A Love-Hate Relationship. Media Hates Trump And Loves Clinton


Sep 23, 2010
Dan Calabrese does not go far enough:

The real reason Trump is so hated by the political press is not that they don’t like what he would do as president. They don’t even have any idea what he would do as president. The real reason they hate him is that he not only refuses to play by their rules, but he pays no price for said refusal. It’s sort of like Hillary and the law, except that that’s the law, and Trump’s apostasies are merely a constant middle finger to the news media.​

VIDEO: Trump promises to 'get rid of that crooked woman'
By Dan Calabrese
September 28, 2016

VIDEO: Trump promises to ‘get rid of that crooked woman’

The real reason that Donald Trump is so hated is that he might eliminate the tax deduction for advertising:

Hell, with enough conservatives in Congress they could even eliminate the advertising tax deduction that feeds everybody in television. One example: 100 senators run for election over 6 years —— 435 representatives run every two years. Winners AND LOSERS advertise. That amounts to television raking in roughly 100 billion advertising dollars every six years. That does not include the money television gets from state and local elections. My best guesstimate says that television pockets a TRILLION political advertising dollars every 10 years. And they get it for doing nothing more than sell the filth in government. Had a majority of Americans purchased medicine as poisonous as the Clintons, and the Chicago sewer rat, the parasites in television would be the only ones still alive.

Incidentally, a substantial chunk of political advertising money is spent on presidential elections. In addition to political ads, ask yourself “Who the hell is paying for all of the political campaign bullshit filling up the air time in-between product advertising?”

Break It Off In Cookie Cutters

NOTE: No Republican was ever hated by the media as much as they hate Donald Trump. Media even accepts a Republican who is no threat to the advertising tax deduction.

On the other side of the media coin they love Hillary because she loves funding media with tax dollars. A tax dollar media is an essential component of the Democrat party’s grip on political power.

And let us not forget Madison Avenue:

Madison Avenue salesmen know that they cannot sell a campaign to advertisers who do not believe him. That is why politicians and their media mouthpieces work very hard selling the salesman first. Once enough voters trust the politician, every defective, destructive policy, can be sold with impunity. Look at how well it worked with the current president before you believe anything Hillary Clinton tells you.

The Media Tabernacle Choir

and government propagandists:

. . . advertising on the Internet is also a tax deduction. On the plus side, the government and TV propagandists have been burning the midnight oil for at least two decades trying to come up with a way to censor free speech on the Internet without damaging television’s income. Basically, if tax deductible advertising is eliminated to get at the Internet television will die the death of a thousand cuts while freedom of speech on the Internet grows stronger.

Reining In Political Filth

If you only add up every tax dollar parasite in media, and in the advertising industry, their number is miniscule. Their incomes are astronomical, while not a one of them has constitutional authority to feed at the public trough.

Incidentally, the press has no First Amendment Right to tax dollar funding.

Finally, our self-appointed spiritual leader who betrays the country at every opportunity told us:

. . . “That is not what America is.” Or “That is not the kind of country we want.” (We meaning I.)

Democrats have variations on the theme, but it always boils down to ‘Americans are begging to live in a theocracy governed by Socialist priests.

First Amendment Exemption

Media allows Hillary Clinton to get away with the same fast one because they want her to be the first female president, as well as the first female spiritual leader:

CLINTON: So if he's paid zero, that means zero for troops, zero for vets, zero for schools or health. And I think probably he's not all that enthusiastic about having the rest of our country see what the real reasons are, because it must be something really important, even terrible, that he's trying to hide.

The first Trump-Clinton presidential debate transcript, annotated

In the next debates Trump should point out that Clinton’s perfect world demands taxation to pay for open-borders that pays for putting millions of illegal aliens on welfare state programs with millions of United Nations refugees in the pipeline.

Clinton’s tax plan pays for education for illegal aliens paid for by Americans.

Clinton’s tax plan pays for free healthcare for illegal aliens while millions of working Americans cannot afford decent healthcare for themselves and their loved ones.

The record shows that charity taxation lowered the standard of living for private sector Americans, while it was creating thousands of multi-millionaires who pocket her tax dollars.

Clinton’s tax plan will adds millions more to the 90 million already unemployed AMERICANS created by the welfare state up to now.

