A lesson in history for America's young revolutionaries.


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Those of us who can remember back to the sixties and the hint of revolution in the air at that time --promoted mostly by young romantic revolutionaries of that time...ya know with their che guevera tee shirts and their portraits of Marx in their dormitory rooms................

Verey akin to todays young, stupid moralists who still cling to ther romanticized versions of Marx, Mao and other assorted revolutionaries of ancient yore.

With a slight twist....they have enabled a racial divide in America like never seen before.....back in revolutionary Russia a common cry of attack was the hated term... 'bourgeoisie' ...today it is 'racist' ..,,.back then the revolutionaries pronounced their love and defense of the peasants or workers....another twist--today-- is that instead of that they have seized upon promoting and protecting the Negroes .....in their vain attempt to achieve moral superiority.

Emma Goldman said: Two years of earnest study, investigation, and research convinced her that the great benefits brought to the Russian People by Bolshevism existed only on paper, painted in glowing colours to the masses of Europe and America by efficient Bolshevi propaganda.

Todays most efficient propagandists for revolution in America are of course the MSM....as advertising wizards the MSM exceeds anything the World has ever known before.

ON THE night of December 21, 1919, together with two hundred and forty-eight other political prisoners, Emma Goldman was deported from America. 'Although it was generally known we were to be deported, few really believed that the United States would so completely deny her past as an asylum for political refugees, some of whom had lived and worked in America for more than thirty years.
In my own case, the decision to eliminate me first became known when, in 1909, the Federal authorities went out of their way to disfranchise the man whose name gave me citizenship. That Washington waited till 1917 was due to the circumstance that the psychologic moment for the finale was lacking. Perhaps I should have contested my case at that time. With the then-prevalent public opinion, the Courts would probably not have sustained the fraudulent proceedings which robbed me of citizenship. But it did not seem credible then that America would stoop to the Tsaristic method of deportation.
Our anti-war agitation added fuel to the war hysteria of 1917, and thus furnished the Federal authorities with the desired opportunity to complete the conspiracy begun against me in Rochester, N. Y., 1909.
It was on December 5, 1919, while in Chicago lecturing, that I was telegraphically apprised of the fact that the order for my deportation was final. The question of my citizenship was then


raised in court, but
was of course decided adversely. I had intended to take the case to a higher tribunal, but finally I decided to carry the matter no further: Soviet Russia was luring me.'

A Dangerous Woman : The Graphic Biography of Emma Goldman

by Sharon Rudahl
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Those of us who can remember back to the sixties and the hint of revolution in the air at that time --promoted mostly by young romantic revolutionaries of that time...ya know with their che guevera tee shirts and their portraits of Marx in their dormitory rooms................View attachment 391154

Verey akin to todays young, stupid moralists who still cling to ther romanticized versions of Marx, Mao and other assorted revolutionaries of ancient yore.

With a slight twist....they have enabled a racial divide in America like never seen before.....back in revolutionary Russia a common cry of attack was the hated term... 'bourgeoisie' ...today it is 'racist' ..,,.back then the revolutionaries pronounced their love and defense of the peasants or workers....another twist--today-- is that instead of that they have seized upon promoting and protecting the Negroes .....in their vain attempt to achieve moral superiority.

Emma Goldman said: Two years of earnest study, investigation, and research convinced her that the great benefits brought to the Russian People by Bolshevism existed only on paper, painted in glowing colours to the masses of Europe and America by efficient Bolshevi propaganda.

Todays most efficient propagandists for revolution in America are of course the MSM....as advertising wizards the MSM exceeds anything the World has ever known before.

ON THE night of December 21, 1919, together with two hundred and forty-eight other political prisoners, Emma Goldman was deported from America. 'Although it was generally known we were to be deported, few really believed that the United States would so completely deny her past as an asylum for political refugees, some of whom had lived and worked in America for more than thirty years.
In my own case, the decision to eliminate me first became known when, in 1909, the Federal authorities went out of their way to disfranchise the man whose name gave me citizenship. That Washington waited till 1917 was due to the circumstance that the psychologic moment for the finale was lacking. Perhaps I should have contested my case at that time. With the then-prevalent public opinion, the Courts would probably not have sustained the fraudulent proceedings which robbed me of citizenship. But it did not seem credible then that America would stoop to the Tsaristic method of deportation.
Our anti-war agitation added fuel to the war hysteria of 1917, and thus furnished the Federal authorities with the desired opportunity to complete the conspiracy begun against me in Rochester, N. Y., 1909.
It was on December 5, 1919, while in Chicago lecturing, that I was telegraphically apprised of the fact that the order for my deportation was final. The question of my citizenship was then

View attachment 391173

raised in court, but
was of course decided adversely. I had intended to take the case to a higher tribunal, but finally I decided to carry the matter no further: Soviet Russia was luring me.'

A Dangerous Woman : The Graphic Biography of Emma Goldman
by Sharon Rudahl
Those of us who can remember back to the sixties and the hint of revolution in the air at that time --promoted mostly by young romantic revolutionaries of that time...ya know with their che guevera tee shirts and their portraits of Marx in their dormitory rooms................View attachment 391154

Verey akin to todays young, stupid moralists who still cling to ther romanticized versions of Marx, Mao and other assorted revolutionaries of ancient yore.

With a slight twist....they have enabled a racial divide in America like never seen before.....back in revolutionary Russia a common cry of attack was the hated term... 'bourgeoisie' ...today it is 'racist' ..,,.back then the revolutionaries pronounced their love and defense of the peasants or workers....another twist--today-- is that instead of that they have seized upon promoting and protecting the Negroes .....in their vain attempt to achieve moral superiority.

