A Lesson From Communist China…


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
…to the Democrat Party: you're making the very same mistakes.

1.How is it that Communist China, during the most destructive chaos, and famine, in history, can offer an observation to the American version of the Bolshevik Party, the Democrats?
It is one of those ironies that only those who study history, not government school grads, can find amusing.

2. When the obsessed ideology took hold of Mao Zedong, and he won the civil war against the Nationalists….with the aid of the Soviet agents in Franklin Roosevelt’s regime,….he instituted collectivist programs to bring China up to the level of the Western powers: they needed to make steel!

“…huge slogans painted on the walls proclaiming “Long Live the Great Leap Forward!” and “Everybody, Make Steel!”…. Chairman Mao had ordered the nation to make a lot of steel. In my school, crucible-like vats had replaced some of our cooking woks and were sitting on the giant stoves in the kitchen. All our scrap iron was fed into them, including the old woks, which had now been broken to bits…. Mao gave full vent to his half-baked dream of turning China into a first-class modern power. He called steel the “marshal” of industry, and ordered steel output to be doubled in one year—from 5.35 million tons in 1957 to 10.7 million in 1958.

But instead of trying to expand the proper steel industry with skilled workers, he decided to get the whole population to take part.

… nearly 100 million peasants were pulled out of agricultural work and into steel production. They had been the labor force producing much of the country’s food.” Chang, “Wild Swans.”

The result was a famine of unheard-of proportions! Between 30 and 80 million Chinese died slowly and painfully.

3. Finally, Mao was forced to give up his obsession…and a new leadership with new priorities took over. Party leader Deng Xiaoping remarked, "It doesn't matter whether the cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice." When Mao’s famine was evident, Deng abandoned many orthodox communist doctrines and attempted to incorporate elements of the free-enterprise system and other reforms into the Chinese economy. (Britannica.com)

4. Americans are also subject to irrational obsessions of their elites. Americans need to recognize Mao’s steel obsession in the ‘woke’ doctrines of the Democrat Party, where skin color and genitals are more important than policies and competence.

5. It is hard to miss the message, but easy to miss applying it to contemporary America.

“This absurd situation reflected not only Mao’s ignorance of how an economy worked, but also an almost metaphysical disregard for reality, which might have been interesting in a poet, but in a political leader with absolute power was quite another matter. One of its main components was a deep-seated contempt for human life.” Op. Cit.

Obama was elected, not for any achievements….but for his skin color.

"It doesn't matter whether the cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice." He couldn’t catch mice…but he was woke.
Where are the important, realistic policies that benefit America and Americans????
PC is still upset that factory in China didn't program her correctly.

Obama was elected for his skin color!?! Lol. Yeah , cause being black is such an advantage in running for President .

Remind us how many black presidents we’ve had ???
…to the Democrat Party: you're making the very same mistakes.

1.How is it that Communist China, during the most destructive chaos, and famine, in history, can offer an observation to the American version of the Bolshevik Party, the Democrats?
It is one of those ironies that only those who study history, not government school grads, can find amusing.

2. When the obsessed ideology took hold of Mao Zedong, and he won the civil war against the Nationalists….with the aid of the Soviet agents in Franklin Roosevelt’s regime,….he instituted collectivist programs to bring China up to the level of the Western powers: they needed to make steel!

“…huge slogans painted on the walls proclaiming “Long Live the Great Leap Forward!” and “Everybody, Make Steel!”…. Chairman Mao had ordered the nation to make a lot of steel. In my school, crucible-like vats had replaced some of our cooking woks and were sitting on the giant stoves in the kitchen. All our scrap iron was fed into them, including the old woks, which had now been broken to bits…. Mao gave full vent to his half-baked dream of turning China into a first-class modern power. He called steel the “marshal” of industry, and ordered steel output to be doubled in one year—from 5.35 million tons in 1957 to 10.7 million in 1958.

But instead of trying to expand the proper steel industry with skilled workers, he decided to get the whole population to take part.

… nearly 100 million peasants were pulled out of agricultural work and into steel production. They had been the labor force producing much of the country’s food.” Chang, “Wild Swans.”

The result was a famine of unheard-of proportions! Between 30 and 80 million Chinese died slowly and painfully.

