A.O.C's next campaign slogan? We have to eat the babies

Combine that with mental illness you set a platform for insanity, including mass murder.

James was telling me about this, 1st thing this morning. I thought it was a joke in poor taste. Not that I have anything against jokes in poor taste... I said hardyharhar quit it. Then I watched the video. I don't remember the last time I was so gobsmacked.

The woman clearly needs bags and buckets of pills for her mental condition and AOC is right there with her.
Yeah right, did you see the people staring at her? Had to be a plant. Humans aren't that stupid.
It was a troll: Lyndon LaRouche PAC on Twitter :laugh:

But AOC's response made the troller's point that we're dealing with insane people.
Sure this isnt like ISIS taking credit for every act of terrorism just to get some attention?

I'd be interested in hearing what they have to say beyond a tweet taking responsibility for it, but it seems to me they were trying to expose AOC's insanity and mock the idiocy of climate alarmism. Which they did. But who knows, what you said is possible. :dunno:
It was a troll: Lyndon LaRouche PAC on Twitter :laugh:

But AOC's response made the troller's point that we're dealing with insane people.
Sure this isnt like ISIS taking credit for every act of terrorism just to get some attention?

I'd be interested in hearing what they have to say beyond a tweet taking responsibility for it, but it seems to me they were trying to expose AOC's insanity and mock the idiocy of climate alarmism. Which they did. But who knows, what you said is possible. :dunno:
Seems like Larouchies are actually closer to AOC than the true "right-wing", although I may not really und err stand his positions. He just seems like another far left kook to me.
"We must eat the babies!!!"

Can there be any more incontrovertible proof that the Dem's Daily Doses of Doom are driving our children over the cliff? When will they consider the damage they do to American society and when will they be held accountable for their nefarious and traitorous actions?
She is a nutcase but they can latch onto any issue. A good example is the recent El Paso shooter:

I wonder where he got that idea?
Probably from the invasion going on along the southern border.
"We must eat the babies!!!"

Can there be any more incontrovertible proof that the Dem's Daily Doses of Doom are driving our children over the cliff? When will they consider the damage they do to American society and when will they be held accountable for their nefarious and traitorous actions?
She is a nutcase but they can latch onto any issue. A good example is the recent El Paso shooter:

I wonder where he got that idea?
Probably from the invasion going on along the southern border.
Right, just like the 'eat the babies' loon got her fears from climate scientists.
AOC didn't yell eat the babies.

Some crazy in the audience did.
'Eat the babies!': Twitter reacts to a surprise ending to the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez town hall meeting

Seriously this girl has serious mental issues

She seems to be applying for a committment to a mental hospital, she also said the world ends in several months.

"Ocasio-Cortez posted a couple of tweets in response to this incident, saying the person in question might have been suffering from a 'mental condition.'"

Agreed, along with everyone else at that Town Hall meeting, including Ocasio-Cortez.

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