A Picture Of America


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
We keep hearing how the upcoming election will set the course for the future of America. And every day that curse or prediction appears to be true.

On July, 2nd, 1816, At dawn, the French frigate Medusa, bound for the Senegalese port colony of Saint Louis under the command of the incompetent royalist captain Hugo de Chaumareys. One hundred and forty-seven men and one woman were herded onto a makeshift raft. Mayhem, mutiny and murder ensued. Fifteen survived.

The artist Géricault was emblematic of a period in art that depicted extremes of emotion, called Romanticism.
His masterful depiction of the survivors of the ship wreck, the Medusa, applies to the pessimism, and optimism, surrounding this election.

At the back, pessimists like myself, who see America's best days behind us, and at the front, those who see rescue on the horizon.

I suppose it depends on the definition of "best"- perception or reality- one man's trash is another mans treasure.

I'm pretty sure every generation has had its share of doom and gloom- personally, I've not liked what I've seen for nearly 15 years- I'm glad I'm 72, but, the young adapt- or they die. It is that simple.

I guess there are those who are, or will be, happy, if/when Trump doesn't get reelected, but, they'll see, if they really want to, (which conservatives and liberals, Demopublicans, Republicrats, the Duopoly acolytes have a hard time doing) that the only thing that will change is their guy doesn't get attacked the same way as the other guy.
There will still be non-stop wars, (foreign and domestic) non-stop borrowing to spend, interventionist policy (foreign and domestic) lying, cheating, rule breaking, law breaking (under the color of law), thievery and stupid in general.
I suppose it depends on the definition of "best"- perception or reality- one man's trash is another mans treasure.

I'm pretty sure every generation has had its share of doom and gloom- personally, I've not liked what I've seen for nearly 15 years- I'm glad I'm 72, but, the young adapt- or they die. It is that simple.

I guess there are those who are, or will be, happy, if/when Trump doesn't get reelected, but, they'll see, if they really want to, (which conservatives and liberals, Demopublicans, Republicrats, the Duopoly acolytes have a hard time doing) that the only thing that will change is their guy doesn't get attacked the same way as the other guy.
There will still be non-stop wars, (foreign and domestic) non-stop borrowing to spend, interventionist policy (foreign and domestic) lying, cheating, rule breaking, law breaking (under the color of law), thievery and stupid in general.

I certainly lost respect for the do-nothing Republicans.....but how can any self-respecting American consider voting for this:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Where is there anything....ANYTHING....there, that one should 'adapt' to?
I certainly lost respect for the do-nothing Republicans.....but how can any self-respecting American consider voting for this:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
To your bigger picture- respect. It has to be shown in order to be received. I don't remember that being a requirement for any nationality, or political Party.
Self respect is earned when respect is shown others. There can't be one without the other.
Americans (from my perspective) have no self respect. It's apparent in all that takes place every day. They are followers- sheeple. Most are superficial- image conscious with absolutely no self awareness. They are shallow minded, narrow minded and materialistic- and Republicans are as bad as Democrats in that regard. People follow examples set- in a monkey see monkey do world what examples are set? Succinctly: Do as I say, not as I do.

I posted an article the other day about how people are expected to check their brain at their employment center.
That's a pretty good analysis- employers (that would include gov't "officials" [which I'll get to in a second]) want conformity. It's THE why cops are granted Qualified Immunity for their crimes- and guess who the "law and order" crowd is? That's right. Republicans- now, the "gov't officials being employers"; Piss Poor Public Education, subscribed to by BOTH Party's want conformity from "we the people", who are actually their employers- but, the Publicly Educated refer to them, the SERVANTS, as leaders- they ain't, but they act like they are and acolytes buy into it.