3. Finally, Mao was forced to give up his obsession…and a new leadership with new priorities took over. Party leader Deng Xiaoping remarked, "It doesn't matter whether the cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice." When Mao’s famine was evident, Deng abandoned many orthodox communist doctrines and attempted to incorporate elements of the free-enterprise system and other reforms into the Chinese economy. (Britannica.com)

4. Americans are also subject to irrational obsessions of their elites. Americans need to recognize Mao’s steel obsession in the ‘woke’ doctrines of the Democrat Party, where skin color and genitals are more important than policies and competence.

5. It is hard to miss the message, but easy to miss applying it to contemporary America.

“This absurd situation reflected not only Mao’s ignorance of how an economy worked, but also an almost metaphysical disregard for reality, which might have been interesting in a poet, but in a political leader with absolute power was quite another matter. One of its main components was a deep-seated contempt for human life.” Op. Cit.

Obama was elected, not for any achievements….but for his skin color.

"It doesn't matter whether the cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice." He couldn’t catch mice…but he was woke.
Where are the important, realistic policies that benefit America and Americans????
Yet another dumbass who has not clue what socialism or communism really is as they lie about the Democrat party & Bernie's Democratic socialism.

All you do is run on circles waving your arms about screaming "OMG OMG OMG socialism!!! OMG Communism:" when no one is pushing either.

If it weren't for dishonesty, you would have nothing.
…to the Democrat Party: you're making the very same mistakes.

1.How is it that Communist China, during the most destructive chaos, and famine, in history, can offer an observation to the American version of the Bolshevik Party, the Democrats?
It is one of those ironies that only those who study history, not government school grads, can find amusing.

2. When the obsessed ideology took hold of Mao Zedong, and he won the civil war against the Nationalists….with the aid of the Soviet agents in Franklin Roosevelt’s regime,….he instituted collectivist programs to bring China up to the level of the Western powers: they needed to make steel!

“…huge slogans painted on the walls proclaiming “Long Live the Great Leap Forward!” and “Everybody, Make Steel!”…. Chairman Mao had ordered the nation to make a lot of steel. In my school, crucible-like vats had replaced some of our cooking woks and were sitting on the giant stoves in the kitchen. All our scrap iron was fed into them, including the old woks, which had now been broken to bits…. Mao gave full vent to his half-baked dream of turning China into a first-class modern power. He called steel the “marshal” of industry, and ordered steel output to be doubled in one year—from 5.35 million tons in 1957 to 10.7 million in 1958.

But instead of trying to expand the proper steel industry with skilled workers, he decided to get the whole population to take part.

… nearly 100 million peasants were pulled out of agricultural work and into steel production. They had been the labor force producing much of the country’s food.” Chang, “Wild Swans.”

The result was a famine of unheard-of proportions! Between 30 and 80 million Chinese died slowly and painfully.

3. Finally, Mao was forced to give up his obsession…and a new leadership with new priorities took over. Party leader Deng Xiaoping remarked, "It doesn't matter whether the cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice." When Mao’s famine was evident, Deng abandoned many orthodox communist doctrines and attempted to incorporate elements of the free-enterprise system and other reforms into the Chinese economy. (Britannica.com)

4. Americans are also subject to irrational obsessions of their elites. Americans need to recognize Mao’s steel obsession in the ‘woke’ doctrines of the Democrat Party, where skin color and genitals are more important than policies and competence.

5. It is hard to miss the message, but easy to miss applying it to contemporary America.

“This absurd situation reflected not only Mao’s ignorance of how an economy worked, but also an almost metaphysical disregard for reality, which might have been interesting in a poet, but in a political leader with absolute power was quite another matter. One of its main components was a deep-seated contempt for human life.” Op. Cit.

Obama was elected, not for any achievements….but for his skin color.

"It doesn't matter whether the cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice." He couldn’t catch mice…but he was woke.
Where are the important, realistic policies that benefit America and Americans????

The allure of socialism and communism is powerful for those that feel unable or unwilling to work towards creating a better future for themselves or their families. They often perceive life as unfair and that other people are impeding their right to happiness and wealth.

Very often the rise of "communism" (in quotes because at best it has only been practiced at a tribal level) and to a lesser extent socialism, is built on the creation of an "enemy of the people", often in the form of industrialists, or intellectuals, or bankers, or..... These enemies have to be "re-educated", imprisoned or disposed of.

The sad fact is that too many people want a government to save them from themselves. Unfortunately the promises socialist/"communist" states often deliver very undesirable results.

