A Cure for the Gay.

You're beyond retarded, seriously. Actually I've just severely insulted retarded people, my apologies - you're beyond any definition of mental retardation and stupidity.

That didn't take long at all for you to digress to insults. That's a clear indication that you've run out of intelligent things to say and I've therefore won the argument.
does that make speaking in tongues and donning a frock abnormal too?

opinions and assholes, buddy...
If its only done by a small percentage of peple then it is indeed abnormal.

Sorry glock, being gay is not an abnormality. In todays society it is becoming more and more accepted. Black people were a small percentage 30-40 years ago and were not accepted, does that make them abnormal?
Sorry glock, being gay is not an abnormality. In todays society it is becoming more and more accepted. Black people were a small percentage 30-40 years ago and were not accepted, does that make them abnormal?
Acceptance and abnormal are unrelated. Having a 160 IQ is abnormal and accepted. Being a child molester is abnormal and not accepted. Abnormal is a simple mathematical definition. If you are in the under 5% range of behavior, then you are abnormal. Gays are less than 2%, therefore being gay is abnormal.

If you want to be gay, then fine. But don't call your behavior and sexual practices normal, natural, or healthy, because it is none of those.
If you want to be gay, then fine. But don't call your behavior and sexual practices normal, natural, or healthy, because it is none of those.

....according to your OPINION...

sure does SUCK to know that gay hating bigots are powerless to rid the nation of gays and can only nit pick minor issues like the definition of marriage, eh?

im sure gays will call their lifestyle anything they want to just like you expect to do with your own lifestyle.

live and let live.
do you extend the idea of standard deviation and mean average to ALL individual characteristics that fall outside an average or just the ones you don't like?

I assure you that any minority that is not reflective of the national average are not excuses for you to toss out the label abnormal.

Again... doesn't it SUCK to know that your hatred of homosexuality is totally powerless and won't, in fact, change the reality of gays in America beyond nitpicking lame shit?

Couple: Hotel Wouldn't Rent to Us Because We're Gay

notice the 160 degree spin from the hotel owner.....

it's frustrating, i know... goddamn fags thinking that they can rent a hotel like any other American.... makes you wanna headbutt a wall or something, eh?
This does not make sense glock, what your saying is that if the gay population does grow to over 5% of america, which it looks as thought it will someday. Then you will be ok with it? Then it will be natural?

I have a gay friend, and trust me she did not choose to be gay, gay chose her. no pun intended
This does not make sense glock, what your saying is that if the gay population does grow to over 5% of america, which it looks as thought it will someday. Then you will be ok with it? Then it will be natural?

I have a gay friend, and trust me she did not choose to be gay, gay chose her. no pun intended

It makes perfect sense if you don't mix terms like you just did. Normal and natural are unrelated. Being gay just happens to be neither.

I believe that your hypothesis that the gay population will increase is incorrect. It also appears to be inconsistent with your apparent belief that 'gay choses people'.
There's no "pill" for cancer either ... does that make it normal, okay and otherwise healthy?

The average liberal/dumbocrap/death cult devotee would probably say "yes."

Keep in mind, we're talking about the people who think fetus goo in a dumpster behind the local Planned Parenthood is a woman's "right."

ETA: FTR I think that consenting adults should be allowed to live their lives however the fuck they choose. I was just making a point about liberalism.
Most people with non-dominant genetic traits like red hair or green eyes have at least one parent with those traits who passed on the genes for them. That's not how it works with handedness. I'm left-handed and neither of my parents and none of my grandparents were left-handed.
No one knows what causes left-handedness. There are as many theories about it as there are about what causes homosexuality.
How would homosexuality be passed on genetically, by the way? Yes, you have invitro fertilization but that's just the last 20-30 years. How did Plato, Michaelangelo, or Alexander the Great get the gay gene?

My father is left-handed. I am left-handed. When I took biology, it was taught that being left-handed was a nondominant genetic trait. I couldn't begin to tell you what revisionists are saying today.

There is no actual evidence to support homosexuality as being genetic, and I certainly made no attempt to make an argument that it was.
where does the constitution require "normal*" behaviour from humans?

Is homosexuality illegal?


then live and let live.

this current homophobia is the last throws in the death spasm of American bigotry sustained by the status quo. Face it, even your elected politicians won't do anything to REALLY restrict homosexuality because they know that such is clearly unconstitutional. Sure, they may throw you gay-hating bigots a scrap or two come election time... but all that pandering sure won't erase homosexuality from modern American culture, will it?

It's too bad we all know that your progeny will think about you pretty much the same way you think about your slave owning "look who'se coming to dinner" archie bunker ancestors.

no, actually, it's too bad some Americans don't see individual freedom as a good thing unless they are talking shit on some muslims or commies.

*according to your opinion

Feel better? I would after dumping a load of shit that big. I suggest next time using the bathroom.
ran STRAIT to the ad hominems, didnt ya?

poor guy.

reality too much for you this side of puberty?

I assure you that your ASSAULT of anyone you deem "vile, disgustingly unclean" will result in the same legal recourse that your racist ancestors would taste were they to practice lynching these days too. By all means, have your opinions....

but violence from gay hating bigots in 2007 is no different than that which Emmet Till and matthew shepherd figured out.

Hell, I'm sure there are some American's who support Abortion clinic bombing too...

you should probably give Fred Phelps a call and send Eric Rudolph a fruit basket just as soon as you startch your hood, dude.

ps.. since marraige is apparently ONLY a christian ritual then i'm sure you won't mind married couples being taxed the same as singles? You know.. since, apparently, marraige is only an issue that christians are allowed to have input on?

And what do you call your previous post? Intelligent discussion? Looks more like ad hominems to me.

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