A Lesson In What Happens When You Try To Influence American Elections


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
...or When You Hitch Your Star to Donald Trump.

Sometimes it's funny to watch when best laid plans go awry.

But Putin said in an interview with state-run MIR television station that relations had only deteriorated.

"The working level of confidence in Russian-American relations, especially at the military level, under the administration of Donald Trump, has not improved, but rather worsened".

Russia's Lavrov warns US over Syria in heated talks - CNNPolitics.com

He probably would have had better luck with Clinton.

Hopefully, this does not escalate to something really bad.
Obama put US combat troops in Syria without Congressional approval to do so... and you think it hasn't 'ended' badly so far?
OMG, I can't believe you folks are STILL linking to CNN. Will you guys ever learn?
...or When You Hitch Your Star to Donald Trump.

Sometimes it's funny to watch when best laid plans go awry.

But Putin said in an interview with state-run MIR television station that relations had only deteriorated.

"The working level of confidence in Russian-American relations, especially at the military level, under the administration of Donald Trump, has not improved, but rather worsened".

Russia's Lavrov warns US over Syria in heated talks - CNNPolitics.com

He probably would have had better luck with Clinton.

Hopefully, this does not escalate to something really bad.
Did they provide evidence the Russians were involved in our elections or the the revelation of democrat corruption alter events? Or is that just a given for you brainwashed lemmings now?
...or When You Hitch Your Star to Donald Trump.

Sometimes it's funny to watch when best laid plans go awry.

But Putin said in an interview with state-run MIR television station that relations had only deteriorated.

"The working level of confidence in Russian-American relations, especially at the military level, under the administration of Donald Trump, has not improved, but rather worsened".

Russia's Lavrov warns US over Syria in heated talks - CNNPolitics.com

He probably would have had better luck with Clinton.

Hopefully, this does not escalate to something really bad.

How does someone have an 18% rating and still is able to type and breath at the same time?
Literally, you are dumb as a box of rocks boy.

But to answer your question, when The Democrats tried to rig the election what they got was:

  1. TWO HEADS OF THE DNC FIRED IN ONE YEAR! And the 3rd looks like a Radical Jihadist Leftist Nut job!
  2. A Presidential Candidate that deleted 33,000 Emails breaking two Court Ordered Preservation Orders, to avoid FOIA Requests and Prosecution for Treason and Espionage: FELONY ESPIONAGE, FELONY TREASON, FELONY OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE
  3. Hillary Clinton Hiding her Health Problems
  4. A President who abused his power and our intelligence apparatus to share Intel Illegally with Hillary Clinton DURING A PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN: Too many felonies to list. Should be Life in Prison there are enough charges there.
  5. The President of The United States actually directing hacking on voting machines.
  6. A False Russian Narrative
  7. Democrats accusing The Trump Team of Russian Collusion but having the FBI, NSA, CIA & Treasury categorically state NO COLLUSION occurred
  8. Hacked Trump Tower and Russian Alfa Bank Servers and Planted False Beacon Pins which was an attempt to discredit Trump through Innuendo: FELONY Espionage
  9. PAID PROTESTORS paid to assault and bloody Trump Supporters: FELONY RICO
  10. Mexican Illegals & Liberals waving The Mexican Flag & Burning The American Flag
  11. Death Threats to Police and Chants of Death To Cops, and Fry Em Like Bacon
  12. Dead Cops in Dallas & Elsewhere Killed by Inflamed Angry Liberals
  13. Democrat Kristallnacht & Fake Riots and Vandalism: FELONY RICO
  14. Refusal of the DNC to let anyone look at their server
  15. Stolen Debate Questions: Election Tampering
  16. A Rigged DNC Primary: Election Tampering
  17. Calling Americans A Basket of Irredeemable Deplorables
  18. Calling Americans Basement Dwellers
  19. Calling Americans Taco Bowls
  20. Calling Americans Lazy Latinos
  21. Calling Americans Super Predators
  22. Illegally Releasing President Trump's Tax Returns: Felony Espionage
  23. Spying on President Trump: Felony Espionage
  24. Spying on General Flynn: Felony Espionage
  25. Democrats Claiming No Spying Occurred only to watch the FBI call them liars when they used the Transcripts of Spying on Flynn they said never occurred to EXONERATE HIM
  26. Spying on Page: Felony Espionage
  27. Spying on other unnamed members of The Trump Team: Felony Espionage
  28. Spying on President Trump's phone calls with Mexico, Thailand & Australia: Felony Espionage
  29. IIlegal Release of Spying Transcripts: Felony Espionage
  30. Illegal Unmasking: Felony Espionage
  31. Lies about Unmasking: Felony Perjury
  32. Illegal Sharing of Classified Information: Felony Espionage
  33. A Witch Hunt
  34. Admittance by Farkas that The Obama Administration was actively trying to disseminate raw data on surveillance with NO INTELLIGENCE VALUE to Politically Damage President Trump Felony Espionage, Election Tampering
  35. & Obama and Rice Lying to The American People and Committing Multiple Felonies
  36. Clinton meeting with all of the same dignitaries and ambassadors the Trump Team met with but not on bit of surveillance, leak of a transcript of these meetings.
  37. Fake Biased News & Interviews and Articles Edited by Clinton Herself
  38. 35 A Former Administration set up in a bunker running a "Resist Democracy" subversive operation, and now engaged in a cover up over their criminal activities. FELONY SEDITION, FELONY TREASON, FELONY ESPIONAGE
Who Phucking tried to not only affect the outcome of the election but tried to rig it? Clinton, Obama, & The DNC & a Duplicitous MSM!

But 18%? Is there such a thing as a Triple F Minus Grade?
You are the lowest rated poster on USMB.
You'd Flunk out of Stupid School.


