A Suppressed atrocity: The day Israel attacked the U.S.A.

In the Israeli government investigations historical report, it was acknowledged that IDF naval headquarters knew at least three hours before the attack that the ship was "an electromagnetic audio-surveillance ship of the U.S. Navy"

There are other reports that state IDF knew of the USS Liberty upto 9 hours before the attack...

This is a very detailed account of the attack...

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Typical attempt to deceive by an anti-Israel/anti-Jew cabalist.
While it is true Israel identified an American Naval vessel hours before, as witnessed by the changes of the Liberty's position and status they had no reason to believe the Liberty was that vessel. From your source (note that Rabin made no mention of an American ship in the area):
At 11:24 am, Israeli Chief of Naval Operations received a report that Arish was being shelled from the sea...
Additionally, at 11:27 am Israeli Supreme Command Head of Operations received a report stating that a ship had been shelling Arish, but the shells had fallen short...
At 11:45 am, another report arrived at Supreme Command saying two ships were approaching the Arish coast...
As Commander Oren headed toward Arish, he was informed by Naval Operations of the reported shelling of Arish and told that IAF aircraft would be dispatched to the area after the target had been detected...
Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin was concerned that the supposed Egyptian shelling was the prelude to an amphibious landing that could outflank Israeli forces. Rabin reiterated the standing order to sink any unidentified ships in the area, but advised caution, as Soviet vessels were reportedly operating nearby...

Where was my attempt to deceive?

Did you read my post?

Did it not say Israeli government investigations?

Where is the deception in the Israeli government investigations?
In the Israeli government investigations historical report, it was acknowledged that IDF naval headquarters knew at least three hours before the attack that the ship was "an electromagnetic audio-surveillance ship of the U.S. Navy"

There are other reports that state IDF knew of the USS Liberty upto 9 hours before the attack...

This is a very detailed account of the attack...

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Typical attempt to deceive by an anti-Israel/anti-Jew cabalist.
While it is true Israel identified an American Naval vessel hours before, as witnessed by the changes of the Liberty's position and status they had no reason to believe the Liberty was that vessel. From your source (note that Rabin made no mention of an American ship in the area):
At 11:24 am, Israeli Chief of Naval Operations received a report that Arish was being shelled from the sea...
Additionally, at 11:27 am Israeli Supreme Command Head of Operations received a report stating that a ship had been shelling Arish, but the shells had fallen short...
At 11:45 am, another report arrived at Supreme Command saying two ships were approaching the Arish coast...
As Commander Oren headed toward Arish, he was informed by Naval Operations of the reported shelling of Arish and told that IAF aircraft would be dispatched to the area after the target had been detected...
Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin was concerned that the supposed Egyptian shelling was the prelude to an amphibious landing that could outflank Israeli forces. Rabin reiterated the standing order to sink any unidentified ships in the area, but advised caution, as Soviet vessels were reportedly operating nearby...

The only deception here is your 'selective copy and paste'...

"Official testimony combined with Liberty's deck log say that throughout the morning of the attack, 8 June, the ship was overflown, at various times and locations, by Israeli Air Force (IAF) aircraft. The primary aircraft type was the Nord Noratlas, in addition to two unidentified delta-wing jets at about 9:00 am Sinai time (GMT+2). Liberty crewmembers say that one of the Noratlas aircraft flew so close to Liberty that noise from its propellers rattled the ship's deck plating, and that the pilots and crewmembers waved to each other."

Better to read the whole article to get a factual, balanced view of events don't you think!
Sadly, most American citizens have been brainwashed into thinking that Israel is our 51st state.

And the U.S. is constitutionally obligated to support and defend Israel at all costs. ...... :cool:
That is changing as our elderly population dies out. The younger generation of American's coming up don't feel that way towards Israel. As Bob Dylan said, "Them times are a changing".
The video has interviews with both Israeli military and political figures who were involved.

And several interviews with sailors who were on the USS Liberty when it was attacked. Plus interviews with key members of the Johnson administration.

Additionally, the Captain of the Liberty, who was awarded the Medal of Honor, the US ambassador to Egypt, the US Secretary of State, and many other principals talk about the attack on the USS Liberty.

All in all, a very informative video; and far from being your run of the mill conspiracy video. ...... :cool:
I just saw that video for the first time and I thought it was very informative and proved beyond the shadow of a doubt the Israeli's hit it knowing it was an American vessel.
Fair enough. For whatever reason, the Navy didn't tell the Israelis we were sending a spy ship into a war zone.

That doesn't prove the Israelis attacked the ship knowing it was American. In fact, it indicates exactly the opposite, that they saw a rickety old ship in a war zone and concluded it was like many similar ships purchased by their enemies after WWII.

Again, what did Israel gain by knowingly attacking an American ship?
Intercepted transmissions between Israeli pilots and their command centers, show they knew it was an American ship before they hit it.
I find it quite astounding the number American's on this board that cheer and support Israel's attack on the USS Liberty and the deaths of our sailors as though it's somehow patriotic. .. :cuckoo:
I don't consider them American's, I consider them traitors to this country.
Who gives a rat's ass whom YOU perceive to be traitors to the United States?!!!

