A Question: Why Hasn't Obama Responded About AG Barr Saying His Admin Spied On Trump Campaign?

Probably because Barr had to walk that back when asked to clarify
He only walked it back to calm down the Triggered Demoncrats but he's still going to Investigate the origins of spying on Trump. Remember that spying is the same thing a surveillance on people. Ever watch a James Bond movie? Obama needs to respond but he won't because he's guilty of authorizing it.
Probably because Barr had to walk that back when asked to clarify
He only walked it back to calm down the Triggered Demoncrats but he's still going to Investigate the origins of spying on Trump. Remember that spying is the same thing a surveillance on people. Ever watch a James Bond movie? Obama needs to respond but he won't because he's guilty of authorizing it.
While you're at it, might as well launch Benghazi investigations 9, 10, and 11.
Probably because Barr had to walk that back when asked to clarify
He only walked it back to calm down the Triggered Demoncrats but he's still going to Investigate the origins of spying on Trump. Remember that spying is the same thing a surveillance on people. Ever watch a James Bond movie? Obama needs to respond but he won't because he's guilty of authorizing it.
While you're at it, might as well launch Benghazi investigations 9, 10, and 11.
Good idea now that Barr is AG.
Yep, sure is going to be funny besides the dems that may have spied when little Marco, Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush names come out in that report as spying on dumptards campaign.
Probably because Barr had to walk that back when asked to clarify
He only walked it back to calm down the Triggered Demoncrats but he's still going to Investigate the origins of spying on Trump. Remember that spying is the same thing a surveillance on people. Ever watch a James Bond movie? Obama needs to respond but he won't because he's guilty of authorizing it.
Obama doesn't need to respond and anyone that thinks so is demented. Whenever he does say something the right says he should shut up, so why would he care what they're saying now? :lmao:

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