A retraction: The selfishness of #NeverTrump


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
The Land of Sanctuary
After having time to clear my head, and after reading over what I wrote, I am retracting the post in it's entirety. It is not my place to judge others, or even accost others for who they vote for. While I still think it's a selfish line of reasoning, I had no right to do what I did. And I apologize for any offense I caused.

That is all.

(Mods: if this is in the incorrect forum, please move it to a forum you deem appropriate.)
After having time to clear my head, and after reading over what I wrote, I am retracting the post in it's entirety. It is not my place to judge others, or even accost others for who they vote for. While I still think it's a selfish line of reasoning, I had no right to do what I did. And I apologize for any offense I caused.

That is all.

(Mods: if this is in the incorrect forum, please move it to a forum you deem appropriate.)

Well done. Re-placing one's prior position after reflection is all too rare around these parts.

I don't think anyone was offended by the ideas presented. I was more offended that you put up the idea and then wouldn't defend it.
Well played, TK, impressive indeed.
That's wonderful. How mature of you. How great it would be if you'd learn from this one.

Please know that your contention, in that thread, that you were once a financial contributor to the GOP forced a laugh so loud and robust that I woke up my wife and the neighbor's dogs.

You still think it's selfish for Republicans to not vote for Trump, though. Right?
After having time to clear my head, and after reading over what I wrote, I am retracting the post in it's entirety. It is not my place to judge others, or even accost others for who they vote for. While I still think it's a selfish line of reasoning, I had no right to do what I did. And I apologize for any offense I caused.

That is all.

(Mods: if this is in the incorrect forum, please move it to a forum you deem appropriate.)

Well done. Re-placing one's prior position after reflection is all too rare around these parts.

I don't think anyone was offended by the ideas presented. I was more offended that you put up the idea and then wouldn't defend it.

Thanks. After I slept on it, I thought... "gracious, I sounded like an idiot."

I take pride in "re-placing" my positions. I figured too that some of the positions I took there were... indefensible.
After having time to clear my head, and after reading over what I wrote, I am retracting the post in it's entirety. It is not my place to judge others, or even accost others for who they vote for. While I still think it's a selfish line of reasoning, I had no right to do what I did. And I apologize for any offense I caused.

That is all.

(Mods: if this is in the incorrect forum, please move it to a forum you deem appropriate.)
You're no Vagisil
After having time to clear my head, and after reading over what I wrote, I am retracting the post in it's entirety. It is not my place to judge others, or even accost others for who they vote for. While I still think it's a selfish line of reasoning, I had no right to do what I did. And I apologize for any offense I caused.

That is all.

(Mods: if this is in the incorrect forum, please move it to a forum you deem appropriate.)
You're no Vagisil
I beg your pardon?
That's wonderful. How mature of you. How great it would be if you'd learn from this one.

Please know that your contention, in that thread, that you were once a financial contributor to the GOP forced a laugh so loud and robust that I woke up my wife and the neighbor's dogs.

You still think it's selfish for Republicans to not vote for Trump, though. Right?

Hey Lone! What was your wife doing at the neighbor's house?

After having time to clear my head, and after reading over what I wrote, I am retracting the post in it's entirety. It is not my place to judge others, or even accost others for who they vote for. While I still think it's a selfish line of reasoning, I had no right to do what I did. And I apologize for any offense I caused.

That is all.

(Mods: if this is in the incorrect forum, please move it to a forum you deem appropriate.)

Well done. Re-placing one's prior position after reflection is all too rare around these parts.

I don't think anyone was offended by the ideas presented. I was more offended that you put up the idea and then wouldn't defend it.

Thanks. After I slept on it, I thought... "gracious, I sounded like an idiot."

I take pride in "re-placing" my positions. I figured too that some of the positions I took there were... indefensible.

Wait -- you thought, "gracious"?
What are you, Don Rumsfeld?
After having time to clear my head, and after reading over what I wrote, I am retracting the post in it's entirety. It is not my place to judge others, or even accost others for who they vote for. While I still think it's a selfish line of reasoning, I had no right to do what I did. And I apologize for any offense I caused.

That is all.

(Mods: if this is in the incorrect forum, please move it to a forum you deem appropriate.)

Well done. Re-placing one's prior position after reflection is all too rare around these parts.

I don't think anyone was offended by the ideas presented. I was more offended that you put up the idea and then wouldn't defend it.

Thanks. After I slept on it, I thought... "gracious, I sounded like an idiot."

I take pride in "re-placing" my positions. I figured too that some of the positions I took there were... indefensible.

Wait -- you thought, "gracious"?
What are you, Don Rumsfeld?

What? You don't say "gracious" and "gee whiz" often?
After having time to clear my head, and after reading over what I wrote, I am retracting the post in it's entirety. It is not my place to judge others, or even accost others for who they vote for. While I still think it's a selfish line of reasoning, I had no right to do what I did. And I apologize for any offense I caused.

That is all.

