Zone1 A Question for black members on the Memphis police beating


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
This story is being absolutely hammered by the media, you cannot turn on the television without hearing everyone talking about it, whether it is politicians, sports stars, a Saturday Night live skit (by a black cast member, it was not meant to be funny) as well as television talk shows, radio talk shows, just about every form of media. Now there is a bi-partisan effort among Senators (yes, bi-partisan) in order to advance some legislation or another.

It was terrible what happened to this man, that goes without saying, but do you think that there is a form of racism on how these particular police officers are all quickly fired, arrested, and charged with murder? It's not like this has not happened hundreds of times in the previous decades. Then it was almost always white police officers, but in Memphis, they are all black.
lol he got up and ran off like a track star, obviously not badly injured. I'm still waiting for any proof the Darwin Award winner actually died from anything the cops did.
Crawl back up your boyfriend's ass and finish your lunch. Your sniveling faggotry is just silly bedwetting. Do you believe he was 'seriously injured n stuff' when we can all see he wasn't? You're admitting 'Being Black' means being a moron here. While that is obviously the case with you and the fake 'black activists' here, it's your own racism on display, dumbass.
Considering that he wasn't breaking any laws in the first place, how about you heed the directions of the OP, idiot.
This story is being absolutely hammered by the media, you cannot turn on the television without hearing everyone talking about it, whether it is politicians, sports stars, a Saturday Night live skit (by a black cast member, it was not meant to be funny) as well as television talk shows, radio talk shows, just about every form of media. Now there is a bi-partisan effort among Senators (yes, bi-partisan) in order to advance some legislation or another.

It was terrible what happened to this man, that goes without saying, but do you think that there is a form of racism on how these particular police officers are all quickly fired, arrested, and charged with murder? It's not like this has not happened hundreds of times in the previous decades. Then it was almost always white police officers, but in Memphis, they are all black.
And the white cops who were involved got protected. I think that since the Chief was black, maybe she was just trying to show that slack will not be given as has been done in the past.
lol he got up and ran off like a track star, obviously not badly injured. I'm still waiting for any proof the Darwin Award winner actually died from anything the cops did.
He had not been beaten nearly to death at the time he was running. When they caught him, that when they beat him.
This story is being absolutely hammered by the media, you cannot turn on the television without hearing everyone talking about it, whether it is politicians, sports stars, a Saturday Night live skit (by a black cast member, it was not meant to be funny) as well as television talk shows, radio talk shows, just about every form of media. Now there is a bi-partisan effort among Senators (yes, bi-partisan) in order to advance some legislation or another.

It was terrible what happened to this man, that goes without saying, but do you think that there is a form of racism on how these particular police officers are all quickly fired, arrested, and charged with murder? It's not like this has not happened hundreds of times in the previous decades. Then it was almost always white police officers, but in Memphis, they are all black.
In the past cops didn’t have body cameras. In this case they did. There’s nothing racist about the cops being arrested it a timely fashion. There is also nothing racist about Tyre Nichols’s killing. I believe what happened was murder or manslaughter in the very least, but it was black on black crime.
In the past cops didn’t have body cameras. In this case they did. There’s nothing racist about the cops being arrested it a timely fashion. There is also nothing racist about Tyre Nichols’s killing. I believe what happened was murder or manslaughter in the very least, but it was black on black crime.
My point was how fast retribution came with these officers, who were all black. White officers in a video like this all being fired, arrested, and charged with murder this fast? Maybe, maybe not, but these cops may have set a new precedent. Perhaps it is not just a coincidence that the crackdown on police brutality started with black cops.
My point was how fast retribution came with these officers, who were all black. White officers in a video like this all being fired, arrested, and charged with murder this fast? Maybe, maybe not, but these cops may have set a new precedent. Perhaps it is not just a coincidence that the crackdown on police brutality started with black cops.
i mean do you know the exact date of Tyre Nichols’s altercation with the cops? I think that nowadays with police body cams the process of investigating actions of police officers are handled in a more expedient fashion. In other cases with no cameras it takes time to build a case.
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This story is being absolutely hammered by the media, you cannot turn on the television without hearing everyone talking about it, whether it is politicians, sports stars, a Saturday Night live skit (by a black cast member, it was not meant to be funny) as well as television talk shows, radio talk shows, just about every form of media. Now there is a bi-partisan effort among Senators (yes, bi-partisan) in order to advance some legislation or another.

It was terrible what happened to this man, that goes without saying, but do you think that there is a form of racism on how these particular police officers are all quickly fired, arrested, and charged with murder? It's not like this has not happened hundreds of times in the previous decades. Then it was almost always white police officers, but in Memphis, they are all black.
Not Black.

It must be understood that within LE there is no Black or White, only Blue.

Police are trained to view Black people as "the enemy" and always a potential threat.

It is the training that needs to change.
Not Black.

It must be understood that within LE there is no Black or White, only Blue.

Police are trained to view Black people as "the enemy" and always a potential threat.

It is the training that needs to change.
There’s no evidence at all of police officers being trained to treat black like they’re enemies. We’re in 2023 and cops are all wearing body cams, and statistically cops killing blacks are a rarity.
There’s no evidence at all of police officers being trained to treat black like they’re enemies. We’re in 2023 and cops are all wearing body cams, and statistically cops killing blacks are a rarity.

I can't speak for every state but every licensed LEO in Florida receives exactly the same training
Here's the info on Ohio, same deal.

Same training, predictable results

I can't speak for every state but every licensed LEO in Florida receives exactly the same training
Here's the info on Ohio, same deal.

Same training, predictable results
Let me get some specifics and proof to the racist tactics being taught?
Let me get some specifics and proof to the racist tactics being taught?
When you see LE in jurisdictions across the country CA to FL to MO and all in between using the same tactics, the same methodologies, and getting the same results to deny it is the training is to simply ignore reality.

In the military a situation like this would require a standdown to review training and policies.
My point was how fast retribution came with these officers, who were all black. White officers in a video like this all being fired, arrested, and charged with murder this fast? Maybe, maybe not, but these cops may have set a new precedent. Perhaps it is not just a coincidence that the crackdown on police brutality started with black cops.
No, what they did was an outright MURDER.

An honest person understands the difference between a death like this and the death of an overdose victim like George Floyd.
i mean do you know the exact date of Tyre Nichols’s altercation with the cops? I think that nowadays with police body cams the process of investigating actions of police officers are handled in a more expedient fashion. In other cases with no cameras it takes time to build a case.
C'mon man, we've had body cams for years now. Years. This "expedience" you speak of is a relatively new phenomenon, and I'm not sure it quite exactly qualifies as anything other than an extreme outlier.
No, what they did was an outright MURDER.

An honest person understands the difference between a death like this and the death of an overdose victim like George Floyd.
Far be it from meto confirm your "honesty.
This was murder
George Floyd was murdered

Same training, same tactics.

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