A Blow to the Muslim Brotherhood

I am impressed.

I was NOT impressed when they voted in a theocracy. But there have been a lot of human rights issues and for now, unless there is some reason to change my mind, I salute the people of Egypt.

We can envy them the smallness of their country which allows such direct participation in government.

Yeah, the best thing coming out of Egypt this week is the apparent fear that the military has for the masses.

Ass-u-me-ing a free society is the goal, in all cases where they conflict, reasonable Civil Law MUST trump Religious Law.

How about the military was more afraid of the MB getting them involved in a civil war conflict similar to that of Syria? Alternatively the military might have been concerned that the MB was heading in the direction of another war with Israel.

The reality is that the Egyptian military is the 800 lb gorilla that has all of the power and that whomever "rules" the country only does so with the "consent" of the military.

And, apparently at least, the military is looking to the masses for direction when giving its consent.

That's new and very exciting in the 3rd world.
Morsi was not elected democratically. He didn't get more than 50% of the vote. He got 13% of the vote. Democratically, 86% of the country didn't want him.
Anyone who doubts the CIA / Mossad involvement in organizing and funding the protests in Egypt is very naive.

Everyone in the Middle East knows that whenever there is chaos, war, or any kind of political disruption.

Just scratch the surface a little and you will find Israel behind the event with the blessing of the U.S. government. :cool:

Sunni, I might buy that if the president was anyone but Obama. He has no sympathy for Israel and would throw them under the bus if he could get away with it. Not saying Israel isn't at the root of it, but I AM saying that the US isn't. Not under this current administration.
Sunni, I might buy that if the president was anyone but Obama. He has no sympathy for Israel and would throw them under the bus if he could get away with it. Not saying Israel isn't at the root of it, but I AM saying that the US isn't. Not under this current administration.
That very well could be the case.

Although, the CIA has been known to run unsanctioned rogue operations. :cool:
Morsi was not elected democratically. He didn't get more than 50% of the vote. He got 13% of the vote. Democratically, 86% of the country didn't want him.

"Morsi was announced as the winner of the election with 51.73 percent of the vote."

WebCite query result

Correction. Morsi announced that Morsi won with 51.73 percent of the vote. In a field of 17 candidates.

This is the danger of having too many candidates and why we have a two party system.

Last year when Morsi's grab for power first became apparent, this how Egyptians felt.


Alaa al Aswany

1. Why do you oppose the constitutional declaration issued by Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi?

Because it gives the president semi-divine powers, through which he can dissolve the laws and do whatever he wants without any supervision or accountability.

Through this declaration, President Morsi has gone against the will of the people who brought him to power. He has turned into a dictator, and every dictator is certainly an enemy of the revolution, which essentially happened for the sake of establishing a state ruled by law.

2. Why would you not allow President Morsi temporary absolute powers for a few months?

There are no temporary dictators. All dictators have claimed to be obliged to take temporary extraordinary measures, and then seized power forever. Here, let’s recall how the Free Officers, in 1952, pledged to return to their barracks after six months, but remained in power for many years. Any ruler who is allowed to disregard the law for a single day will turn into an eternal dictator.

The Muslim Brotherhood colluded and struck deals with the military at the expense of the blood of the martyrs. What did President Morsi do during five months of his term? He hired Interior Minister Ahmad Gamal al-Din, who is responsible for the Mohammed Mahmoud Street massacre, which resulted in the death of 70 martyrs.

President Morsi provided a safe exit for [former SCAF Chairman] Field Marshal Mohamed Tantawi and [former Chief of Staff] Lt. Gen. Sami Anan, who are responsible — at least politically — for all of the massacres that claimed the lives of hundreds of innocent people.

President Morsi kept the state security apparatus, which is responsible for disregarding the lives of millions of Egyptians. Morsi also hired Mubarak’s ministers and businessmen, who robbed the Egyptian people and amassed enormous fortunes at the expense of the poor.

If President Morsi wanted to achieve the goals of the revolution, he would have done so. But in reality, he works for the benefit of the Muslim Brotherhood, not the revolution. President Morsi has made many promises, but never fulfilled any. Therefore, we have no reason to believe him when he claims that he will be a dictator for a short period of time. Since he has never been honest in the past, he will certainly not be honest this time.

Read more.
The root of the problem is inept Government. Rhetoric is no substitute for good action and competency.
Morsi was not elected democratically. He didn't get more than 50% of the vote. He got 13% of the vote. Democratically, 86% of the country didn't want him.

"Morsi was announced as the winner of the election with 51.73 percent of the vote."

WebCite query result

Correction. Morsi announced that Morsi won with 51.73 percent of the vote. In a field of 17 candidates.

If so, what is your problem with that?
Egypt will vote in another Islamic crazy fuck who wants to wipe out Jews and the great Satan. Its hard for them not to when their Mullahs in the Mosque demand they do it.... it is kind of how Black leaders and preachers get there flock to vote democrat. It is pretty damn effective strategy.
"Morsi was announced as the winner of the election with 51.73 percent of the vote."

WebCite query result

Correction. Morsi announced that Morsi won with 51.73 percent of the vote. In a field of 17 candidates.

If so, what is your problem with that?

