A country of laws: Canada's Trudeau sounds alarm about illegal immigrants


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
'A Country of Laws': Canada's Trudeau Sounds Alarm About Illegal Immigrants
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is sounding the alarm on the growing flood of immigrants entering Canada.


Oh look the dumb ass is figuring it out. Same thing will happen in American and as you see from pathetic idiots losers like ANTIFA who haven't a clue of reality ............... this is what they want lmao
lol yes. They've been hit by a 'wave of asylum seekers' from Trump!, which consist of a couple hundred faux 'refugees' whose food stamps have run out or something, and Canada, the 'Great Beacon Of Tolerance And Diversity', can't even handle that; they aren't known as 'The Great White North' because of the snow, after all. It's hilarious stuff, given all the inane finger wagging Canucks do all about 'Rayciss Amurka N Stuff'.
Is there one Western nation with a large immigrant Muslim population, that has not had radical islamic terrorist acts?

Clearly when too many Muslims immigrate to a Western nation, terror cells develop leading to the deaths of innocent people. This is obvious to some of us, but others infected with the idiot gene Multiculturalism, can't comprehend and immediately consider it racist.
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lol yes. They've been hit by a 'wave of asylum seekers' from Trump!, which consist of a couple hundred faux 'refugees' whose food stamps have run out or something, and Canada, the 'Great Beacon Of Tolerance And Diversity', can't even handle that; they aren't known as 'The Great White North' because of the snow, after all. It's hilarious stuff, given all the inane finger wagging Canucks do all about 'Rayciss Amurka N Stuff'.

Oh it isn't from Trump and Obama started this BS it was up to TRUMP to protect us too bad so sad because why?
He actually isn't try to fk over the Country as these Trump haters seem to believe and are to fkn stupid to see truth over MSM BS.
Oh it isn't from Trump

Yes, I know; that's what the criminal illegal alien 'refugees' are claiming to be the reason, and the media repeats it. Haitians appear over-represented among them for some reason. Guess they blew through the free housing and $100,000 checks the Feds give 'refugee aid' organizations already and they think the health care and bennies are better in Canada.
Is there one Western nation with a large immigrant Muslim population, that has not had radical islamic terrorist acts?

Clearly when too many Muslims immigrate to a Western nation, terror cells develop leading to the deaths of innocent people. This is obvious to some of us, but others infected with the idiot gene Multiculturalism, can't comprehend and immediately consider it racist.
Are these people muslims? I saw some photos in an article showing a whole bunch of black people. The piece said they are Haitians. 'Course if they're future BLM members, they'll be just as bad as muslims.

Hope the Canadians decide to keep them. We can send them millions more, if they like 'em.
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