Hillary’s tax plan pays for the kind of America President Hillary Clinton wants. In fact, after 25 years of promoting her personal agenda from Bill’s coattails she was instrumental in forcing “Hillary’s America” on the American people through the current tax code. Now, she expects more, much more, with media help. Happily, it all comes to screaming halt if media loses the advertising tax deduction.

Bottom line: Media has no choice but to hate Donald Trump as a matter of self-interest. Freedom-loving Americans who hate Hillary have no choice but to hate media as a matter of survival.
Waaaa Waaaa Waaaa

What is it with the constant whining and blaming from the right?

Leftists take responsibility but the poor widdow baby RWNJ traitors, including Drumpf himself, always blame someone else for their own failures.

Grow up.

And then ask yourself - If whiny little dondon can't run a campaign with millions and millions in free press, why do you think he can lead the entire free world?

He's already Pooting's fave little bitch. What about others?
Donald's "free press" has been 90% negative. Fortunately, people are starting to realize that most of it is propaganda. The same goes for biased liberal moderators; the more they pile on Trump, the more legitimate his claims about a rigged system become. It is interesting that, despite Bernie's similar claims, Hillary has now become the champion of the staus quo.
Donald's "free press" has been 90% negative. Fortunately, people are starting to realize that most of it is propaganda.
To jwoodie: The press is the government regardless of which political party is in the majority.

Socialists controlled the press since the 1920s. Right now they are fighting tooth and nail to bring back tighter control than they exercised under the Fairness Doctrine:

News industry heavyweight Fox News could be banished from coverage of American political races under a new strategy being developed by Democrats on the Federal Election Commission.

The group is, by law, half Democrat and half Republican, and Democrats long have bemoaned the fact that they are not in total control to move forward with their restrictions on conservative media, such as Fox.

Now Paul Bedard, the Washington Examiner’s “Washington’s Secrets” columnist, who long has monitored the commission’s agenda, is reporting on an FEC idea to identify media companies with even a tiny bit of foreign ownership and ban them from “covering political races.”​

Dems 'laying groundwork' to torpedo conservative media
Posted By Bob Unruh On 09/29/2016 @ 2:43 pm

Dems ‘laying groundwork’ to torpedo conservative media

Incidentally, notice that Democrats are out to abolish freedom of speech on the Internet. Make no mistake about where this is going:

Hours left before Obama's Internet giveaway 'irreversible'
Posted By Bob Unruh On 09/29/2016 @ 8:32 pm

Hours left before Obama’s Internet giveaway ‘irreversible’
The same goes for biased liberal moderators; the more they pile on Trump, the more legitimate his claims about a rigged system become.
To jwoodie: Trump should be able to fend off biased liberal moderators. It is the things the media omits that Trump and his supporters have to work on:

. . . Donald Trump did not steal your money. Donald Trump did not raise your taxes. Donald Trump did not quadruple the price of food. Donald Trump is not influencing or stirring the race issue. Donald Trump did not leave any U.S. officials and citizens behind in Benghazi to be slaughtered and desecrated by Muslims. Donald Trump did not create a security vacuum from which ISIS grew out of the remnants of al-Qaeda in Iraq. Donald Trump did not arm ISIS and systematically exterminate Christians, Kurds, and the innocent throughout the Middle East. Donald Trump did not betray Israel. Donald Trump did not provide hundreds of billions in financing and technology to Iran's nuclear weapons program by way of a phony deal. Donald Trump did not give our military secrets to China. Donald Trump did not decimate and deplete our military, and betray our veterans. Donald Trump did not increase our debt to over 20-trillion dollars. Donald Trump did not ruin our credit, twice. Donald Trump did not institute unbalanced trade deals that sent billions of American dollars, jobs, and businesses to foreign countries. Donald Trump did not double African American unemployment. Donald Trump did not open our borders, influence massive illegal immigration, or provide U.S. tax dollars to bring in unvetted Middle Eastern refugees to America. Donald Trump did not steal your rights, violate U.S. Constitutional law, or commit treason, dozens of times.

Yet Donald Trump is being ripped apart in the news, the mainstream media and the liberal left nonstop for being a private American citizen like most of us.​

September 30, 2016
Consider this in your voting decision-making process
By Jim Waurishuk

Blog: Consider this in your voting decision-making process
Hillary has now become the champion of the staus quo.
To jwoodie: You are too kind.

status quo (noun)

The existing condition or state of affairs.​

Hillary is the status quo if it means implementing her United Nations global government agenda.
Donald's "free press" has been 90% negative. Fortunately, people are starting to realize that most of it is propaganda. The same goes for biased liberal moderators; the more they pile on Trump, the more legitimate his claims about a rigged system become. It is interesting that, despite Bernie's similar claims, Hillary has now become the champion of the staus quo.
That’s because Trump is 90 percent negative.

