A momentary pause to consider the nature of the man Trump supporters are defending.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
For the purpose of this thread let's put aside the matter of the Trump admin's botched, delayed response to the worst public health crisis in 100 years. Let's instead consider what kind of person, absent politics, Trumpleton's voted for and still support.

What follows is a list, not of unfounded accusations, but of documented instances or moral depravity.
He has defrauded students of his real estate school for which he paid a $25M settlement.
He has under paid contractors for which he was sued hundreds of times.
He has swindled shareholders of his bankrupted casino company.
He has associated with convicted criminals.
He has, on numerous occasions, cheated on his wife.
He has paid two of the women involved in adulterous affairs for their silence in order to defraud the voting public.
He has lied to the American public pathologically.
He has discriminated against minorities. A case he settled with the US government.
He has stolen money from a charity, for which he paid a $2M fine and was forced to shut down his "charitable" foundation.

Give it a minute...........it's a lot to take in.

Now, forget about party affiliations and ideological differences. Concentrate on character. To many, an important consideration before casting a vote for a candidate for any office, let alone the presidency.

The question I'd like to pose to Trump supporters is..................WTF?

What form of mental gymnastics makes it possible to ignore all that?
For the purpose of this thread let's put aside the matter of the Trump admin's botched, delayed response to the worst public health crisis in 100 years. Let's instead consider what kind of person, absent politics, Trumpleton's voted for and still support.

What follows is a list, not of unfounded accusations, but of documented instances or moral depravity.
He has defrauded students of his real estate school for which he paid a $25M settlement.
He has under paid contractors for which he was sued hundreds of times.
He has swindled shareholders of his bankrupted casino company.
He has associated with convicted criminals.
He has, on numerous occasions, cheated on his wife.
He has paid two of the women involved in adulterous affairs for their silence in order to defraud the voting public.
He has lied to the American public pathologically.
He has discriminated against minorities. A case he settled with the US government.
He has stolen money from a charity, for which he paid a $2M fine and was forced to shut down his "charitable" foundation.

Give it a minute...........it's a lot to take in.

Now, forget about party affiliations and ideological differences. Concentrate on character. To many, an important consideration before casting a vote for a candidate for any office, let alone the presidency.

The question I'd like to pose to Trump supporters is..................WTF?

What form of mental gymnastics makes it possible to ignore all that?
There never has been nor will there ever be a virtuous politician
For the purpose of this thread let's put aside the matter of the Trump admin's botched, delayed response to the worst public health crisis in 100 years. Let's instead consider what kind of person, absent politics, Trumpleton's voted for and still support.

What follows is a list, not of unfounded accusations, but of documented instances or moral depravity.
He has defrauded students of his real estate school for which he paid a $25M settlement.
He has under paid contractors for which he was sued hundreds of times.
He has swindled shareholders of his bankrupted casino company.
He has associated with convicted criminals.
He has, on numerous occasions, cheated on his wife.
He has paid two of the women involved in adulterous affairs for their silence in order to defraud the voting public.
He has lied to the American public pathologically.
He has discriminated against minorities. A case he settled with the US government.
He has stolen money from a charity, for which he paid a $2M fine and was forced to shut down his "charitable" foundation.

Give it a minute...........it's a lot to take in.

Now, forget about party affiliations and ideological differences. Concentrate on character. To many, an important consideration before casting a vote for a candidate for any office, let alone the presidency.

The question I'd like to pose to Trump supporters is..................WTF?

What form of mental gymnastics makes it possible to ignore all that?

you have a pathological hate toward trump

but we have known that for 4 years

so what else is new?
For the purpose of this thread let's put aside the matter of the Trump admin's botched, delayed response to the worst public health crisis in 100 years. Let's instead consider what kind of person, absent politics, Trumpleton's voted for and still support.

What follows is a list, not of unfounded accusations, but of documented instances or moral depravity.
He has defrauded students of his real estate school for which he paid a $25M settlement.
He has under paid contractors for which he was sued hundreds of times.
He has swindled shareholders of his bankrupted casino company.
He has associated with convicted criminals.
He has, on numerous occasions, cheated on his wife.
He has paid two of the women involved in adulterous affairs for their silence in order to defraud the voting public.
He has lied to the American public pathologically.
He has discriminated against minorities. A case he settled with the US government.
He has stolen money from a charity, for which he paid a $2M fine and was forced to shut down his "charitable" foundation.