Emma Goldman said: Two years of earnest study, investigation, and research convinced her that the great benefits brought to the Russian People by Bolshevism existed only on paper, painted in glowing colours to the masses of Europe and America by efficient Bolshevi propaganda.

Todays most efficient propagandists for revolution in America are of course the MSM....as advertising wizards the MSM exceeds anything the World has ever known before.

ON THE night of December 21, 1919, together with two hundred and forty-eight other political prisoners, Emma Goldman was deported from America. 'Although it was generally known we were to be deported, few really believed that the United States would so completely deny her past as an asylum for political refugees, some of whom had lived and worked in America for more than thirty years.
In my own case, the decision to eliminate me first became known when, in 1909, the Federal authorities went out of their way to disfranchise the man whose name gave me citizenship. That Washington waited till 1917 was due to the circumstance that the psychologic moment for the finale was lacking. Perhaps I should have contested my case at that time. With the then-prevalent public opinion, the Courts would probably not have sustained the fraudulent proceedings which robbed me of citizenship. But it did not seem credible then that America would stoop to the Tsaristic method of deportation.
Our anti-war agitation added fuel to the war hysteria of 1917, and thus furnished the Federal authorities with the desired opportunity to complete the conspiracy begun against me in Rochester, N. Y., 1909.
It was on December 5, 1919, while in Chicago lecturing, that I was telegraphically apprised of the fact that the order for my deportation was final. The question of my citizenship was then

View attachment 391173

raised in court, but
was of course decided adversely. I had intended to take the case to a higher tribunal, but finally I decided to carry the matter no further: Soviet Russia was luring me.'

A Dangerous Woman : The Graphic Biography of Emma Goldman
by Sharon Rudahl
MSM??? I thought it's called Major Managed News Media(MMNM)?
Those of us who can remember back to the sixties and the hint of revolution in the air at that time --promoted mostly by young romantic revolutionaries of that time...ya know with their che guevera tee shirts and their portraits of Marx in their dormitory rooms................View attachment 391154

Verey akin to todays young, stupid moralists who still cling to ther romanticized versions of Marx, Mao and other assorted revolutionaries of ancient yore.

With a slight twist....they have enabled a racial divide in America like never seen before.....back in revolutionary Russia a common cry of attack was the hated term... 'bourgeoisie' ...today it is 'racist' ..,,.back then the revolutionaries pronounced their love and defense of the peasants or workers....another twist--today-- is that instead of that they have seized upon promoting and protecting the Negroes .....in their vain attempt to achieve moral superiority.

Emma Goldman said: Two years of earnest study, investigation, and research convinced her that the great benefits brought to the Russian People by Bolshevism existed only on paper, painted in glowing colours to the masses of Europe and America by efficient Bolshevi propaganda.

Todays most efficient propagandists for revolution in America are of course the MSM....as advertising wizards the MSM exceeds anything the World has ever known before.

ON THE night of December 21, 1919, together with two hundred and forty-eight other political prisoners, Emma Goldman was deported from America. 'Although it was generally known we were to be deported, few really believed that the United States would so completely deny her past as an asylum for political refugees, some of whom had lived and worked in America for more than thirty years.
In my own case, the decision to eliminate me first became known when, in 1909, the Federal authorities went out of their way to disfranchise the man whose name gave me citizenship. That Washington waited till 1917 was due to the circumstance that the psychologic moment for the finale was lacking. Perhaps I should have contested my case at that time. With the then-prevalent public opinion, the Courts would probably not have sustained the fraudulent proceedings which robbed me of citizenship. But it did not seem credible then that America would stoop to the Tsaristic method of deportation.
Our anti-war agitation added fuel to the war hysteria of 1917, and thus furnished the Federal authorities with the desired opportunity to complete the conspiracy begun against me in Rochester, N. Y., 1909.
It was on December 5, 1919, while in Chicago lecturing, that I was telegraphically apprised of the fact that the order for my deportation was final. The question of my citizenship was then

View attachment 391173

raised in court, but
was of course decided adversely. I had intended to take the case to a higher tribunal, but finally I decided to carry the matter no further: Soviet Russia was luring me.'

A Dangerous Woman : The Graphic Biography of Emma Goldman
by Sharon Rudahl
College students should be forced to work and pay their own bills.
All that bullshit and no mention of the main reason young people revolted against the status quo in the 60s and early 70s.
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All that bullshit and no mention of the main reason young people revolted against the status quo in the 60s and early 70s.

hehheh Well.....I could not cover everything....and it was too long as it was.

Anyhow, here ya go...............https://www.usnews.com/news/article...tion-cynicism-and-the-youth-rebellionredirect

BTW Whatever Happened to Abbie Hoffman?
Not interested. The people who "led" the movement against the Vietnam war and conscription were so bad at it I am pretty sure they worked for the CIA.
  • Thread starter
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All that bullshit and no mention of the main reason young people revolted against the status quo in the 60s and early 70s.

hehheh Well.....I could not cover everything....and it was too long as it was.

Anyhow, here ya go...............https://www.usnews.com/news/article...tion-cynicism-and-the-youth-rebellionredirect

BTW Whatever Happened to Abbie Hoffman?
Not interested. The people who "led" the movement against the Vietnam war and conscription were so bad at it I am pretty sure they worked for the CIA.

I think they were very successful....the U.S. pulled out and the draft was done away with.

Not even to mention........How America Lost Vietnam After Winning the War Against a Communist Foe
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