A Neutral America

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
What would happen if America became a neutral country? What would happen if we only engaged in conflicts threatened us inside of our borders? What would happen if we were no longer associated with NATO, or any alliance that required "group" participation? Is it possible, given today's world of global dependency, for any nation to be neutral?

Could we defend ourselves going it alone, should we be attacked by China, Russia, or any nation with nuke capabilities? Are we a feared war machine that no one wants to challenge?

Would we be isolated and financially punished, where by other nations would impose trade sanctions and any other means to bring us to our knees? Would we become an easy target for financial ruin? How long would our currency remain the world benchmark currency if we declared ourselves neutral?

Of course the above are all hypothetical questions, but they do point to a world of dependency. In today's world, it's difficult, if not impossible, for any country to go it entirely alone, including the U.S. We are now a world of global powers, global financial markets, and global dependency, one nation to another. We're all under the umbrella of a "Global Economy", which has become a powerful financial prison that's almost impossible to escape from.

Considering the above hypotheticals, and obvious truisms, are we still the controlling influence that all others react to? In other words, are we still the "global boss" and not just another face in the crowd?

There's no doubt that America has become the hub of the Globalist agenda. We house the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and other Globalist organizations. We're certainly the military arm of the Globalist think tank. I do believe that we could do quite well as a sovereign nation as long as we had a few, good allies abroad. We (ourselves and our allies) could survive quite well as long as we supported each others economies. As long as our allies had strong armies there would be no need for America to have military bases in most every nation on earth. But, we can expect to continue on the path we're on and simply become a region of the New World Order and we can ultimately kiss our sovereignty goodbye.
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We'll never be neutral........a mega far-flung hypothetical......as long as we have politicians from both parties sucking defense contractor dick. John McShitStain approved this message.
What would happen if America became a neutral country? What would happen if we only engaged in conflicts threatened us inside of our borders? What would happen if we were no longer associated with NATO, or any alliance that required "group" participation? Is it possible, given today's world of global dependency, for any nation to be neutral?

Could we defend ourselves going it alone, should we be attacked by China, Russia, or any nation with nuke capabilities? Are we a feared war machine that no one wants to challenge?

Would we be isolated and financially punished, where by other nations would impose trade sanctions and any other means to bring us to our knees? Would we become an easy target for financial ruin? How long would our currency remain the world benchmark currency if we declared ourselves neutral?

Of course the above are all hypothetical questions, but they do point to a world of dependency. In today's world, it's difficult, if not impossible, for any country to go it entirely alone, including the U.S. We are now a world of global powers, global financial markets, and global dependency, one nation to another. We're all under the umbrella of a "Global Economy", which has become a powerful financial prison that's almost impossible to escape from.

Considering the above hypotheticals, and obvious truisms, are we still the controlling influence that all others react to? In other words, are we still the "global boss" and not just another face in the crowd?

We should split into three nuclear armed to the teeth countries.

Left Coast, Yankees get northern Atlantic Coast and Great Lakes, and the real Americans get the rest.

Everyone gets two years to get to the one he likes.

After that, PURGES!!!
We should be the leader in this so called global environment, real or contrived. To lead we need a leader not a community organizer.
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What would happen if America became a neutral country? What would happen if we only engaged in conflicts threatened us inside of our borders? What would happen if we were no longer associated with NATO, or any alliance that required "group" participation? Is it possible, given today's world of global dependency, for any nation to be neutral?

Could we defend ourselves going it alone, should we be attacked by China, Russia, or any nation with nuke capabilities? Are we a feared war machine that no one wants to challenge?

Would we be isolated and financially punished, where by other nations would impose trade sanctions and any other means to bring us to our knees? Would we become an easy target for financial ruin? How long would our currency remain the world benchmark currency if we declared ourselves neutral?

Of course the above are all hypothetical questions, but they do point to a world of dependency. In today's world, it's difficult, if not impossible, for any country to go it entirely alone, including the U.S. We are now a world of global powers, global financial markets, and global dependency, one nation to another. We're all under the umbrella of a "Global Economy", which has become a powerful financial prison that's almost impossible to escape from.