Give it a minute...........it's a lot to take in.

Now, forget about party affiliations and ideological differences. Concentrate on character. To many, an important consideration before casting a vote for a candidate for any office, let alone the presidency.

The question I'd like to pose to Trump supporters is..................WTF?

What form of mental gymnastics makes it possible to ignore all that?
I think his supporters view him like most people view lawyers. Lawyers generally have the image that they are slimy, immoral, scum-sucking bottom feeders and people hate them all. All except their own lawyer who they want to act like a slimy, immoral, scum-sucking bottom feeder in their interest.
For the purpose of this thread let's put aside the matter of the Trump admin's botched, delayed response to the worst public health crisis in 100 years. Let's instead consider what kind of person, absent politics, Trumpleton's voted for and still support.

What follows is a list, not of unfounded accusations, but of documented instances or moral depravity.
He has defrauded students of his real estate school for which he paid a $25M settlement.
He has under paid contractors for which he was sued hundreds of times.
He has swindled shareholders of his bankrupted casino company.
He has associated with convicted criminals.
He has, on numerous occasions, cheated on his wife.
He has paid two of the women involved in adulterous affairs for their silence in order to defraud the voting public.
He has lied to the American public pathologically.
He has discriminated against minorities. A case he settled with the US government.
He has stolen money from a charity, for which he paid a $2M fine and was forced to shut down his "charitable" foundation.

Give it a minute...........it's a lot to take in.

Now, forget about party affiliations and ideological differences. Concentrate on character. To many, an important consideration before casting a vote for a candidate for any office, let alone the presidency.

The question I'd like to pose to Trump supporters is..................WTF?

What form of mental gymnastics makes it possible to ignore all that?
I think his supporters view him like most people view lawyers. Lawyers generally have the image that they are slimy, immoral, scum-sucking bottom feeders and people hate them all. All except their own lawyer who they want to act like a slimy, immoral, scum-sucking bottom feeder in their interest.
That applies to anyone who supports any politician regardless of party
For the purpose of this thread let's put aside the matter of the Trump admin's botched, delayed response to the worst public health crisis in 100 years. Let's instead consider what kind of person, absent politics, Trumpleton's voted for and still support.

What follows is a list, not of unfounded accusations, but of documented instances or moral depravity.
He has defrauded students of his real estate school for which he paid a $25M settlement.
He has under paid contractors for which he was sued hundreds of times.
He has swindled shareholders of his bankrupted casino company.
He has associated with convicted criminals.
He has, on numerous occasions, cheated on his wife.
He has paid two of the women involved in adulterous affairs for their silence in order to defraud the voting public.
He has lied to the American public pathologically.
He has discriminated against minorities. A case he settled with the US government.
He has stolen money from a charity, for which he paid a $2M fine and was forced to shut down his "charitable" foundation.

Give it a minute...........it's a lot to take in.

Now, forget about party affiliations and ideological differences. Concentrate on character. To many, an important consideration before casting a vote for a candidate for any office, let alone the presidency.

The question I'd like to pose to Trump supporters is..................WTF?

What form of mental gymnastics makes it possible to ignore all that?
and amazingly he got elected and reelected.
I think his supporters view him like most people view lawyers. Lawyers generally have the image that they are slimy, immoral, scum-sucking bottom feeders and people hate them all.
Okay, let's pursue that line of thinking.

How many lawyers would still be in practice if they stole money from a charity?

The point being, doing certain things typically disqualifies someone from continuing in their occupation. Either by legal or ethical sanctions.
Conservatives sought and finally found a man that tells them their character flaws are now virtues. They live in a world that often despises their greed, hate and ignorance and are too lazy to try to be kinder, better Americans. Get a guy that will never criticize them for anything and Bingo, everyone is perfect American patriots in spite of hating most Americans and most things about America.
Conservatives sought and finally found a man that tells them their character flaws are now virtues. They live in a world that often despises their greed, hate and ignorance and are too lazy to try to be kinder, better Americans. Get a guy that will never criticize them for anything and Bingo, everyone is perfect American patriots in spite of hating most Americans and most things about America.