Obama was elected for his skin color!?! Lol. Yeah , cause being black is such an advantage in running for President .

Remind us how many black presidents we’ve had ???

"...cause being black is such an advantage in running for President ."

It certainly is among the guilt-ridden, indoctrinated, government school set......raise your paw.

"Obama was elected for his skin color!?"

Obviously.....'cause you can't come up with a list of attributes that entitled him to that elevated office.
…to the Democrat Party: you're making the very same mistakes.

1.How is it that Communist China, during the most destructive chaos, and famine, in history, can offer an observation to the American version of the Bolshevik Party, the Democrats?
It is one of those ironies that only those who study history, not government school grads, can find amusing.

2. When the obsessed ideology took hold of Mao Zedong, and he won the civil war against the Nationalists….with the aid of the Soviet agents in Franklin Roosevelt’s regime,….he instituted collectivist programs to bring China up to the level of the Western powers: they needed to make steel!

“…huge slogans painted on the walls proclaiming “Long Live the Great Leap Forward!” and “Everybody, Make Steel!”…. Chairman Mao had ordered the nation to make a lot of steel. In my school, crucible-like vats had replaced some of our cooking woks and were sitting on the giant stoves in the kitchen. All our scrap iron was fed into them, including the old woks, which had now been broken to bits…. Mao gave full vent to his half-baked dream of turning China into a first-class modern power. He called steel the “marshal” of industry, and ordered steel output to be doubled in one year—from 5.35 million tons in 1957 to 10.7 million in 1958.

But instead of trying to expand the proper steel industry with skilled workers, he decided to get the whole population to take part.

… nearly 100 million peasants were pulled out of agricultural work and into steel production. They had been the labor force producing much of the country’s food.” Chang, “Wild Swans.”

The result was a famine of unheard-of proportions! Between 30 and 80 million Chinese died slowly and painfully.

3. Finally, Mao was forced to give up his obsession…and a new leadership with new priorities took over. Party leader Deng Xiaoping remarked, "It doesn't matter whether the cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice." When Mao’s famine was evident, Deng abandoned many orthodox communist doctrines and attempted to incorporate elements of the free-enterprise system and other reforms into the Chinese economy. (Britannica.com)

4. Americans are also subject to irrational obsessions of their elites. Americans need to recognize Mao’s steel obsession in the ‘woke’ doctrines of the Democrat Party, where skin color and genitals are more important than policies and competence.

5. It is hard to miss the message, but easy to miss applying it to contemporary America.

“This absurd situation reflected not only Mao’s ignorance of how an economy worked, but also an almost metaphysical disregard for reality, which might have been interesting in a poet, but in a political leader with absolute power was quite another matter. One of its main components was a deep-seated contempt for human life.” Op. Cit.

Obama was elected, not for any achievements….but for his skin color.

"It doesn't matter whether the cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice." He couldn’t catch mice…but he was woke.
Where are the important, realistic policies that benefit America and Americans????

The allure of socialism and communism is powerful for those that feel unable or unwilling to work towards creating a better future for themselves or their families. They often perceive life as unfair and that other people are impeding their right to happiness and wealth.

Very often the rise of "communism" (in quotes because at best it has only been practiced at a tribal level) and to a lesser extent socialism, is built on the creation of an "enemy of the people", often in the form of industrialists, or intellectuals, or bankers, or..... These enemies have to be "re-educated", imprisoned or disposed of.

The sad fact is that too many people want a government to save them from themselves. Unfortunately the promises socialist/"communist" states often deliver very undesirable results.


"....built on the creation of an "enemy of the people",

That's a brilliant observation, D.....

a. Sometime after the First World War, the Babylon-Armageddon made its way into political theory. Each version had a people of God, under attack. There was the proletariat for the Bolsheviks and Stalinists; the children of the Roman wolf for Mussolini’s Fascists; the Warriors of Christ the King for Franco’s Phalange, and the Aryan race for the Nazis.

b. There were always subversive dwellers of Babylon, good at trading various commodities, polluting society with their abominations. Bourgeoisie, kulaks, Freemasons and cosmopolitans, and, always, Jews. Aided, of course, by Satanic forces, variously identified as capitalists, or Americans and their technology ( Heidegger’s Nazi interpretation) or the international Jewish conspiracy.