Reporting the ignorant, hateful, bigoted things Trump says is not being ‘anti-Trump,’ it’s accurately reporting the fact that Trump is an ignorant, hateful bigot – Trump has only himself to blame.
accurately reporting
To C_Clayton_Jones: Before midnight today, I would like to see your media accurately report that Hillary Clinton is thrilled that both the United Nations and her pals in China will get a huge chunk of America’s sovereignty:

There’s not even the slightest shadow of a doubt about to whom President Barack Obama is handing-off the Internet at midnight tonight if the four Republican attorneys general making an 11th-hour bid to block him do not succeed in the lawsuit they filed yesterday.

Obama is handing control of the Internet over to the United Nations International Telecommunications Union (ITU). ITU is run by the Peoples Republic of China.

“Already under fire for seeking to usurp new powers to control the Internet, the United Nations International Telecommunications Union (ITU) is facing intense criticism after appointing a Chinese Communist to lead the controversial UN agency starting next year. (The New American, Oct. 27, 2014.)​

Obama handing The Peoples’ Internet to Communist China
By Judi McLeod
September 30, 2016

Obama handing The Peoples’ Internet to Communist China

Walter Cronkite could not be more proud:

First, Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That would be a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith in the new order. Walter Cronkite

Speech by Walter Cronkite, anchor of the CBS Evening News (1962-1981), accepting the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award. The award was presented by John B. Anderson, president of the World Federalist Association, on Oct. 19, 1999 in the Delegates Dining Room at United Nations headquarters in New York. Following the speech, a videotaped message from the First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, congratulated Cronkite for the award.

TOPIC: Global Governance
September 30, 2016
Consider this in your voting decision-making process
Clinton: "If Not Paying Taxes Makes Him Smart, What Does That Make The Rest Of Us?"​

Assuming Clinton was talking to her base the answer is: Either stupid, or a parasite, or both.

Incidentally, one of America’s most respected jurists who never sat on the SCOTUS said:

"Anyone may arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which best pays the treasury. There is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes. Over and over again the Courts have said that there is nothing sinister in so arranging affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. Everyone does it, rich and poor alike and all do right, for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands." Judge Learned Hand

I think Judge Hand (1872 - 1961) would agree with Donald Trump today. Every American taxpayer certainly disagrees with Hillary Clinton.
Assuming Clinton was talking to her base the answer is: Either stupid, or a parasite, or both.
"What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in a single year?" Clinton asked a crowd in downtown Toledo, with a hint of amusement in her voice….​

October 6, 2016
What Kind of Genius Loses $6 Billion, Hillary?
By Daniel John Sobieski

Articles: What Kind of Genius Loses $6 Billion, Hillary?

Hillary sure knows how to get a laugh:

The real reason that Donald Trump is so hated is that he might eliminate the tax deduction for advertising:
Put this one in the NO KIDDING file:

Study: 96 Percent of Media’s Campaign Donations Go to Hillary Clinton
by Katie McHugh
18 Oct 2016

Study: 96 Percent of Media's Campaign Donations Go to Hillary Clinton - Breitbart

I would work for Clinton, too, if I was a media parasite living on tax dollars.
Happily, it all comes to screaming halt if media loses the advertising tax deduction.
The real reason that Donald Trump is so hated is that he might eliminate the tax deduction for advertising:
No Republican was ever hated by the media as much as they hate Donald Trump. Media even accepts a Republican who is no threat to the advertising tax deduction.

On the other side of the media coin they love Hillary because she loves funding media with tax dollars. A tax dollar media is an essential component of the Democrat party’s grip on political power.
I love the thinking in this one.

Sad to say SELLING is media’s job. Expecting TELEVISION to change their wicked ways is asking them to stop selling. It ain’t gonna happen.

Let me add that in media circles selling garbage wins the industry’s highest accolades. Media mouths may not sell Hillary Clinton, but they can no more stop selling political garbage any more than Ford could stop selling cars because the Edsel was a bust.

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