Zone1 A black man saying "black is a experience"


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
Im zero percent African but this guy saying in another video he has many videos but i cannot find it now, that black is a experience. I wonder if i have the black experience? I was considered dirt and shit for my skin colour, i was targeted for my skin colour, for my pigmented blood, called the n-word a few times, treated like a dog, and scored low on a IQ test, lower then an average african-american. African American 85 me 84 IQ points. I was targeted for racial visibility, then there is a one drop rule for roma, they told me "i have blood im pigmented" eventhough im a mongrel. then in the roma community in some parts of europe they experienced slavery, and unofficial segregation, apartheid etc. The holocaust was more of a jewish experience though, and the gypsy hunts in europe, the libel that they steal children or are baptised heathens etc. So a mix of jewish and black experience?

This guy saying black is a experience?

Im zero percent African but this guy saying in another video he has many videos but i cannot find it now, that black is a experience. I wonder if i have the black experience? I was considered dirt and shit for my skin colour, i was targeted for my skin colour, for my pigmented blood, called the n-word a few times, treated like a dog, and scored low on a IQ test, lower then an average african-american. African American 85 me 84 IQ points. I was targeted for racial visibility, then there is a one drop rule for roma, they told me "i have blood im pigmented" eventhough im a mongrel. then in the roma community in some parts of europe they experienced slavery, and unofficial segregation, apartheid etc. The holocaust was more of a jewish experience though, and the gypsy hunts in europe, the libel that they steal children or are baptised heathens etc. So a mix of jewish and black experience?

This guy saying black is a experience?

Good to see you over here, Mort. I was in on your Zone 1 race thread two or three months back, where you did as good a job of actually OP ing a hard subject thread, as I have ever seen here. Good luck on this one.
And homophobic/homohate experience. Don't forget that.

Im not homophobic, I have said that thousand times and explained my views. You are probably a homo, if you insist on such things. Homo is really abnormal, something degenerate, and disgusting, something unnatural, but not only because someone struggles with his sexuality i think i said before that even i did too, like having a dream that i was raped by males, i didnt enjoyed it i was scared but still. Once I thought I might be a bit gay, but you dont need to live out your fetishes etc. like fisting in the butthole and all that, not every gay, not "gays like me" but many and especially the lobbyists and such people who push it on society are just degenerate perverts who eat da popoo and saying that is not homophobic or a discrimination. Also I have emphaty for bottoms who got rapped or misused by such butch bear gays etc. I heard of such, where butch bear gays misuse younger or weak gays etc. You know probably all my opinions, if you still think Im homophobic truly, you are dumb.

You are probably a homo, if you insist on such things. Homo is really abnormal, something degenerate, and disgusting, something unnatural
So, homohate. How come you ignore that bit of your lived experience when commenting on others' bigotry?
Do you want to sodomize homo faggot do you want Beef?

Then complain about others' bigotry.

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