The lesson that China learned is that following an ideological fanatic resulted in the greatest mass slaughter the world has ever seen.
Yet....Democrats/Liberals are on the very same path.

6. “It was a time when telling fantasies to oneself as well as others, and believing them, was practiced to an incredible degree.”

If you don’t find this an accurate description of Democrat America today, consider this:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., vowed over the weekend that she would allow a "young trans person" to interview her choice for Secretary of Education, potentially granting them veto power over a key Cabinet official.

During a campaign event in Iowa Sunday, Warren said "a young trans person [had] asked about a welcoming community and I said, 'It starts with the Secretary of Education, who has a lot to do with where we spend our money' ... and I said, 'I'm going to have a Secretary of Education that this young trans person interviews on my behalf,'"
Warren says she wants 'young trans person' to interview, approve her Education Secretary pick

Or, "Julián Castro won the 'Woke Olympics' on the first night when he said, 'Trans females should have the right to an abortion.'"

"Now if only they had a uterus," Maher joked. "Try selling that in the red states. 'If a man identifies as a woman, then we stand with her right not only to imagine that she's pregnant but to terminate that pregnancy which is not possible.'"
'If only they had a uterus': Bill Maher rips Julián Castro for remark about abortion for trans women

“…telling fantasies to oneself as well as others, and believing them, was practiced to an incredible degree.”

Welcome to the Democrat Party.
7. Learning from history is not possible for government school grads, but here is the warning, anyway:

“It was a time when telling fantasies to oneself as well as others, and believing them, was practiced to an incredible degree.

A large part of the population was swept into this confused, crazy world. “Self- deception while deceiving others” gripped the nation. … Those who failed to match other people’s fantastic claims began to doubt and blame themselves.

Under a dictatorship like Mao’s, where information was withheld and fabricated, it was very difficult for ordinary people to have confidence in their own experience or knowledge. Not to mention that they were now facing a nationwide tidal wave of fervor which promised to swamp any individual coolheadedness. It was easy to start ignoring reality and simply put one’s faith in Mao. To go along with the frenzy was by far the easiest course. To pause and think and be circumspect meant trouble.”
Chang, “Wild Swans”

Yet, the myth that men can turn into women, and vice versa, is widespread, and claimed to be believed, based on the deification of the great leader:

“…Obama became the first chief executive to say "transgender" in a speech, to name transgender political appointees and to prohibit job bias against transgender government workers. Also in his first term, he signed hate crime legislation that became the first federal civil rights protections for transgender people in U.S. history.

…applied the power of the executive branch to make it easier for transgender people to update their passports, obtain health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, get treatment at Veteran's Administration facilities and seek access to public school restrooms and sports programs - just a few of the transgender-specific policy shifts of Obama's presidency.”
Without fanfare, Obama advances transgender rights

Probably easier than actually improving America and the world.
Obama was just a mouthpiece for those who really run the country.

If Obama truly had power, he would have not started new wars, he would have ended the old wars.

Obama murdered hundreds of thousands of brown people in illegal wars.
…to the Democrat Party: you're making the very same mistakes.

1.How is it that Communist China, during the most destructive chaos, and famine, in history, can offer an observation to the American version of the Bolshevik Party, the Democrats?
It is one of those ironies that only those who study history, not government school grads, can find amusing.

2. When the obsessed ideology took hold of Mao Zedong, and he won the civil war against the Nationalists….with the aid of the Soviet agents in Franklin Roosevelt’s regime,….he instituted collectivist programs to bring China up to the level of the Western powers: they needed to make steel!

“…huge slogans painted on the walls proclaiming “Long Live the Great Leap Forward!” and “Everybody, Make Steel!”…. Chairman Mao had ordered the nation to make a lot of steel. In my school, crucible-like vats had replaced some of our cooking woks and were sitting on the giant stoves in the kitchen. All our scrap iron was fed into them, including the old woks, which had now been broken to bits…. Mao gave full vent to his half-baked dream of turning China into a first-class modern power. He called steel the “marshal” of industry, and ordered steel output to be doubled in one year—from 5.35 million tons in 1957 to 10.7 million in 1958.

But instead of trying to expand the proper steel industry with skilled workers, he decided to get the whole population to take part.

… nearly 100 million peasants were pulled out of agricultural work and into steel production. They had been the labor force producing much of the country’s food.” Chang, “Wild Swans.”