Last edited:
Trump is so evil that he is turning on his master who got him elected.

I bet Putin is the reason Trump's dad gave him money.
But to answer your question, when The Democrats tried to rig the election what they got was

  2. A False Russian Narrative
  3. Democrats accusing The Trump Team of Russian Collusion but having the FBI, NSA, CIA & Treasury categorically state NO COLLUSION occurred
  4. Hacked Trump Tower and Russian Alfa Bank Servers and Planted False Beacon Pins which was an attempt to discredit Trump through Innuendo
  5. PAID PROTESTORS paid to assault and bloody Trump Supporters
  6. Death Threats to Police and Chants of Death To Cops, and Fry Em Like Bacon
  7. Democrat Kristallnacht & Fake Riots and Vandalism
  8. Refusal of the DNC to let anyone look at their server
  9. Stolen Debate Questions
  10. A Rigged DNC Primary
  11. Calling Americans A basket of irredeemable deplorables
  12. Calling Americans Basement Dwellers
  13. Calling Americans Taco Bowls
  14. Calling Americans Lazy Latinos
  15. Calling Americans Super Predators
  16. Illegally Releasing President Trump's Tax Returns
  17. Spying on President Trump
  18. Spying on General Flynn
  19. Democrats Claiming No Spying Occurred only to watch the FBI call them liars when they used the Transcripts of Spying on Flynn used to EXONERATE HIM
  20. Spying on Page
  21. Spying on other unnamed members of The Trump Team
  22. Spying on President Trump's phone calls with Mexico, Thailand & Australia
  23. IIlegal Release of Spying Transcripts
  24. Illegal Unmasking
  25. Lies about Unmasking
  26. Illegal Sharing of Classified Information
  27. A Witch Hunt
  28. & Obama and Rice Lying to The American People and Committing Multiple Felonies.
  29. Clinton meeting with all of the same dignitaries and ambassadors the Trump Team met with but not on bit of surveillance, leak of a transcript of these meetings.
  30. Fake Biased News & Interviews and Articles Edited by Clinton Herself
Who Phucking tried to not only affect the outcome of the election but tried to rig it? Clinton, Obama, & The DNC & a Duplicitous MSM!

But 18%? Is there such a thing as a Triple F Minus Grade?
You are the lowest rated poster on USMB.
You'd Flunk out of Stupid School.



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...or When You Hitch Your Star to Donald Trump.

Sometimes it's funny to watch when best laid plans go awry.

But Putin said in an interview with state-run MIR television station that relations had only deteriorated.

"The working level of confidence in Russian-American relations, especially at the military level, under the administration of Donald Trump, has not improved, but rather worsened".

Russia's Lavrov warns US over Syria in heated talks - CNNPolitics.com

He probably would have had better luck with Clinton.

Hopefully, this does not escalate to something really bad.
heated talks cnn. lol lions and tigers and bears oh my...
Trump is so evil that he is turning on his master who got him elected.
That's like a Global Warming Scientology-worshiper being confronted with record-setting cold temperatures after he declared Global Warming had effectively ended such low temperatures defending himself by arguing that Global Warming caused temperatures so HOT that it just 'FEELS' like it's really cold.

View attachment 121420
if only assad would go clear and join seaorg.
"A Lesson In What Happens When You Try To Influence American Elections"

What happens? 2 Cases, the ONLY 2 cases in 2016 that actually happened:

- Hillary lost.

- The ONLY ones who attempted to 'hack the election' were Barak Hussein Obama and his DHS. They failed. They were caught. Nothing happened to them.
the false premise again that russia picked our president. we're still waiting for something concrete no ?
the false premise again that russia picked our president. we're still waiting for something concrete no ?

You will never get anything concrete because it was a Ruse and Political Strategy that was supposed to put Clinton over the top in a landslide and there was nothing there.

The Left will never give up their claim of Russian Collusion even though the NSA, FBI, Treasury, NIH, CIA all stated there was NO COLLUSION.

They cannot give up this lie, and have to keep promoting it even though they know it is false because it is their only way to keep afloat when they are drowning in a sea of lies and criminality.
Alt Right deniers and propagandists above are trying to deflect from the fact that the FBI and intel agencies have said that (1) the Russians interfered in our elections and (2) their intent was to help Putin and hurt Clinton and (3) some Trump campaign members are being investigated for their involvement.

The American people as a whole accept the agencies' positions and reject the Alt Right deniers. Fact.
the false premise again that russia picked our president. we're still waiting for something concrete no ?

You will never get anything concrete because it was a Ruse and Political Strategy that was supposed to put Clinton over the top in a landslide and there was nothing there.

The Left will never give up their claim of Russian Collusion even though the NSA, FBI, Treasury, NIH, CIA all stated there was NO COLLUSION.

They cannot give up this lie, and have to keep promoting it even though they know it is false because it is their only way to keep afloat when they are drowning in a sea of lies and criminality.
which brings us back again to fake news. scott pelley dresses like pee wee herman.
The Left will never give up their claim of Russian Collusion even though the NSA, FBI, Treasury, NIH, CIA all stated there was NO COLLUSION.
Are you completely stupid, or just a bad liar?
The top US intel agencies issued classified and unclassified reports about Russian involvement in the election.
Alt Right deniers and propagandists above are trying to deflect from the fact that the FBI and intel agencies have said that (1) the Russians interfered in our elections and (2) their intent was to help Putin and hurt Clinton and (3) some Trump campaign members are being investigated for their involvement.

The American people as a whole accept the agencies' positions and reject the Alt Right deniers. Fact.
deny what ? that putin somehow subjugated Americans at their local polling booth ? that's outrageous, even for you jakesterama.

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