The projection is really embarrassing. For you.
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended. They keep trying to disparage Trump, and that will never work. Trump was right on all counts, pushing back on China, being a populist and not a globalist, using tariffs to advantage, bringing back good jobs and US manufacturing.

Voters are workers, except maybe for some democrats, and they will vote in their interest for better jobs.
For the purpose of this thread let's put aside the matter of the Trump admin's botched, delayed response to the worst public health crisis in 100 years. Let's instead consider what kind of person, absent politics, Trumpleton's voted for and still support.

What follows is a list, not of unfounded accusations, but of documented instances or moral depravity.
He has defrauded students of his real estate school for which he paid a $25M settlement.
He has under paid contractors for which he was sued hundreds of times.
He has swindled shareholders of his bankrupted casino company.
He has associated with convicted criminals.
He has, on numerous occasions, cheated on his wife.
He has paid two of the women involved in adulterous affairs for their silence in order to defraud the voting public.
He has lied to the American public pathologically.
He has discriminated against minorities. A case he settled with the US government.
He has stolen money from a charity, for which he paid a $2M fine and was forced to shut down his "charitable" foundation.

Give it a minute...........it's a lot to take in.

Now, forget about party affiliations and ideological differences. Concentrate on character. To many, an important consideration before casting a vote for a candidate for any office, let alone the presidency.

The question I'd like to pose to Trump supporters is..................WTF?

What form of mental gymnastics makes it possible to ignore all that?
I think his supporters view him like most people view lawyers. Lawyers generally have the image that they are slimy, immoral, scum-sucking bottom feeders and people hate them all. All except their own lawyer who they want to act like a slimy, immoral, scum-sucking bottom feeder in their interest.
That applies to anyone who supports any politician regardless of party
Agreed. What we forget is that our legal system is adversarial. It is your advocate against the opposing advocate with the assumption that justice will prevail. Politics has become adversarial when it needs to be cooperative. I see that as the reason people think so little of government and politicians. Unfortunately, nothing will change until we hold our politicians to a higher standard, not a lower one.
The democrats can never brag about their "candidates" because their policies can't be defended.
The subject matter here is not ideology, as I stated at the beginning. It is character.
I think his supporters view him like most people view lawyers. Lawyers generally have the image that they are slimy, immoral, scum-sucking bottom feeders and people hate them all.
Okay, let's pursue that line of thinking.

How many lawyers would still be in practice if they stole money from a charity?

The point being, doing certain things typically disqualifies someone from continuing in their occupation. Either by legal or ethical sanctions.
No argument but if my lawyer was willing to cut legal corners in my interest would I tell him not to do it? I don't know but then again I've never been divorced.
For the purpose of this thread let's put aside the matter of the Trump admin's botched, delayed response to the worst public health crisis in 100 years. Let's instead consider what kind of person, absent politics, Trumpleton's voted for and still support.

What follows is a list, not of unfounded accusations, but of documented instances or moral depravity.
He has defrauded students of his real estate school for which he paid a $25M settlement.
He has under paid contractors for which he was sued hundreds of times.
He has swindled shareholders of his bankrupted casino company.
He has associated with convicted criminals.
He has, on numerous occasions, cheated on his wife.
He has paid two of the women involved in adulterous affairs for their silence in order to defraud the voting public.
He has lied to the American public pathologically.
He has discriminated against minorities. A case he settled with the US government.
He has stolen money from a charity, for which he paid a $2M fine and was forced to shut down his "charitable" foundation.

Give it a minute...........it's a lot to take in.

Now, forget about party affiliations and ideological differences. Concentrate on character. To many, an important consideration before casting a vote for a candidate for any office, let alone the presidency.

The question I'd like to pose to Trump supporters is..................WTF?

What form of mental gymnastics makes it possible to ignore all that?
/——-/ Yeah, he cheated on his wife, just lIke your moral hero Billy Clinton. Everything else you stated is just a twist and distortion- your personal opinion, and nothing more.

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