Considering the above hypotheticals, and obvious truisms, are we still the controlling influence that all others react to? In other words, are we still the "global boss" and not just another face in the crowd?

We should split into three nuclear armed to the teeth countries.

Left Coast, Yankees get northern Atlantic Coast and Great Lakes, and the real Americans get the rest.

Everyone gets two years to get to the one he likes.

After that, PURGES!!!
You just may be reading too many sci-fi books, or watching way too many movies.
What would happen if America became a neutral country? What would happen if we only engaged in conflicts threatened us inside of our borders? What would happen if we were no longer associated with NATO, or any alliance that required "group" participation? Is it possible, given today's world of global dependency, for any nation to be neutral?

Could we defend ourselves going it alone, should we be attacked by China, Russia, or any nation with nuke capabilities? Are we a feared war machine that no one wants to challenge?

Would we be isolated and financially punished, where by other nations would impose trade sanctions and any other means to bring us to our knees? Would we become an easy target for financial ruin? How long would our currency remain the world benchmark currency if we declared ourselves neutral?

Of course the above are all hypothetical questions, but they do point to a world of dependency. In today's world, it's difficult, if not impossible, for any country to go it entirely alone, including the U.S. We are now a world of global powers, global financial markets, and global dependency, one nation to another. We're all under the umbrella of a "Global Economy", which has become a powerful financial prison that's almost impossible to escape from.

Considering the above hypotheticals, and obvious truisms, are we still the controlling influence that all others react to? In other words, are we still the "global boss" and not just another face in the crowd?

By abandoning God and by abandoning Israel and by calling evil good and good evil - we have placed ourselves under the judgment of God as a nation. A house divided cannot stand. It will fall. There is no such thing as "neutral" with the LORD. You are either for Him? Or Against Him. And that will determine what happens to you when judgment falls upon America.
What would happen if America became a neutral country? What would happen if we only engaged in conflicts threatened us inside of our borders? What would happen if we were no longer associated with NATO, or any alliance that required "group" participation? Is it possible, given today's world of global dependency, for any nation to be neutral?

Could we defend ourselves going it alone, should we be attacked by China, Russia, or any nation with nuke capabilities? Are we a feared war machine that no one wants to challenge?

Would we be isolated and financially punished, where by other nations would impose trade sanctions and any other means to bring us to our knees? Would we become an easy target for financial ruin? How long would our currency remain the world benchmark currency if we declared ourselves neutral?

Of course the above are all hypothetical questions, but they do point to a world of dependency. In today's world, it's difficult, if not impossible, for any country to go it entirely alone, including the U.S. We are now a world of global powers, global financial markets, and global dependency, one nation to another. We're all under the umbrella of a "Global Economy", which has become a powerful financial prison that's almost impossible to escape from.

Considering the above hypotheticals, and obvious truisms, are we still the controlling influence that all others react to? In other words, are we still the "global boss" and not just another face in the crowd?

Why do you feel the need to post in bold?
What would happen if America became a neutral country? What would happen if we only engaged in conflicts threatened us inside of our borders? What would happen if we were no longer associated with NATO, or any alliance that required "group" participation? Is it possible, given today's world of global dependency, for any nation to be neutral?

Could we defend ourselves going it alone, should we be attacked by China, Russia, or any nation with nuke capabilities? Are we a feared war machine that no one wants to challenge?

Would we be isolated and financially punished, where by other nations would impose trade sanctions and any other means to bring us to our knees? Would we become an easy target for financial ruin? How long would our currency remain the world benchmark currency if we declared ourselves neutral?

Of course the above are all hypothetical questions, but they do point to a world of dependency. In today's world, it's difficult, if not impossible, for any country to go it entirely alone, including the U.S. We are now a world of global powers, global financial markets, and global dependency, one nation to another. We're all under the umbrella of a "Global Economy", which has become a powerful financial prison that's almost impossible to escape from.

