A Preview Of Government Run Health Care

red states rule

Senior Member
May 30, 2006
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The next time you hear a lib bellow how the US needs governemtn run health care - remind them of this

From the DC government - the same DC Dems want to make the 51st state

Audit: D.C. Overpaid Medicaid Firms $97M
The Associated Press
Friday, July 20, 2007; 12:58 PM

WASHINGTON -- The District of Columbia risks losing federal funds because it has overpaid contractors almost $100 million for medical services, an audit found.

The D.C. Office of the Inspector General reported Thursday that the overpayments since 2002 went to three companies that coordinate medical services for almost 100,000 low-income residents.

William J. DiVello, assistant inspector general, said the auditors aren't saying that companies did anything illegal, but that the "district just didn't do a good job monitoring them."

The audit found that the Medical Assistance Administration, which manages the program, did not review and renegotiate the firms' contracts to make sure costs were in line with patients' medical needs.

It also found fault with the agency's "one size fits all" way of paying. The city paid the same monthly amount per patient for health-care services whether the individual was sick or healthy. If the contractors didn't have to pay a doctor for a patient's treatment, it could keep the funds.

The report said Amerigroup Maryland had received $74 million more than necessary for patient care since 2002, D.C. Chartered Health Plan was overpaid $17.5 million, and Health Right received an extra $5.1 million.

Only 64 cents of every D.C. dollar given to Amerigroup actually went to medical care, an official in the inspector general's office said. The rate typically is more than 80 cents per dollar for other managed care organizations in Maryland and Virginia, the report said.

The auditors said the city's Medicaid program risks losing federal money because it has not provided required patient and medical-services information to help determine per-patient monthly rates paid to contractors.

Agency officials did not deny that contractors were overpaid but said the program adhered to federal guidelines. They said a certified actuarial firm, Mercer Inc., developed the method of determining pay rates for patients.

Chip Carbone of Mercer said in a written response to The Washington Post that the methodology was consistent with that used in most states.

The city's health director, Gregg A. Pane, said in a written response that the inspector general's office did not credit the agency for improvements in the Medicaid program in recent years _ including major reforms and aggressive management changes in the program's oversight.

I didn't know Halliburton was in health services! :lol:

Not surprised though, it's not that big a jump from fifty buck pizzas to two hundred dollar bandaids :lol:
I didn't know Halliburton was in health services! :lol:

Not surprised though, it's not that big a jump from fifty buck pizzas to two hundred dollar bandaids :lol:

when did you become an asshole?

You use to be somewhat pleasent to talk to
when did you become an asshole?

You use to be somewhat pleasent to talk to

That's not "asshole".. That's "funny". Pull that stick out of your ass, and try some sometimes, rather than just categorizing everyone by nothing but political affiliation.
That's not "asshole".. That's "funny". Pull that stick out of your ass, and try some sometimes, rather than just categorizing everyone by nothing but political affiliation.

Ah, Ms Snippy has gotten up on the wrong side of the slab again this morning
Ok, in all seriousness, how was your initial comment any less "snippy" than mine?

And, for once in your life, DO be specific?

I am being specific. You have a huge chip on your shoulder
How is my "chip" any different than yours, RSR? You started with the personal slams - when called on it, you threw another.

Why are you so hypocritical?

Not allowing Shattered to derail another thread - back to the topic at hand..

Liberal policies have never solved any problem except putting more money in the hands of government and less money in the pockets of working families.

Walter Reed was a great example of governemnt run health care
Not allowing Shattered to derail another thread - back to the topic at hand..

Liberal policies have never solved any problem except putting more money in the hands of government and less money in the pockets of working families.

Walter Reed was a great example of governemnt run health care

LMFAO!!! You derailed it FIRST, dipshit, with your "asshole" comment.

Are you sure it's just libs that tune out what they don't want to hear, and gloss over facts, RSR?
LMFAO!!! You derailed it FIRST, dipshit, with your "asshole" comment.

Are you sure it's just libs that tune out what they don't want to hear, and gloss over facts, RSR?

Still trying to take another thread tp the arena little girl?
Face it.. Your ass goot busted, and now you're just running like a dog with its tail between its legs. Cheer up, Skippy - you can only go up from here.. :)

Carry on.
Face it.. Your ass goot busted, and now you're just running like a dog with its tail between its legs. Cheer up, Skippy - you can only go up from here.. :)

Carry on.

Ms Snippy will now hopfully leave the thread and allow the adults to discuss the topic

From the link

Only 64 cents of every D.C. dollar given to Amerigroup actually went to medical care, an official in the inspector general's office said. The rate typically is more than 80 cents per dollar for other managed care organizations in Maryland and Virginia, the report said.

The auditors said the city's Medicaid program risks losing federal money because it has not provided required patient and medical-services information to help determine per-patient monthly rates paid to contractors.

Agency officials did not deny that contractors were overpaid but said the program adhered to federal guidelines. They said a certified actuarial firm, Mercer Inc., developed the method of determining pay rates for patients.

It this what libs want for your local hospital?
Still trying to take another thread tp the arena little girl?

If I want one to end up there, I'll damn well POST it there. You're just skirting and dodging because you fucked up - you derailed your own thread by throwing an unsoliticted insult - when called on it, you threw another - when called on that one, you RAN. Just like you always do.

If I want one to end up there, I'll damn well POST it there. You're just skirting and dodging because you fucked up - you derailed your own thread by throwing an unsoliticted insult - when called on it, you threw another - when called on that one, you RAN. Just like you always do.


Try decaf - this early in the morning and you have a hair up your ass already
*shrug* Admit you fucked up, and I'll leave you alone. Simple as that. :D

As ALWAYS, if the government runs it it is going to be a financial disaster AND destroy the quality of care.

and Shattered has to destroy another thread
As ALWAYS, if the government runs it it is going to be a financial disaster AND destroy the quality of care.

and Shattered has to destroy another thread

Your unwarranted, and attacking "asshole" comment destroyed your thread by what..post #3?
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