real, you blaze on with the childish insults …...
Oh I am going to enjoy it when I post the links to those headlines you are ignoring, maybe in the morning?
I will ignore those, too. You are tasked with relating hansen's actual comments, not with regurgitating a bunch of lying blogs you never read.

See you in...never
No I am drawing you out slowly because you are a continuous troll,

Says the self-admitted puppy kicker.

Let's go back to what you ran weeping from in post #36. You know, the hard evidence that directly debunked your shit claim.

Reiss verified this fact to me, but he later sent the message: "I went back to my book and reread the interview I had with you. I am embarrassed to say that although the book text is correct, in remembering our original conversation, during a casual phone interview with a Salon magazine reporter in 2001 I was off in years. What I asked you originally at your office window was for a prediction of what Broadway would look like in 40 years, not 20. But when I spoke to the Salon reporter 10 years later - probably because I'd been watching the predictions come true, I remembered it as a 20 year question.

Hansen's prediction was for 40 years after a doubling, not for 20 years from the date of the prediction. As there hasn't been a doubling, that 40 year clock hasn't started running yet.

See? You. Are. Lying. And by now, you know it, so you can no longer use stupidity as an excuse.

constantly avoiding the post one article in thread after thread, over and over. You are not here to debate but to post insults, personal attacks and empty off topic drivel.

That's the usual tantrum you throw after you get busted for parroting cult lies. It's how you signal your abject humiliation to everyone. Time to carve another notch in my fraud-smacking stick.

I posted THREE actual headlines using Google search, they are real.... but you are even now, denying they exist.

I'm not sure if you said that out of stupidity or dishonesty. No matter.

I'm not denying they exist. I'm pointing out they don't support your claim in any way. Because they don't.

You can't back up your claim, in any way, that Hansen predicted a 20 foot sea level rise by now.

I directly debunked the source of that conspiracy theory.

I suggest you slink away now. This isn't a debate. You made up a stupid story, you got called on it. Now you're just blubbering, and watching you cry is causing people to cringe in sympathetic embarrassment.
its the end of the world if we dont do something, my friends!

Who the fuck cares? The Warmers say we have less than 11 years left!
The Warmers said that we have lost both polar caps in 2020.
Ok. He said about ice-free North Pole.
No I am drawing you out slowly because you are a continuous troll,

Says the self-admitted puppy kicker.

Let's go back to what you ran weeping from in post #36. You know, the hard evidence that directly debunked your shit claim.

Reiss verified this fact to me, but he later sent the message: "I went back to my book and reread the interview I had with you. I am embarrassed to say that although the book text is correct, in remembering our original conversation, during a casual phone interview with a Salon magazine reporter in 2001 I was off in years. What I asked you originally at your office window was for a prediction of what Broadway would look like in 40 years, not 20. But when I spoke to the Salon reporter 10 years later - probably because I'd been watching the predictions come true, I remembered it as a 20 year question.

Hansen's prediction was for 40 years after a doubling, not for 20 years from the date of the prediction. As there hasn't been a doubling, that 40 year clock hasn't started running yet.

See? You. Are. Lying. And by now, you know it, so you can no longer use stupidity as an excuse.

constantly avoiding the post one article in thread after thread, over and over. You are not here to debate but to post insults, personal attacks and empty off topic drivel.

That's the usual tantrum you throw after you get busted for parroting cult lies. It's how you signal your abject humiliation to everyone. Time to carve another notch in my fraud-smacking stick.

I posted THREE actual headlines using Google search, they are real.... but you are even now, denying they exist.

I'm not sure if you said that out of stupidity or dishonesty. No matter.

I'm not denying they exist. I'm pointing out they don't support your claim in any way. Because they don't.

You can't back up your claim, in any way, that Hansen predicted a 20 foot sea level rise by now.

I directly debunked the source of that conspiracy theory.

I suggest you slink away now. This isn't a debate. You made up a stupid story, you got called on it. Now you're just blubbering, and watching you cry is causing people to cringe in sympathetic embarrassment.

You write this to show how messed up you are since I never talked about it:

Mamooth writes this howler, I never talked about in this thread:

"Reiss verified this fact to me, but he later sent the message: "I went back to my book and reread the interview I had with you. I am embarrassed to say that although the book text is correct, in remembering our original conversation, during a casual phone interview with a Salon magazine reporter in 2001 I was off in years. What I asked you originally at your office window was for a prediction of what Broadway would look like in 40 years, not 20. But when I spoke to the Salon reporter 10 years later - probably because I'd been watching the predictions come true, I remembered it as a 20 year question.

Hansen's prediction was for 40 years after a doubling, not for 20 years from the date of the prediction. As there hasn't been a doubling, that 40 year clock hasn't started running yet."


I wasn't talking about that at all, I was talking about a different sea level rise discussion. Yours was about a small sea level rise prediction in New York City, I am talking about a sea level rise in general worldwide, not at all about New York City.

You are stupid as shit!


I read that link in post 36, its not on topic or pertains to his 15-20 feet sea level increase he once stated.

I see that you two are sooo lazy to google any of those THREE Headlines (they are real) talking about it, in fact you are TERRIFIED to do it, which is why you rant on with your usual babblings instead, it reveals your inner insecurities very well, with that puppy whining and claims of lies and frauds.

