A student who removed thousands of 9/11 flags from a college memorial said it was a protest against Islamophobia and US military interventions


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

A student who removed thousands of 9/11 flags from a college memorial said it was a protest against Islamophobia and US military interventions​

Sophia Ankel
Sun, September 12, 2021, 11:53 AM·2 min read


College student is accused of removing flags from a 9/11 memorial to protest against Islamophobia and U.S. military interventions

  • A Washington University student is being accused of removing American flags from a 9/11 display.
  • The man, identified as Fadel Alkilani, was caught on camera putting flags into garbage bags.
  • Alkilani said he wanted to critique the American military interventions that followed 9/11.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.
A student at Washington University unilaterally removed thousands of 9/11 memorial flags and piled them into garbage bags in a protest against Islamophobia and US military interventions, according to the college newspaper.

They really are annoying hypocrites. Don't think for one moment that the left didn't celebrate the day those towers came down. Don't think that for moment.

Ever actually see how the left and taliban agree on very essential issues.

They all hate America
They all hate Israel
They all hate Christianity
They all hate white people

Don't think for one second that they didn't laugh when they saw the whites plunging to their deaths.
Islamaphobia? Is that what this low performer refers to the anger of people against the terror attack of 19 radicals who killed 3000 innocent humans?

If no attack occurred, they wouldn't have to worry about military activity. Blame the radicals and those who funded them.
So...what is going to happen to this asswipe student? Slap on the wrist?
Nah, that's his free speech, dontchaknow? It would serve him right if a couple of local vets vented their anger over the recent events in Afghanistan, to batter him unrecognizable and leave him with a limp forever.

A student who removed thousands of 9/11 flags from a college memorial said it was a protest against Islamophobia and US military interventions​

Sophia Ankel
Sun, September 12, 2021, 11:53 AM·2 min read


College student is accused of removing flags from a 9/11 memorial to protest against Islamophobia and U.S. military interventions

  • A Washington University student is being accused of removing American flags from a 9/11 display.
  • The man, identified as Fadel Alkilani, was caught on camera putting flags into garbage bags.
  • Alkilani said he wanted to critique the American military interventions that followed 9/11.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.
A student at Washington University unilaterally removed thousands of 9/11 memorial flags and piled them into garbage bags in a protest against Islamophobia and US military interventions, according to the college newspaper.

They really are annoying hypocrites. Don't think for one moment that the left didn't celebrate the day those towers came down. Don't think that for moment.

Ever actually see how the left and taliban agree on very essential issues.

They all hate America
They all hate Israel
They all hate Christianity
They all hate white people

Don't think for one second that they didn't laugh when they saw the whites plunging to their deaths.
Spreading propaganda...

And the bullshit student should go back to whatever trash country he came from. He, too, was trying to hide the truth.

Smells like another CAIR PR stunt.
Your link:

"Alkilani has since defended his actions, saying he wanted to protest the Islamophobia and American military interventions that came after the 9/11 attacks.

"'Any memorial of 9/11 that does not contend with these facts is not only incomplete, but it also amplifies pro-imperialist sentiment and actively disrespects those who have died because of American Invasion...'"

Since 1945 (at least) US imperialism has been responsible for overthrowing an elected Prime Minister in Iran, supported a corrupt royal dynasty in Saudi Arabia that had more to do with 911 than anyone associated with Afghanistan, and murdered millions of innocent civilians from Korea to Kandahar.

On 9/11/2001, those chickens came home to roost.
These folks growing up today...have no respect for others' property, others' free speech. It is HIS way and only his way and if you don't like that too bad there's nothing you can do about it.

Is this not the typical leftist behavior. ANyone not of their belief system is wrong and violence or lawlessness against said persons is justifiable. And of course you don't hear a thing out of the courts...they don't even care about justice anymore. Probably don't recognize it. All products of gov't schools.
He must be so smart, sad to think he could immigrate and escape from being an ugly American, probably not because mommy and daddy are still paying his way.
Your link:

"Alkilani has since defended his actions, saying he wanted to protest the Islamophobia and American military interventions that came after the 9/11 attacks.

"'Any memorial of 9/11 that does not contend with these facts is not only incomplete, but it also amplifies pro-imperialist sentiment and actively disrespects those who have died because of American Invasion...'"

Since 1945 (at least) US imperialism has been responsible for overthrowing an elected Prime Minister in Iran, supported a corrupt royal dynasty in Saudi Arabia that had more to do with 911 than anyone associated with Afghanistan, and murdered millions of innocent civilians from Korea to Kandahar.

On 9/11/2001, those chickens came home to roost.
Good for the USA.
Probably a gofundme campaign and outrage from the Progressives about the persecution he is experiencing.
A Go Fund Me page may take care of any fine that the kid is slapped with, but if he is thrown is jail for stealing them flags like he should be, only he can serve whatever sentence is issued.

God bless you always!!!


A student who removed thousands of 9/11 flags from a college memorial said it was a protest against Islamophobia and US military interventions​

Sophia Ankel
Sun, September 12, 2021, 11:53 AM·2 min read


College student is accused of removing flags from a 9/11 memorial to protest against Islamophobia and U.S. military interventions

  • A Washington University student is being accused of removing American flags from a 9/11 display.
  • The man, identified as Fadel Alkilani, was caught on camera putting flags into garbage bags.
  • Alkilani said he wanted to critique the American military interventions that followed 9/11.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.
A student at Washington University unilaterally removed thousands of 9/11 memorial flags and piled them into garbage bags in a protest against Islamophobia and US military interventions, according to the college newspaper.

They really are annoying hypocrites. Don't think for one moment that the left didn't celebrate the day those towers came down. Don't think that for moment.

Ever actually see how the left and taliban agree on very essential issues.

They all hate America
They all hate Israel
They all hate Christianity
They all hate white people

Don't think for one second that they didn't laugh when they saw the whites plunging to their deaths.
Find out the purchase price of the flags and the cost of installing them

Make him pay that amount plus community service

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