A President Should Keep Out of NFL Business


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
yes, DJT, our Divider n Chief, is a hypocrite of opportunity, everyone knows that...even his supporters....

he did this so the major issues of N Korea, and crisis in Puerto Rico, and 6 of his staff using private email for gvt work including ivanka a jared, and the health care bill failure, would not be focused on...

you'd think the guy would not have time to do these divisive things, but it appears, it is what he loves to do.....instead of being President. :rolleyes:
If the NFL stops asking for taxpayer funded stadiums and tax breaks, POTUS should let them do what they want.

Until they do, a POTUS should be able to address player conduct,
kneeling is generally showing reverence to something.... :dunno:

Seriously. But it's not what the "code" says to do.

These are the same people who ragged on black athlete Gabby Douglas for not putting her hand on her heart at the medal ceremony at the Olympic Games. She stood quietly, respectfully hands at her side at "attention" during the playing of the anthem. Gabby was "disrespectful".

I've also see posters on this board get their shirt in a knot because Obama didn't wear an American flag lapel pin at some event.

It strikes me that this is a whole lot of nothing, or an excuse to rag on black people.
If the NFL stops asking for taxpayer funded stadiums and tax breaks, POTUS should let them do what they want.

Until they do, a POTUS should be able to address player conduct,

There are no stadiums built with federal funds.
Do Trumpsters think America sucks right now?

Are they insulting America, our Nation by implying America is NOT great with their chants, and hats and tshirts of MAGA, Make America great again?

Or is it that they want to make America even better and greater than it is right now? TO Improve it.

Maybe, that's what the guys kneeling want? They love their country yet there is still room to improve it...

WHY is kneeling, disrespectful?
If the NFL stops asking for taxpayer funded stadiums and tax breaks, POTUS should let them do what they want.

Until they do, a POTUS should be able to address player conduct,
bull crud! the divider n chief needs to grow up and keep his trap shut.
Do Trumpsters think America sucks right now?

Are they insulting America, our Nation by implying America is NOT great with their chants, and hats and tshirts of MAGA, Make America great again?

Or is it that they want to make America even better and greater than it is right now? TO Improve it.

Maybe, that's what the guys kneeling want? They love their country yet there is still room to improve it...

WHY is kneeling, disrespectful?
We think Democrats suck.
We think Democrat run countries suck.
We think Democrats programs suck.
We think Democrats ideas suck.
Do Trumpsters think America sucks right now?

Are they insulting America, our Nation by implying America is NOT great with their chants, and hats and tshirts of MAGA, Make America great again?

Or is it that they want to make America even better and greater than it is right now? TO Improve it.

Maybe, that's what the guys kneeling want? They love their country yet there is still room to improve it...

WHY is kneeling, disrespectful?
We think Democrats suck.
We think Democrat run countries suck.
We think Democrats programs suck.
We think Democrats ideas suck.
sure ya do! you hate social security and Medicare, and educating kids k-12, and equal rights, and science and technology, and the 40 hour work week, and the GI Bill, and our interstate highways, and clean air and child labor laws, etc etc etc :rolleyes:
"A President Should Keep Out of NFL Business"
Translation: We reserve the right to shout down public speakers we don't like, disrupt rallies, assault people with bumper stickers we don't like, but the POTUS should keep his mouth shut and mind his own business.

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