MY problem. I don't live in Egypt. It's not my problem. The problem in Egypt is that the Egyptians have decided that they have a government that doesn't represent them. They have a government that represents only the minority of very strict islamic fundamentalists. These Egyptians followed the American Revolution and threw off the totalitarian government. They had a Declaration of Intolerable Acts, they want a new Constitution. The majority of Egyptians want it, they deserve it and will take it.

obama intended that Egypt become a fundamentalist islamic state. He supports the unwanted muslim brotherhood. In fact, obama has muslim brotherhood in the white house that's how much he supports these fundamentalists. The United States needs to stay out of middle eastern political processes.
Sunni, I might buy that if the president was anyone but Obama. He has no sympathy for Israel and would throw them under the bus if he could get away with it. Not saying Israel isn't at the root of it, but I AM saying that the US isn't. Not under this current administration.
That very well could be the case.

Although, the CIA has been known to run unsanctioned rogue operations. :cool:

Obama has been known to claim he doesn't know what is going on in his administration!
Correction. Morsi announced that Morsi won with 51.73 percent of the vote. In a field of 17 candidates.

If so, what is your problem with that?

MY problem. I don't live in Egypt. It's not my problem. The problem in Egypt is that the Egyptians have decided that they have a government that doesn't represent them. They have a government that represents only the minority of very strict islamic fundamentalists. These Egyptians followed the American Revolution and threw off the totalitarian government. They had a Declaration of Intolerable Acts, they want a new Constitution. The majority of Egyptians want it, they deserve it and will take it.

obama intended that Egypt become a fundamentalist islamic state. He supports the unwanted muslim brotherhood. In fact, obama has muslim brotherhood in the white house that's how much he supports these fundamentalists. The United States needs to stay out of middle eastern political processes.

It is Egypt's problem. And given that a very large part of their GNP is likely tourism, the problem is hurting the Egyptian people. All this makes me glad I went when I did because I'm not sure there would have ever been another opportunity in my lifetime.
Sunni, I might buy that if the president was anyone but Obama. He has no sympathy for Israel and would throw them under the bus if he could get away with it. Not saying Israel isn't at the root of it, but I AM saying that the US isn't. Not under this current administration.
That very well could be the case.

Although, the CIA has been known to run unsanctioned rogue operations. :cool:

Obama has been known to claim he doesn't know what is going on in his administration!
I remember when Pres. Reagan would say, "I don't know or I don't remember" and the leftist/liberal media would go crazy.

But when Pres. Obama says, "I don't know or I don't remember" there is nothing but silence from the same media. .. :cool:
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That very well could be the case.

Although, the CIA has been known to run unsanctioned rogue operations. :cool:

Obama has been known to claim he doesn't know what is going on in his administration!
I remember when Pres. Reagan would say, "I don't know or I don't remember" and the leftist/liberal media would go crazy.

But when Pres. Obama says, "I don't know or I don't remember" there is nothing but silence fron the same media. .. :cool:

You nailed it.

I think Hillary's most famous line has to be 'I don't recall.'
And how many in the MB were also protesting the way Morsi was dictating his will over the people instead of working with all Egyptians?
Why is that Muslims always fight so much with each other over religion Sunni?
That very well could be the case.

Although, the CIA has been known to run unsanctioned rogue operations. :cool:

Obama has been known to claim he doesn't know what is going on in his administration!
I remember when Pres. Reagan would say, "I don't know or I don't remember" and the leftist/liberal media would go crazy.

But when Pres. Obama says, "I don't know or I don't remember" there is nothing but silence from the same media. .. :cool:

Could not agree more!!:clap2::clap2:
If so, what is your problem with that?

MY problem. I don't live in Egypt. It's not my problem. The problem in Egypt is that the Egyptians have decided that they have a government that doesn't represent them. They have a government that represents only the minority of very strict islamic fundamentalists. These Egyptians followed the American Revolution and threw off the totalitarian government. They had a Declaration of Intolerable Acts, they want a new Constitution. The majority of Egyptians want it, they deserve it and will take it.

obama intended that Egypt become a fundamentalist islamic state. He supports the unwanted muslim brotherhood. In fact, obama has muslim brotherhood in the white house that's how much he supports these fundamentalists. The United States needs to stay out of middle eastern political processes.

It is Egypt's problem. And given that a very large part of their GNP is likely tourism, the problem is hurting the Egyptian people. All this makes me glad I went when I did because I'm not sure there would have ever been another opportunity in my lifetime.

As the islamic muslim brotherhood intended to destroy the Egyptian artifacts, which would have destroyed all tourism, you might appreciate the Egyptians throwing the muslim brotherhood out on their asses.

Calls to Destroy Egypt?s Great Pyramids Begin | FrontPage Magazine

According to several reports in the Arabic media, prominent Muslim clerics have begun to call for the demolition of Egypt’s Great Pyramids—or, in the words of Saudi Sheikh Ali bin Said al-Rabi‘i, those “symbols of paganism,” which Egypt’s Salafi party has long planned to cover with wax. Most recently, Bahrain’s “Sheikh of Sunni Sheikhs” and President of National Unity, Abd al-Latif al-Mahmoud, called on Egypt’s new president, Muhammad Morsi, to “destroy the Pyramids and accomplish what the Sahabi Amr bin al-As could not.”
Anyone who doubts the CIA / Mossad involvement in organizing and funding the protests in Egypt is very naive.

Everyone in the Middle East knows that whenever there is chaos, war, or any kind of political disruption.

Just scratch the surface a little and you will find Israel behind the event with the blessing of the U.S. government. :cool:

Ok, how about some proof.
What is the objective of toppling Morsi where now the Egyptian economy is very weak since he took power?
Seems as if the Israelis would want that if they were so hell bent on toppling Egypt.
Where is your evidence, go ahead and scratch the surface and show me those 22 million people that wanted MB gone were influenced by CIA and Mossad.
Morsi did stir war rumblings up and the Egyptian military and people do not want war.
Why are so many Muslims hell bent on going to war for Allah?

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