99 Senators agree with the USIC. Which one doesn't?

Really? So Lindsay LoudMouth Graham is a pollster now? And what did they agree on exactly according to piece of jerky??

Really? I have not heard one senator object to Graham's attestation.

You haven't answered the question of exactly WHAT they MIGHT agree on according to "kill them all" Graham.

I cheated.. I read his statements. AND he was saying there was general agreement on INVESTIGATING.. NOT as you are falsely claiming that they accept the "opinions" in those ass-covering statements from USIC..

World of difference and the real reason why you have no links in this thread. Isn't it?

The first item on the top of the results list I got contains an article having the following Graham statement:
There are 100 United States senators, I would say that 99 of us believe the Russians did this and we’re going to do something about it. We’re going to put sanctions together that hit Putin as an individual and his inner circle for interfering in our election, and they’re doing it all over the world — not just in the United States. If we don’t push back against Putin, Iran and China, they could hack in to our systems. Today it’s Democrats, tomorrow it could be Republicans with the Iranians and the Chinese.​

Graham is camera hogging primadonna -- so?? He says a lot of shameful things to get attention..

CERTAINLY if your statement is true you could find ONE OTHER SENATOR who isn't a platinum plated attention whore..

He just wants WAR.. That's his goal in life.

Really? Your retort, in response to being told what is it 99 senators agree upon, is to levy an ad hominem attack on the senator who made the claim about what 99 senators agree upon. Okay...you run with that.
We've already booted out 30+ Russian spooks and their families; we've put sanctions on several of Putin's buds. So what more do we want to do to Russia? I say we put our heads down and start working with the private IT guys to figure out ways to keep our cyberspace safe. It's the only reasonable way. Starting a war isn't going to stop spying.

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