I saw a word for word (side by side) comparison of policy opinions between Romney and Obama when Romney was the chosen (by who is the question) and they (the words) were nearly identical- Neocon rhetoric advocating and supporting and believing hegemony- enFORCED with Americans (soldiers) and Tax payer dollars-

Obama was no different than bush jr- policy wise he just different lies (rhetoric) and it's been that way my whole life- not a dimes worth of difference- the results speak for themselves.
I certainly lost respect for the do-nothing Republicans.....but how can any self-respecting American consider voting for this:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
To your bigger picture- respect. It has to be shown in order to be received. I don't remember that being a requirement for any nationality, or political Party.
Self respect is earned when respect is shown others. There can't be one without the other.
Americans (from my perspective) have no self respect. It's apparent in all that takes place every day. They are followers- sheeple. Most are superficial- image conscious with absolutely no self awareness. They are shallow minded, narrow minded and materialistic- and Republicans are as bad as Democrats in that regard. People follow examples set- in a monkey see monkey do world what examples are set? Succinctly: Do as I say, not as I do.

I posted an article the other day about how people are expected to check their brain at their employment center.
That's a pretty good analysis- employers (that would include gov't "officials" [which I'll get to in a second]) want conformity. It's THE why cops are granted Qualified Immunity for their crimes- and guess who the "law and order" crowd is? That's right. Republicans- now, the "gov't officials being employers"; Piss Poor Public Education, subscribed to by BOTH Party's want conformity from "we the people", who are actually their employers- but, the Publicly Educated refer to them, the SERVANTS, as leaders- they ain't, but they act like they are and acolytes buy into it.

I saw a word for word (side by side) comparison of policy opinions between Romney and Obama when Romney was the chosen (by who is the question) and they (the words) were nearly identical- Neocon rhetoric advocating and supporting and believing hegemony- enFORCED with Americans (soldiers) and Tax payer dollars-

Obama was no different than bush jr- policy wise he just different lies (rhetoric) and it's been that way my whole life- not a dimes worth of difference- the results speak for themselves.

I certainly can't argue brilliance throughout the electorate.... 'nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public ' Mencken

But....talk about lack of intelligence:

"Obama was no different than bush jr- policy wise "

Did I miss Bush guaranteeing the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, nuclear weapons?

Nor do I recall Bush telling illegal aliens to go and vote.

Romney, neither.

Be serious.
We keep hearing how the upcoming election will set the course for the future of America. And every day that curse or prediction appears to be true.

On July, 2nd, 1816, At dawn, the French frigate Medusa, bound for the Senegalese port colony of Saint Louis under the command of the incompetent royalist captain Hugo de Chaumareys. One hundred and forty-seven men and one woman were herded onto a makeshift raft. Mayhem, mutiny and murder ensued. Fifteen survived.

The artist Géricault was emblematic of a period in art that depicted extremes of emotion, called Romanticism.
His masterful depiction of the survivors of the ship wreck, the Medusa, applies to the pessimism, and optimism, surrounding this election.

At the back, pessimists like myself, who see America's best days behind us, and at the front, those who see rescue on the horizon.

View attachment 358147
We have institutions such as liberal media, Marxist college professoriate and Democratic Party have been working to destroy the United States for 60 years.
Be serious.
You be serious- and try intellectually honest, for a change- the RESULTS speak for themselves-

AND, I did say: I READ the words (SIDE BY SIDE)- during the campaign- I did. If you don't approve, that's on you. Don't like that I call out the Republicans? Tough. Adapt- or die. They are as guilty as Democrats- if not, show me the Republican legislation that helps secure your Liberty- something the hated Democrats imposed on you.

You can go all the way back to 1913 if you want. Oh, Republicrats want you to keep more of what's your's.
How magnanimous. I'm thrilled.
Democratic Party have been working to destroy the United States for 60 years.
What have Republicans done to thwart that- I want to hear what the "Read my lips, no new taxes, New World Order", Republican has to say-
We keep hearing how the upcoming election will set the course for the future of America. And every day that curse or prediction appears to be true.