The opinions of Militant Muslim apologists, Islamist fifth-columnists and Hamas Useful Idiots don't count for very much around these parts.

You are The Enemy.

And you - and your kind - will not be allowed to spread your Divide-and-Conquer poison - attempting to detach Americans from their favorable view of Israel - without challenge.

The USS Liberty incident was a shitty deal for the US Navy crewmen on that ship, and it was whitewashed five ways to Sunday, but, in the end, agreement was reached - nearly fifty years ago - that the incident was more mistake than malicious intent.

The Israelis did their penance for the incident, much as the United States has done its penance on several occasions in recent decades, for Friendly Fire incidents against allied troops.

You and your Arab Butt Buddies can cram that Malevolent Jewish Conspiracy Theory crap where the sun don't shine.

Can't say as I blame ya'll much, given just how badly Hamas just had its ass kicked this summer, but ya'll can only go to the USS Liberty well so often, before people tune you out, or start calling Bullshit on your all-too-frequently resurrected and all-too-frequently beat-down allegations.

You've reached that point.

And you're not fooling anybody.

You are The Enemy.
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Kondor3 is exactly the type of brainwashed American citizen I was talking about.

He will side with Israel rather than believe the USS Liberty sailor's who emphatically state on the video that the attack by Israel was deliberate and not an accident..

And then has the gall to call other American citizens "the Enemy" for siding with the brave USS Liberty sailors.

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Kondor3 is exactly the type of brainwashed American citizen I was talking about.

He will side with Israel rather than believe the USS Liberty sailor's who emphatically state the attack by Israel was deliberate.

And then has the gall to call other American citizens "the Enemy" for siding with the brave USS Liberty sailors.


I do not side with Israel in this incident - I stand with my countrymen - the victims are the US Navy crew who suffered the attack.

I believe Israel to be at-fault, and I believe that the incident was triggered by a combination of people who mistakenly identified the ship as something else, coupled with people who knew better but, after protesting what they knew, followed the insistent orders of their superiors.

This was a breakdown in intelligence and this was a breakdown in the chain of command and this was a breakdown in communications between the US and Israeli militaries and this was a breakdown in common sense and blind obedience to firing orders even though at least some of those doing the firing already knew better and should not have fired.

But it wasn't a high-level Conspiracy or Plot to kill Americans - there was no motive nor reward in doing so - at such a dangerous time for the State of Israel.

Who wants to piss off their best friend when they're at war, and in dire need of backup, and arms and munitions, to make up for the inventories they were burning-off in the fighting?

In truth, the real Enemy here are Militant Islam apologists who persistently keep the Malevolent Conspiracy Theory alive, to advance the cause of Militant Islam, which, in turn, is the sworn and inveterate enemy of The West at-large, and the American People in particular.

I stand by my earlier observation.

Now... scurry off and call Militant Muslim Propaganda Central again, and ask them how they want you to respond to that one.

There's a good chance that our friend Billo will be manning the phones tonight, so you might even kill two stones with one bird.
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Kondor3 is exactly the type of brainwashed American citizen I was talking about.

He will side with Israel rather than believe the USS Liberty sailor's who emphatically state on the video that the attack by Israel was deliberate and not an accident..

And then has the gall to call other American citizens "the Enemy" for siding with the brave USS Liberty sailors.


Sunni Troll, did you ever think that he is siding with the U.S who themselves said it was an accident ?

And stop trying to pretend you are a patriotic American. You openly support ISIS and always criticize Arab states that work with the U.S.
And stop trying to pretend you are a patriotic American.
Yea, I forgot.........according to people like you. The only way to be a patriotic American is to support Israel in every murderous and savage act that nation does.

Nice deflection. Speaking of murderous and savage acts, you support ISIS who calls for the death of American Soldiers and Civilians. And you support Murderous Arab states and call for Sharia Law in the U.S . This on top of what I said in my last post.
Some patriot you are Sunni Troll :rolleyes:
And stop trying to pretend you are a patriotic American.
According to people like you.

The only way to be a patriotic American is to support Israel in every murderous and savage act that nation commits. ....... :cool:

You can be a patriotic American and NOT support Israel.

What you cannot be is a propaganda shill for Radical or Militant Islam, and still be a patriotic American.

You and yours have taken your stand alongside the sworn and inveterate enemies of the United States.
Toastman. Are you intentionally basing your arguments on things you have wrongly assumed about Sunni Man, or is that just a mistake you made?
Moishe and Abe, two pilots with the IAF, were flying over the open sea when they spied an American ship in the waters. Moishe radioed his fellow-flier and said, "know what Abe?" "What?" responds Abe. "Well, you know, in this war, all the nations side with the Arabs -- whataya say we attack America, our one and only true ally in the whole-wide world, so they can turn on us and make it unanimous?" "You took the words right outta my mouth, Moishe," said Abe as the two planes turned to their left and descended for the attack.

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