Considering the above hypotheticals, and obvious truisms, are we still the controlling influence that all others react to? In other words, are we still the "global boss" and not just another face in the crowd?

Why do you feel the need to post in bold?
I do not feel a need to. Is there something wrong with doing so? If there's something wrong with it, please tell me. Am I breaking a rule of the forum by doing it?
What would happen if America became a neutral country? What would happen if we only engaged in conflicts threatened us inside of our borders? What would happen if we were no longer associated with NATO, or any alliance that required "group" participation? Is it possible, given today's world of global dependency, for any nation to be neutral?

Could we defend ourselves going it alone, should we be attacked by China, Russia, or any nation with nuke capabilities? Are we a feared war machine that no one wants to challenge?

Would we be isolated and financially punished, where by other nations would impose trade sanctions and any other means to bring us to our knees? Would we become an easy target for financial ruin? How long would our currency remain the world benchmark currency if we declared ourselves neutral?

Of course the above are all hypothetical questions, but they do point to a world of dependency. In today's world, it's difficult, if not impossible, for any country to go it entirely alone, including the U.S. We are now a world of global powers, global financial markets, and global dependency, one nation to another. We're all under the umbrella of a "Global Economy", which has become a powerful financial prison that's almost impossible to escape from.

Considering the above hypotheticals, and obvious truisms, are we still the controlling influence that all others react to? In other words, are we still the "global boss" and not just another face in the crowd?

Why do you feel the need to post in bold?
I do not feel a need to. Is there something wrong with doing so? If there's something wrong with it, please tell me. Am I breaking a rule of the forum by doing it?

It's harder to read.

Also, there's no need to bold the entire passage, unless perhaps you have sight problems.
What would happen if America became a neutral country? What would happen if we only engaged in conflicts threatened us inside of our borders? What would happen if we were no longer associated with NATO, or any alliance that required "group" participation? Is it possible, given today's world of global dependency, for any nation to be neutral?

Could we defend ourselves going it alone, should we be attacked by China, Russia, or any nation with nuke capabilities? Are we a feared war machine that no one wants to challenge?

Would we be isolated and financially punished, where by other nations would impose trade sanctions and any other means to bring us to our knees? Would we become an easy target for financial ruin? How long would our currency remain the world benchmark currency if we declared ourselves neutral?

Of course the above are all hypothetical questions, but they do point to a world of dependency. In today's world, it's difficult, if not impossible, for any country to go it entirely alone, including the U.S. We are now a world of global powers, global financial markets, and global dependency, one nation to another. We're all under the umbrella of a "Global Economy", which has become a powerful financial prison that's almost impossible to escape from.

Considering the above hypotheticals, and obvious truisms, are we still the controlling influence that all others react to? In other words, are we still the "global boss" and not just another face in the crowd?

Why do you feel the need to post in bold?
I do not feel a need to. Is there something wrong with doing so? If there's something wrong with it, please tell me. Am I breaking a rule of the forum by doing it?

It's harder to read.

Also, there's no need to bold the entire passage, unless perhaps you have sight problems.
Nope. No sight problems.
I found this paragraph really sums it up well. These are quotes from Saakashvili who was our puppet in Georgia during the Russian-Georgia War.
Marching Through Georgia - The New Yorker
Wendell Steavenson. December 15, 2008 Issue
When he arrived in Washington as a student, he was dismayed to find Lafayette Square, opposite the White House, full of homeless people and rats, and the nearby streets in disrepair. “You get a sense what different governments are,” he recounted. “The road was really very bad, worse than roads in Shevardnadze’s time. But because local D.C. government was broke—even if it was leading to the White House, who cares? There he sits, the most powerful President in the world, but he cannot fix the road!” He went on, “They call it separation of powers. Some people would call it democracy. I would call it inefficient.”
Saakashvili might call it inefficient. I call it corruption.

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