On July, 2nd, 1816, At dawn, the French frigate Medusa, bound for the Senegalese port colony of Saint Louis under the command of the incompetent royalist captain Hugo de Chaumareys. One hundred and forty-seven men and one woman were herded onto a makeshift raft. Mayhem, mutiny and murder ensued. Fifteen survived.

The artist Géricault was emblematic of a period in art that depicted extremes of emotion, called Romanticism.
His masterful depiction of the survivors of the ship wreck, the Medusa, applies to the pessimism, and optimism, surrounding this election.

At the back, pessimists like myself, who see America's best days behind us, and at the front, those who see rescue on the horizon.

View attachment 358147
We have institutions such as liberal media, Marxist college professoriate and Democratic Party have been working to destroy the United States for 60 years.

I'd say that mathematically, you are spot on!

From FDR's love affair, politically, with Stalin and Bolshevism.

George Earle was a special emissary of FDR's to Europe...and returned in 1944 with proof that implicated the Soviets in the Katyn Forest massacre (In April of 1943, the mass graves of thousands of shot, bayoneted, and asphyxiated Polish officers were uncovered in the Katyn pine forest near Smolensk, Russia.) Earle testified later at the Katyn Forest hearings that Joe Levy of the NYTimes, warned him that bringing an anti-Soviet report to FDR would be a career ender : "George, you don't know what you are going to over there. Harry Hopkins has completed domination over the President and the whole atmosphere over there is 'pink.'" West, "American Betrayal," p.211.
Be serious.
You be serious- and try intellectually honest, for a change- the RESULTS speak for themselves-

AND, I did say: I READ the words (SIDE BY SIDE)- during the campaign- I did. If you don't approve, that's on you. Don't like that I call out the Republicans? Tough. Adapt- or die. They are as guilty as Democrats- if not, show me the Republican legislation that helps secure your Liberty- something the hated Democrats imposed on you.

You can go all the way back to 1913 if you want. Oh, Republicrats want you to keep more of what's your's.
How magnanimous. I'm thrilled.

I provided two of the most significant policy differences between the ones you chose.....and I can hear the Pontius Pilate tap water running.

You really have no ability to defend what you post.
From FDR's love affair, politically, with Stalin and Bolshevism.
And Republicans did what?

Pointed out that FDR had a political infatuation with Stalin and Bolshevism.

Can't you read?

While Baldwin wasn't a Republican, this is the sort of resistance there was to Roosevelt.

Hanson Baldwin, military critic of the New York Times, declares in his book, "Great Mistakes of the War:" 'There is no doubt whatsoever that it would have been to the interest of Britain, the United States, and the world to have allowed and indeed to have encouraged-the world's two great dictatorships to fight each other to a frazzle.'
Baldwin writes that the United States put itself "in the role-at times a disgraceful role-of fearful suppliant and propitiating ally, anxious at nearly any cost to keep Russia fighting. In retrospect, how stupid!"

And this:

George Kennan’s view of Roosevelt’s performance during the war is considerably harsher than Harriman’s? After commenting bitterly on the “inexcusable body of ignorance about the Russian Communist movement, about the history of its diplomacy, about what had happened in the purges, and about what had been going on in Poland and the Baltic States,” Kennan turns more directly to FDR alone:

I also have in mind FDRs evident conviction that Stalin, while perhaps a somewhat

difficult customer, was only, after all, a person like any other person; that the reason

we hadn’t been able to get along with him in the past was that we had never really had

anyone with the proper personality and theproper qualities of sympathy and imagina-

tion to deal with him, that he had been snubbed all along by the arrogant conservatives of the Western capitals; and that if only he could be exposed to the persuasive charms of someone like FDR himself, ideological preconceptions would melt and Russia’s cooperation with the West could be easily arranged. For these assumptions there were no grounds whatsover; and they were of a puerility that was unworthy of a statesman of FDRs stature

Glad to be able to provide the education you've missed out on.

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