Senior Member
it seems the implications of the international support for lebanon's freedom are wide and far in the middle east, especially within syria.,3604,1579680,00.html
A mixture of excitement and fear stalks the land in Syria
UN success in Lebanon could shatter the political dominance of the military in the Arab world
David Hirst
Wednesday September 28, 2005
The Guardian
When Lebanese police last month arrested four former army and intelligence chiefs, once pillars of President Lahoud's pro-Syrian regime, as suspects in the murder of former prime minister Rafiq Hariri, Arab commentators quickly understood that something profoundly significant was happening - not just for Lebanon, but the whole Arab world. The arrests were made at the request of Detlev Mehlis, head of the UN team investigating the case. Although, technically, the Lebanese state was exercising its own sovereign authority, it could never have done so without the international support that Mehlis embodies.
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