You effort to project your mental illness onto others doesn't work here.

Here is a snippet:

"However, the fundamental issue is linearity versus non-linearity. Hansen (2005, 2007) argues that amplifying feedbacks make ice sheet disintegration necessarily highly non-linear, and that IPCC’s BAU forcing is so huge that it is difficult to see how ice shelves would survive. As warming increases, the number of ice streams contributing to mass loss will increase, contributing to a nonlinear response that should be approximated better by an exponential than by a linear fit. Hansen (2007) suggested that a 10-year doubling time was plausible, and pointed out that such a doubling time, from a 1 mm per year ice sheet contribution to sea level in the decade 2005-2015, would lead to a cumulative 5 m sea level rise by 2095 [Hansen and Sato Figure 7].


But I will give you thus to cry over, this is from Dr. Hansen's paper he co authored with Sato:

Page 14,


Fig. 7. Five-meter sea level change in 21st century under assumption of linear change and exponential change (Hansen, 2007), the latter with a 10-year doubling time."

bolding, large size mine

also this:

"Alley (2010) reviewed projections of sea level rise by 2100, showing several clustered around 1 m and one outlier at 5 m, all of these approximated as linear in his graph. The 5 m estimate is what Hansen (2007) suggested was possible under IPCC’s BAU climate forcing. Such a graph is comforting – not only does the 5-meter sea level rise disagree with all other projections, but its half-meter sea level rise this decade is clearly preposterous."

bolding mine


Hansen falsified: His extreme sea level rise projections are drowning in hubris

The rest HERE


You have been smashed, you were warned, you reply with anger and empty attacks anyway, now I showed you what Dr. Hansen himself states 5 M rise was brought up in his own paper.

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Oh I am going to enjoy it when I post the links to those headlines you are ignoring, maybe in the morning?
I will ignore those, too. You are tasked with relating hansen's actual comments, not with regurgitating a bunch of lying blogs you never read.

See you in...never

Your premature confidence is your undoing, you couldn't wait to till morning to see what I might post, you decided to call me a liar, moron now, but you failed utterly because I decided to post what Hansen writes in his own 25 page paper to Mamooth.

Your bigoty is funny and indicative of your small brain size.

Mamooth writes this howler, I never talked about in this thread:
But you would have talked about it, if I hadn't headed you off. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. It's what denier liars always cite when they pretend Hansen predicted a 20 ft sea level rise by now. And boy howdy, are you upset that you can't use it now.

I am talking about a sea level rise in general worldwide, not at all about New York City.

Okay. You were defending Reiny's claim that Hansen predicted a 20 foot sea level rise by now. Let's see how well you do.

Here is a snippet:

2005-2015, would lead to a cumulative 5 m sea level rise by 2095 [Hansen and Sato Figure 7].
By 2095? Strike one.

By 2100? Strike two.

Fig. 7. Five-meter sea level change in 21st century under assumption of linear change and exponential change (Hansen, 2007), the latter with a 10-year doubling time."
By 2100 again? Strike three. You're out.

Just as we predicted, you were unable to back up the claim that Hansen predicted a 20 ft sea level rise by now. Your own sources repeatedly show that claim is false. I thank you for working so hard to prove us right.

You have been smashed,
You started out defending Reiny's claim that Hansen predicted a 20 ft rise ... by now.

Over and over, we kept challenging you to defend the claim that Hansen predicted a 20 ft rise ... by now.

And in reply, you showed Hansen predicted a 20 ft rise ... by 2100.

It's not the most cowardly and dishonest thing you've done ... wait, maybe it is. But I'd have to compare it with all the other cowardly and dishonest things you've done to be sure, and I'm too bored to do that.
Using actual data ... we'll see 22 inches of sea level rise by year 2100 ... little over a half meter ...

Anyone who has claimed a meter or more may withdraw their comment now ... you're wrong ...
Mamooth misleadingly writes:

"But you would have talked about it, if I hadn't headed you off. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. It's what denier liars always cite when they pretend Hansen predicted a 20 ft sea level rise by now. And boy howdy, are you upset that you can't use it now."

Once again, I never talked about it in the thread, it was YOU who dragged in this deflection. I also never claimed it would be 15-20 higher by now either, that was ReinyDays who did that, here is what I wrote at POST 31

"The fool doesn't realize what Dr. Hansen said about future sea level prediction....., it was close to the 20 feet number....., the actual 15-20 foot number Article was deleted by NASA after he got a lot of flack over the absurd predictions."

That was my FIRST post in reaction to you, and Reinydays over Hansens sea level prediction exchange.

I correctly stated this, of which YOU finally admit was correct when you wrote these:

"By 2095? Strike one."


"By 2100? Strike two."


"By 2100 again? Strike three. You're out."


"And in reply, you showed Hansen predicted a 20 ft rise ... by 2100."

Which I was doing all along.

I NEVER defended the 20 feet rise by now claim, I was defending the FUTURE 15-20 sea level increase PREDICTION made by Dr. Hansen. That is why I posted the link to his paper showing his 15-20 feet sea level rise prediction, by year 2100.

You read poorly, perhaps in your haste to post a gotcha....., it crashed and burned on you. :laugh:

You are a TERRIBLE reader!

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