A question regarding polls.

Skull Pilot

Diamond Member
Nov 17, 2007
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I have never put much stock in polls but so many of you here like to post polls from various agencies or individuals and claim that one pollster sucks or that a poll was skewed etc.

Now since the only opinions that matter in the political realm are the opinions of voters and I mean actual voters not those merely registered and who do not vote, then why do you not only focus on polls that ask question to actual voters.

really, who cares about the results of a telephone poll of a bunch of random people many of which will not be pulling a lever at the next election?
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Polls are for the ignorant.

I think polls of voters would be more enlightening than polls of a bunch of random people who don't vote and are home to answer their phones in the middle of the day.
Polls are for the ignorant.

I think polls of voters would be more enlightening than polls of a bunch of random people who don't vote and are home to answer their phones in the middle of the day.

Polls are not only swayed by who answers them, but the numbers are often altered by the takers to make a case. Personal experience it always more reliable than any poll, even those of voters.
Polls are for the ignorant.

I think polls of voters would be more enlightening than polls of a bunch of random people who don't vote and are home to answer their phones in the middle of the day.

Polls are not only swayed by who answers them, but the numbers are often altered by the takers to make a case. Personal experience it always more reliable than any poll, even those of voters.

I agree.

just asking a simple question as to why anyone would care what people who don't vote have to say about any issue.
I think polls of voters would be more enlightening than polls of a bunch of random people who don't vote and are home to answer their phones in the middle of the day.

Polls are not only swayed by who answers them, but the numbers are often altered by the takers to make a case. Personal experience it always more reliable than any poll, even those of voters.

I agree.

just asking a simple question as to why anyone would care what people who don't vote have to say about any issue.

As I said, ignorant people use polls because they have nothing else to base their information on. Key word: ignorant.
I have never put much stock in polls but so many of you here like to post polls from various agencies or individuals and claim that one pollster sucks or that a poll was skewed etc.

Now since the only opinions that matter in the political realm are the opinions of voters and I mean actual voters not those merely registered and who do not vote, then why do you not only focus on polls that ask question to actual voters.

really, who cares about the results of a telephone poll of a bunch of random people many of which will not be pulling a lever at the next election?
Polls have become a contrivance which the lazy in the media (which includes about 99% of them) use to fill up column inches in their foundering newspapers.
Didn't Mark Twain say "There are three types of lies:lies,damn lies, and statistics?" With that said, I pay attention to polls. At least the ones I agree with. Lol
Polls are only as worthwhile as they are honestly devised.

I'm of the opinion that most polls that are reported to us are designed with an outcome in mind.

Like you Skull, I have no confidence or interest in trying to ascertain their value, ESPECIALLY when they are obviously nothing more than mid-term partisan beauty contests designed to hearten the team or dishearten the other team.
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