The result was a famine of unheard-of proportions! Between 30 and 80 million Chinese died slowly and painfully.

3. Finally, Mao was forced to give up his obsession…and a new leadership with new priorities took over. Party leader Deng Xiaoping remarked, "It doesn't matter whether the cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice." When Mao’s famine was evident, Deng abandoned many orthodox communist doctrines and attempted to incorporate elements of the free-enterprise system and other reforms into the Chinese economy. (Britannica.com)

4. Americans are also subject to irrational obsessions of their elites. Americans need to recognize Mao’s steel obsession in the ‘woke’ doctrines of the Democrat Party, where skin color and genitals are more important than policies and competence.

5. It is hard to miss the message, but easy to miss applying it to contemporary America.

“This absurd situation reflected not only Mao’s ignorance of how an economy worked, but also an almost metaphysical disregard for reality, which might have been interesting in a poet, but in a political leader with absolute power was quite another matter. One of its main components was a deep-seated contempt for human life.” Op. Cit.

Obama was elected, not for any achievements….but for his skin color.

"It doesn't matter whether the cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice." He couldn’t catch mice…but he was woke.
Where are the important, realistic policies that benefit America and Americans????
Yet another dumbass who has not clue what socialism or communism really is as they lie about the Democrat party & Bernie's Democratic socialism.

All you do is run on circles waving your arms about screaming "OMG OMG OMG socialism!!! OMG Communism:" when no one is pushing either.

If it weren't for dishonesty, you would have nothing.
Another retard telling us this time socialism will work. Not because the policies are different but a bernie will somehow make it work.

Doing the same stupid shit with a different guy in charge doesn’t change the results you moron.
8. The Left controls almost every avenue of the dissemination of information, their repetition of fantasies giving the illusion that their slant is the truth. It is one more mirror image of how the public is manipulated under totalitarian regimes.
There is hardly any way to know the truth.....

Did the masses of Chinese under Mao yearn for the freedom and prosperity of the West?

Of course not, they didn’t know it existed.

When she first saw a Western film,…. “Occasionally, a film from the West was shown in a small screening room where children were not allowed….I was baffled by the way the Western workers were dressed—in neat suits that were not even patched, a far cry from my idea of what the oppressed masses in a capitalist country ought to be wearing.

As a child, my idea of the West was that it was a miasma of poverty and misery, like that of the homeless “Little Match Girl” in the Hans Christian Andersen story. When I was in the boarding nursery and did not want to finish my food, the teacher would say: “Think of all the starving children in the capitalist world!” In school, when they were trying to make us work harder, the teachers often said: “You are lucky to have a school to go to and books to read. In the capitalist countries children have to work to support their hungry families.” Often when adults wanted us to accept something they would say that people in the West wanted it, but could not get it, and therefore we should appreciate our good fortune. I came to think this way automatically.”

9. If you don’t believe the same sort of lies exist under Liberal indoctrination, remember this the next time you are told that Obama inherited almost a Great Depression:
He inherited an average economy, and never improved it.

So says the Left-leaning Reuters:
"The unemployment rate announced three days after his election was 6.5%....not particularly terrible. But it was the only economic news, and had Obama insisting we were suffering "the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression."
Obama: U.S. in worst crisis since Depression
10. Every totalitarian dictatorship manipulates the public with propaganda…this is what North Koreans think is the real America:

Remember that when you hear that Obama was responsible for Trump’s burgeoning economy.
Obama did a terrible job with his Democrat policies:

"...the economy was stagnating in 2016 after the weakest recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.

In fact, The New York Times itself described Obama's economy this way in August 2016: "For three quarters in a row, the growth rate of the economy has hovered around a mere 1%. In the last quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016, the economy expanded at feeble annual rates of 0.9% and 0.8%, respectively. The initial reading for the second quarter of this year, released on Friday, was a disappointing 1.2%."

...GDP growth decelerated in each of the last three quarters of 2016."

And on January 27, 2017, after the government reported that GDP growth for all 2016 was a mere 1.6% — the weakest in five years —"
Economic Boom: Media Rewrite History To Credit Obama Instead Of Trump

“Trump picked up an revitalized the economy:

In short, there was no upward trajectory to the economy on anyone's radar when Trump took office.” Economic Boom: Media Rewrite History To Credit Obama Instead Of Trump

“… and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

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