A list of the hoaxes perpetrated to smear Trump and his supporters since the election...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The lies and smears of Trump and his supporters are coming fast and furious.....and they need to be pointed out so that normal people will see that the democrats are lying about these incidents and trying to drive a wedge between Americans...

There Is No Violent Hate-Crimewave in 'Trump's America'

Other instances of "Trump inspired" violence and vandalism have also turned out to be hoaxes or misinterpretations. An alleged Ku Klux Klan rally in honor of Trump's victory turned out to be an old photo of conservatives carrying U.S., Gadsden, and Christian flags that were billowing out in a manner mistaken in a grainy photo for Klan robes. There were no Southern Illinois University students posting blackface selfiesto social media after Trump's win.

A Nazi flag that went up over a home in San Francisco Wednesday wasn't a show of support for anti-Jewish sentiment but "a comment on our new president-elect," according to the anti-Trump resident who put it up. "I am hoping people get that this is a political statement, and that I'm not a Nazi supporter."

Other anti-Semitic imagery—such as "Sieg Heil 2016" spray-painted on an abandoned store front in Philadelphia—may have been legit expressions of bigotry or may have been similar attempts at commentary on Trump's election; it's unclear because no one is taking credit for them. The bulk of racist graffiti incidents appear to have happened around middle- and high-schools, which doesn't make their messages any less hurtful, I'm sure, but does suggest a phenomenon driven by mean and immature kids rather than rogue bands of serious neo-Nazis.

And while all sorts of horrible incidents are being reported on Twitter and Facebook... well, anyone can say anything on Twitter and Facebook. The bulk of these stories are "friend of a friend" told me types. But if men were really going around pulling knives on Muslim women on public buses in Trump's name, there would at least be local or campus news reports of it. Same, too, for the alleged wave of transgender teen suicides which keep getting mentioned in media but for which no one can offer any evidence. (Update: more on the alleged suicides here.)

I point all of this out not to mock or attempt to diminish the fear or dismay any individuals feel right now but to put things in perspective. The "hate acts reported across the country" in the wake of Trump's victory seem mostly relegated to graffiti at a few schools and one carjacking which may or may not have had anything to do with racial or religious prejudice.

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