A compromise for small business owners who don't want to follow social distancing


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2021
For the last year we've been seeing a lot of business owners who think they are crusaders protesting the evil government controlling their lives by refusing to require maths and their businesses and refusing to follow social distancing.

some states have made this a crime and arrested people other states have issued fines and stripped business licenses ruining the people.

claim that they are taking away people's.

I havea compromise.

What if we allow businesses to do whatever they wanted but if they choose not to follow social distancing and CDC guidelines, if their business is shut down because of a covid-19 outbreak, taking f*** off and die. They would not be allowed to take government aid of any kind they would not be allowed to take their business losses off their taxes, they would be required to pay for 100% of their employees health costs if their employee is proven to have gotten covid-19 from working for them..

in other words we let them have the freedom to make the choice for themselves but then we make them deal with 100% of all the costs and all the consequences of that choice by themselves.

The American people should not have to socialize stupid people's decisions.
Hey OP just stay in your basement you coward.

What do you have an issue with personal responsibility?
do you believe that a business owner who intentionally and purposely ignores health concerns should have the government bail them out if their business goes under because of the virus? I don't.
For the last year we've been seeing a lot of business owners who think they are crusaders protesting the evil government controlling their lives by refusing to require maths and their businesses and refusing to follow social distancing.

some states have made this a crime and arrested people other states have issued fines and stripped business licenses ruining the people.

claim that they are taking away people's.

I havea compromise.

What if we allow businesses to do whatever they wanted but if they choose not to follow social distancing and CDC guidelines, if their business is shut down because of a covid-19 outbreak, taking f*** off and die. They would not be allowed to take government aid of any kind they would not be allowed to take their business losses off their taxes, they would be required to pay for 100% of their employees health costs if their employee is proven to have gotten covid-19 from working for them..

in other words we let them have the freedom to make the choice for themselves but then we make them deal with 100% of all the costs and all the consequences of that choice by themselves.

The American people should not have to socialize stupid people's decisions.
How about if we allow businesses to do whatever they wanted and let the people decide if they want to go there or not?
For the last year we've been seeing a lot of business owners who think they are crusaders protesting the evil government controlling their lives by refusing to require maths and their businesses and refusing to follow social distancing.

some states have made this a crime and arrested people other states have issued fines and stripped business licenses ruining the people.

claim that they are taking away people's.

I havea compromise.

What if we allow businesses to do whatever they wanted but if they choose not to follow social distancing and CDC guidelines, if their business is shut down because of a covid-19 outbreak, taking f*** off and die. They would not be allowed to take government aid of any kind they would not be allowed to take their business losses off their taxes, they would be required to pay for 100% of their employees health costs if their employee is proven to have gotten covid-19 from working for them..

in other words we let them have the freedom to make the choice for themselves but then we make them deal with 100% of all the costs and all the consequences of that choice by themselves.

The American people should not have to socialize stupid people's decisions.

That is incredibly stupid, because covid-19 costs NOTHING!
If someone get infected with covid-19, it does not cost the company a cent.
And it likely does not cost the one who gets sick either, except for being unable to work for a week.

There are essentially NO COSTS at all to covid-19.
The ONLY costs are due to the foolish government imposed lock down.
I would suggest some of these children try to run a small business for themselves before dissing small business owners.

I get so sick of you fucking brainwashed little shits.
For the last year we've been seeing a lot of business owners who think they are crusaders protesting the evil government controlling their lives by refusing to require maths and their businesses and refusing to follow social distancing.

some states have made this a crime and arrested people other states have issued fines and stripped business licenses ruining the people.

claim that they are taking away people's.

I havea compromise.

What if we allow businesses to do whatever they wanted but if they choose not to follow social distancing and CDC guidelines, if their business is shut down because of a covid-19 outbreak, taking f*** off and die. They would not be allowed to take government aid of any kind they would not be allowed to take their business losses off their taxes, they would be required to pay for 100% of their employees health costs if their employee is proven to have gotten covid-19 from working for them..

in other words we let them have the freedom to make the choice for themselves but then we make them deal with 100% of all the costs and all the consequences of that choice by themselves.

The American people should not have to socialize stupid people's decisions.
Commie, stfu. Leave people alone.
Closing businesses is against the constitution.
Government can not legally take without compensation.
Closing a business is essentially a death sentence since you are depriving them of their means of room and board.

Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Closing businesses is against the constitution.
Government can not legally take without compensation.
Closing a business is essentially a death sentence since you are depriving them of their means of room and board.

Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.


the Constitution gives the federal government the authority to regulate commerce in the United States the supreme Court has ruled more than once that this includes shutting down businesses if their activities endanger Public health.

But that's not what we're talking about we are talking about prohibiting people from receiving government aid or tax benefits if they refuse to follow legally required health guidelines and response to covid.

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