A new test to take....

<a href="http://www.LiberalTest.com" target=new_window> <img src="http://www.hostinggap.com/liberaltest/eagle.gif" border=0></a>
<a href="http://www.LiberalTest.com" target=new_window> <img src="http://www.hostinggap.com/liberaltest/indep.gif" border=0></a>

Who are the "Foreign Leaders" that Kerry claims to have the support of?

should have had 'who cares' on it.

How does Kerry's military service relate to the upcoming election?

should have had 'who cares' on it.

The Worst President in History was/is?

should have had lbj or nixon here.
Im posting NOT as a wife or friend or anything, but as a fellow board member.

DK, I expected better of you than this. I too thought some of the questions were biased and/or out there, but if you didnt like it, you could have closed it out and simply not taken it.
Im a little surprised at my outcome:

<a href="http://www.LiberalTest.com" target=new_window> <img src="http://www.hostinggap.com/liberaltest/indep.gif" border=0></a>

Im not trying to start anything, for I KNOW this is a subject that you can out-debate me in with one arm behind your back (so to speak). But its all about the freedom that you so very passionately speak for....and I dont think its fair of you to judge this so harshly.

Just my 2 cents as someone who is admitedly not as politically informed as 90% of the people on this board, but as I said before, thats why Im here....to learn. I realized how irresponsible I was being by NOT being informed.

Those questions really measure where you are at in the republican party, I'm really a moderate but here is what the site said:

<a href="http://www.LiberalTest.com" target=new_window> <img src="http://www.hostinggap.com/liberaltest/eagle.gif" border=0></a>
I seem to be in good company...<a href="http://www.LiberalTest.com" target=new_window> <img src="http://www.hostinggap.com/liberaltest/eagle.gif" border=0></a>
<a href="http://www.LiberalTest.com" target=new_window> <img src="http://www.hostinggap.com/liberaltest/dontworry.gif" border=0></a>


edit: since the picture seems to be slow to load, I am the only one so far that has gotten the "True Conservative" test result.

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