A bitter pill from the heartland.

I'm agreeing with the author of the column about the parallels between the silence of prominent Germans during Hitler's rise to power and the silence of prominent Repubs who do not speak out in opposition to..........for example..........Trump's attacks on members of the justice system. But I'm concerned the analogy is too complex for the simple minded.

Or, it is simply a lie -

Yeah, that's it.
i really must remember that trump's only great joy in life is conning his business aquaintances and that these magas are merely collateral damage.

Yet, he took great joy in repairing the Nation, at great personal expense.

Weird, yes?
And this is the stupid shit you read to bolster your confirmation bias, no wonder you're all so pathetically brain washed. You're gullible, impressionable morons. :dunno:

I can't wait until the next D presidential nominee challenges election results, and it will happen. You guys will love the precedent you've set.

Berg has a large and impenetrable echo chamber.

I would be so bored, if that was me.
Yet another false equivalence. After Biden won, did he spread lies about actually winning by a bigger margin as Trump did in 2016 when he told lies about millions of illegal immigrants voting for Hillary? A lie he told because he couldn't handle the truth about losing the popular vote.

There is no popular vote to win or lose.
The article wasn't about policy differences. It was about how Trump supporters object to reading factual content about the guy they support. Much the same as Trump supporters on this board.

Keep up with the "you are too stupid to understand" method of trying to convince Trump voters to vote otherwise...

It works so well....
Concern troll is concerned.

The piece is nothing different than the thousands of others we have seen from the MSM, except now they are toning down their disgust to look like pity.

It's still the same old Dem hate for the "deplorables" wearing a new hat.
Not pity and not hate. A straightforward explanation that the paper will not yield to complaints by Trump followers about reporting the truth.
Keep up with the "you are too stupid to understand" method of trying to convince Trump voters to vote otherwise...

It works so well....
I would replace "you are too stupid to understand" with "too stubborn to acknowledge."
Paper smothers rock
The north star here is truth. We tell the truth, even when it offends some of the people who pay us for information.

The truth is that Donald Trump undermined faith in our elections in his false bid to retain the presidency. He sparked an insurrection intended to overthrow our government and keep himself in power. No president in our history has done worse.
The north star here is truth. We tell the truth, even when it offends some of the people who pay us for information.

The truth is that Donald Trump undermined faith in our elections in his false bid to retain the presidency. He sparked an insurrection intended to overthrow our government and keep himself in power. No president in our history has done worse.
Why MAGATs are blind to this fact I'll never know.

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