A $38,000 Purse? Really?

I'm viewing the front page of Google news and there's a story about Orprah being discriminated against in Switzerland. So what the heck, I click on it.

Apparently Oprah asked a clerk to get down a purse on a high shelf so she could look at it, and the clerk told Oprah she would not be able to afford it. Obviously, the clerk did not have a clue to whom she was speaking.

The purse costs...$35,000 swiss francs. That's $38,000 American.


Here's the purse:


It doesn't look like it's made out of platinum, which would justify such a price. It's not even big enough to hold 38 thousand dollars.

Who does that? Pays $38k for a purse.

Oh...yeah. Oprah.

Its her money, which she earned from working her arse off. If she wants to spend that money on a purse, she bloody well can!


I'm not a fan. Nor do I dislike her. But, I DO admire what she has accomplished, on her own and starting with less than nothing. And, I admire how she has helped so many people along the way.

The rw's just hate any liberal and any black who can buy and sell them and then throw them in the trash where you belong.
it depends on your political affiliation, like folks here who pummeled Romney over a mechanical lift/garage in his house and now see it as a non issue that Oprah would spend enough to provide 15K folks with a food stamp EBT card for a year:eusa_whistle:

I didn't know Oprah was running for president. Which election was that? It wasn't the last one.

and this matters why? are you not allowed to have money and spend it as you wish if you're running for office? not even you are that stupid...or are you?

and lets see; whose house is obama staying at in Marthas vineyard this week?

The owner, David Schulte, is the founder of Chilmark Partners, a company that has been “been providing companies, creditors, and other key stakeholders with clear, careful advice in complex restructuring situations for more than 27 years,” according to its website. The firm also “has decades of mergers and acquisition experience, both in distressed contexts and for healthy companies.” Schulte “has more than 30 years of restructuring experience” and before Chilmark “created and ran Salomon Brothers Corporate Reorganization Group.”

Obama Vacation Residence Owned by Corporate ?Restructurer? | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

:lol:Romney should have offered him his New Hampshire house....

So what? Republicans tried to tie the Clintons to some "Whitewater" scandal and the reason it never "stuck" is because it's "small potatoes". The Clintons have made over a hundred million dollars since he left office. Obama will make three times that much, at least. Because people like to listen to and pay to hear smart people. Obama doesn't need to "do favors" like Bush did with all the no bid contracts. Republicans and Democrats are so different.
I know if I owned a shop and was closing up for the night and saw Oprah Winfrey and her friend Gail peering in the window, I would unlock that door so fast it would blow your mind. Anything else would be fucking stupid.

Not only do they have a lot of money (especially Oprah), but they are good people. And I would like to meet them. And sell them stuff in my shop too, of course.
Apparently Oprah asked a clerk to get down a purse on a high shelf so she could look at it, and the clerk told Oprah she would not be able to afford it.

While Ms Winfrey is just SURE she was discriminated against, there is the real possibility that the store is not going to hand over a $38,000 item to ANYONE they don't know.

Further, I heard that Oprah previously complained about a similar incident, when she tried to enter a restaurant and was turned away. While she implied this was because she is Black, she neglected to mention that the restaurant was about to close. Just a little oversight there...

Well, well, well...it would appear that Ms Winfrey has proven herself to be a liar once again. But I'm sure we're all racists anyway...:doubt:

The shop girl Oprah accused of racism speaks out:

“It is absolutely not true that I declined to show her the bag on racist grounds. I even asked her if she wanted to look at the bag,”

She also strongly denied ever telling Oprah that the bag was too expensive or that she couldn’t afford it as the TV personality has suggested.

“This is not true, this is absurd. I would never say something like that to a customer. Really never. Good manners and politeness are the Alpha and the Omega in this business,” the sales assistant continued. “I don’t know why she is making these accusations. She is so powerful and I am just a shop girl.”

So, I can't say exactly what happened in that shop, but this is the second time Oprah has apparently falsely accused someone of racism. Where there's smoke...
I didn't know Oprah was running for president. Which election was that? It wasn't the last one.

and this matters why? are you not allowed to have money and spend it as you wish if you're running for office? not even you are that stupid...or are you?

and lets see; whose house is obama staying at in Marthas vineyard this week?

The owner, David Schulte, is the founder of Chilmark Partners, a company that has been “been providing companies, creditors, and other key stakeholders with clear, careful advice in complex restructuring situations for more than 27 years,” according to its website. The firm also “has decades of mergers and acquisition experience, both in distressed contexts and for healthy companies.” Schulte “has more than 30 years of restructuring experience” and before Chilmark “created and ran Salomon Brothers Corporate Reorganization Group.”

Obama Vacation Residence Owned by Corporate ?Restructurer? | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

:lol:Romney should have offered him his New Hampshire house....

So what? Republicans tried to tie the Clintons to some "Whitewater" scandal and the reason it never "stuck" is because it's "small potatoes". The Clintons have made over a hundred million dollars since he left office. Obama will make three times that much, at least. Because people like to listen to and pay to hear smart people. Obama doesn't need to "do favors" like Bush did with all the no bid contracts. Republicans and Democrats are so different.

wtf does that have to do with what I posted....:eusa_eh:

never mind:eusa_hand:
I am not saying Oprah should give the $38,000 to the poor. She does a lot of work for the poor in Africa.

I am not saying she shouldn't buy nice things.

I am saying there is no purse worth $38,000. Not unless it was made from the uteruses of virgins or moon dust or something.

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