(Mods: if this is in the incorrect forum, please move it to a forum you deem appropriate.)

Well done. Re-placing one's prior position after reflection is all too rare around these parts.

I don't think anyone was offended by the ideas presented. I was more offended that you put up the idea and then wouldn't defend it.

Thanks. After I slept on it, I thought... "gracious, I sounded like an idiot."

I take pride in "re-placing" my positions. I figured too that some of the positions I took there were... indefensible.

Wait -- you thought, "gracious"?
What are you, Don Rumsfeld?

What? You don't say "gracious" and "gee whiz" often?

Jeepers Wally, I'm not hep to all those multisyllabic ejaculations, heck no. I'm still on "pshaw".
After having time to clear my head, and after reading over what I wrote, I am retracting the post in it's entirety. It is not my place to judge others, or even accost others for who they vote for. While I still think it's a selfish line of reasoning, I had no right to do what I did. And I apologize for any offense I caused.

That is all.

(Mods: if this is in the incorrect forum, please move it to a forum you deem appropriate.)

Well done. Re-placing one's prior position after reflection is all too rare around these parts.

I don't think anyone was offended by the ideas presented. I was more offended that you put up the idea and then wouldn't defend it.

Thanks. After I slept on it, I thought... "gracious, I sounded like an idiot."

I take pride in "re-placing" my positions. I figured too that some of the positions I took there were... indefensible.

Wait -- you thought, "gracious"?
What are you, Don Rumsfeld?
Naw, more like my grandmother. Neener.
After having time to clear my head, and after reading over what I wrote, I am retracting the post in it's entirety. It is not my place to judge others, or even accost others for who they vote for. While I still think it's a selfish line of reasoning, I had no right to do what I did. And I apologize for any offense I caused.

That is all.

(Mods: if this is in the incorrect forum, please move it to a forum you deem appropriate.)

Here's an idea. Pick an issue, state your position on it. invite others who disagree to debate you on that issue.
Here's an idea. Pick an issue, state your position on it. invite others who disagree to debate you on that issue.

I do that most of the time I post a thread in the Politics section. Most of the time name calling and flaming ensues, and debate on my stated position is no longer possible.

However, perhaps I'll take your advice.
After having time to clear my head, and after reading over what I wrote, I am retracting the post in it's entirety. It is not my place to judge others, or even accost others for who they vote for. While I still think it's a selfish line of reasoning, I had no right to do what I did. And I apologize for any offense I caused.

That is all.

(Mods: if this is in the incorrect forum, please move it to a forum you deem appropriate.)

Well done. Re-placing one's prior position after reflection is all too rare around these parts.

I don't think anyone was offended by the ideas presented. I was more offended that you put up the idea and then wouldn't defend it.

Thanks. After I slept on it, I thought... "gracious, I sounded like an idiot."

I take pride in "re-placing" my positions. I figured too that some of the positions I took there were... indefensible.

Wait -- you thought, "gracious"?
What are you, Don Rumsfeld?

What? You don't say "gracious" and "gee whiz" often?

Jeepers Wally, I'm not hep to all those multisyllabic ejaculations, heck no. I'm still on "pshaw".

I also have a thing about taking the Lord's name in vain. Yes, how fundamentalist of me. ;)

Then again, there are a lot of known knowns, and known unknowns. (You're right, I lied. I am Donald Rumsfeld)

Well done. Re-placing one's prior position after reflection is all too rare around these parts.

I don't think anyone was offended by the ideas presented. I was more offended that you put up the idea and then wouldn't defend it.

Thanks. After I slept on it, I thought... "gracious, I sounded like an idiot."

I take pride in "re-placing" my positions. I figured too that some of the positions I took there were... indefensible.

Wait -- you thought, "gracious"?
What are you, Don Rumsfeld?

What? You don't say "gracious" and "gee whiz" often?

Jeepers Wally, I'm not hep to all those multisyllabic ejaculations, heck no. I'm still on "pshaw".

I also have a thing about taking the Lord's name in vain. Yes, how fundamentalist of me. ;)

Then again, there are a lot of known knowns, and known unknowns. (You're right, I lied. I am Donald Rumsfeld)


Well if there's one thing your posting history shows, it's that there are things we know, things we don't know, and things we don't know we don't know. Yanno?
Thanks. After I slept on it, I thought... "gracious, I sounded like an idiot."

I take pride in "re-placing" my positions. I figured too that some of the positions I took there were... indefensible.

Wait -- you thought, "gracious"?
What are you, Don Rumsfeld?

What? You don't say "gracious" and "gee whiz" often?

Jeepers Wally, I'm not hep to all those multisyllabic ejaculations, heck no. I'm still on "pshaw".

I also have a thing about taking the Lord's name in vain. Yes, how fundamentalist of me. ;)

Then again, there are a lot of known knowns, and known unknowns. (You're right, I lied. I am Donald Rumsfeld)


Well if there's one thing your posting history shows, it's that there are things we know, things we don't know, and things we don't know we don't know. Yanno?

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