A possible environmental disaster

There is fighting going on around Chernobyl. A misdirected missile or artillery shell could spell disaster;

None of the reactors are active. The risk doesn't involve any chance of a meltdown or nuclear explosion, just spreading of waste. Not sure if any fuel is left from the other 3 reactors onsite anyway.
None of the reactors are active. The risk doesn't involve any chance of a meltdown or nuclear explosion, just spreading of waste. Not sure if any fuel is left from the other 3 reactors onsite anyway.
The melted core is still hot, both temperature and speaking of radiation. They covered it because it will still emit radioactive gases. But should a artillery barrage hit it, the result could spread a lot more hot material into the atmosphere.
The melted core is still hot, both temperature and speaking of radiation. They covered it because it will still emit radioactive gases. But should a artillery barrage hit it, the result could spread a lot more hot material into the atmosphere.

But it isn't critical, and the other 3 reactors are stone cold dead.

The cover is mostly to keep out water, and to shield from the actual radiation coming off the corium and the graphite that was dumped back into the hole by the liquidators.

Any gas that comes off now is probably alpha particles, i.e. helium, that once it loses it's emitted velocity, just becomes helium.
The melted core is still hot, both temperature and speaking of radiation. They covered it because it will still emit radioactive gases. But should a artillery barrage hit it, the result could spread a lot more hot material into the atmosphere.

Lol....coming from a guy who 100% dismissed Fukushima as an environmental threat.

Not good;

Correct....the great climate change hoax is now costing innocent lives. An immense tragedy. Progressives don't give a fuck....their sick agenda fucks with the geopolitical landscape.

A sick-ass mofu.....

John Kerry urges Putin to not let Ukraine invasion distract from combating climate change

Take a bow.
Never mind Chernobyl, it's wind turbines that's the environmental disaster, and it's a world wide problem.

But it isn't critical, and the other 3 reactors are stone cold dead.

The cover is mostly to keep out water, and to shield from the actual radiation coming off the corium and the graphite that was dumped back into the hole by the liquidators.

Any gas that comes off now is probably alpha particles, i.e. helium, that once it loses it's emitted velocity, just becomes helium.
I hope that's true, Marty, but I read something the second day of the Ukraine invasion by Russia that the bad kind of readings in and around Chernobyl were elevated. I also heard warnings for the locals to steer clear of the area. :dunno: I'll try and find a reference if one is left. bbl.
I think Chernobyl is on a main highway from Belarus to Kiev. But can you imagine a guy standing guard over a nuclear melt down that will not be habitable for thousands of years? The Russians demand the keys to the place. I mean ok here, but you cannot give it back.
I hope that's true, Marty, but I read something the second day of the Ukraine invasion by Russia that the bad kind of readings in and around Chernobyl were elevated. I also heard warnings for the locals to steer clear of the area. :dunno: I'll try and find a reference if one is left. bbl.

elevated probably due to vehicles driving through the area stirring up radioactive laced dirt.

And "elevated" doesn't mean anything, a 10% increase is "elevated" but really isn't dangerous.
Never mind Chernobyl, it's wind turbines that's the environmental disaster, and it's a world wide problem.

If you had a choice between living the rest of your life next to Chernobyl or next to a mountain of used turbine blades, which would you pick?

God are you stupid.
If you had a choice between living the rest of your life next to Chernobyl or next to a mountain of used turbine blades, which would you pick?

God are you stupid.

Know what blows with that kind of thinking? It's costing human beings their lives. And for what? So the climate obsessed can continue their sick-ass delusions.

Indeed, the human racists now have blood on their hands. Make no mistake....these mofu's are our enemies. In due time...it won't end well for them :deal:
The Russian invasion into Ukraine ain't the biggest problem for global warming enthusiasts. Chernobl is a ongoing disaster that the Russians caused and ran away from and are likely to say away from. Fukishima is a disaster of Biblical proportion where the freaking earth was shifted on it's axis. Not much input from the Weather Channel about the effects of a freaking axis shift, but that's the way the global extortion network rolls. You don't need a map of Europe to scare Americans about the effects of nuclear disasters. The decade of Atomic Bomb testing in Nevada to the point where it became a tourist attraction was (is) a disaster. Beautiful islands in the South Pacific that became uninhabited as a result of nuclear tests was (is) a disaster. There are apparently more than half a dozen hydrogen nuclear bombs lost and corroding off the coast of South Carolina and Europe.
If you had a choice between living the rest of your life next to Chernobyl or next to a mountain of used turbine blades, which would you pick?

God are you stupid.

Lol...you calling anybody stupid funnier than Madonna announcing a run for president.

Turbine blades?

Watch how many in congress talking about turbine blades or solar panels this week and next :iyfyus.jpg:

Only the most prolific of the fringe caring about green energy now. The rubes.

2022 gonna be a real bad year for the AGW nutters. I won't have enough Photobucket Classics to properly editorialize the carnage.....but skeptics will be doing facials on the climate kOOks for a long, long, long time.

Never did the science not matter as much!:rock::rock::rock:
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