A 1942 List Of Adolph Hitler's Lies

Adolph was just misunderstood. ...

Yes, when he said "Take ze Jews to a camp and let zem play with ze gas", he merely meant for them to go to a summer camp and play with helium and laugh their heads off all day. Someone took it the wrong way.....

Compiled by the Us Office of War Information
But I thought politicians were suppose to lie?

Having a politician that does not lie would be like having a new born baby that does not poop constantly

Say, are you trying to smear Hitler?
Just found this .
Adey -- as we fondly refer to him -- was quite a guy . The more I get to know him, the more I want to know .
Fancy Adey being such a great mimic .Bet he gave a great impression of that American cripple of a President .rofl .

Hitler had few hobbies since he kept a schedule that was both hectic and idiosyncratic, yet some show great insight into the man. He was a terrific mimic, who enjoyed doing wicked imitations of everyone from foreign leaders to German comics. Even Mussolini, whom he deeply admired, was not spared. A tea time of conversation at Berchestgarden followed by a short walk was another favorite. It gave Hitler the air of a country gentleman. After becoming chancellor he enjoyed taking cruises in the Baltic aboard newly minted German warships. He collected books by the thousands, yet oddly there is not a single instance of marginalia in any volume, unlike Stalin who made notes on all his reading. Building model cities of the future Reich, his beloved “Germania”, became a fixation for Hitler and not just a hobby. Hitler loved films, domestic and foreign, and would often watch two per night, preferably musicals. During the war he watched only newsreels of the fighting, a habit he shared with Churchill. He loved to whistle tunes, especially of great opera, which he had memorized entirely. This gives rise to an illuminating story: Once Eva Braun caught him singing the wrong tune from an opera, and pointed this out to Hitler. He quickly replied, “No. I am right. The composer made a mistake by not putting that tune there in the first place.”
He sounds just like Biden.
Baloney. Those quotes were compiled by the Office of War Information during wartime. They are all about Hitler constantly promising not to invade, and then invading anyway.

Is President Biden planning for us to invade Mexico or something?

Or are you just so itching for any chance at all to shit-talk Biden that you reflexively throw whatever barbs you can find at him, without thinking?

If anyone, they sound like Putin.

Compiled by the Us Office of War Information
That's very interesting. Thank you.

I think everyone should read Mein Kampf. Especially those who foolishly bleev Hitler was left wing.
Fascism and Communism are just two sides of the same coin. ... :cool:
Yep. They are both authoritarian, and therefore anti-Democratic. They should both be kicked to the curb enthusiastically, quickly, and permanently.
Along with Communism Gateway Socialism
Nah. Socialism is just the system Communism uses for its money. It's a tool, and other types of government use it just fine. Even we use it, though it isn't our Number One.

The vinegar in the Kool-Aid that makes fascism and Communism such terrible systems is the authoritarianism. We prefer democracy.
Nah. Socialism is just the system Communism uses for its money. It's a tool, and other types of government use it just fine. Even we use it, though it isn't our Number One.

The vinegar in the Kool-Aid that makes fascism and Communism such terrible systems is the authoritarianism. We prefer democracy.
Democracy not Socialism Done right ?

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