97 year old nazi camp worker gets off with it.. It=10500 murders

Lots of nazi energy on this thread. You guys look after your own.
You’re just being a troll.

The crimes of Nazi Germany were many. But merely being a “Nazi” doesn’t make one complicit in any of their crimes. For example, typists aren’t really guilty of war crimes. She was determined to have “aided or abetted” the concentration camp crimes for being a teenage typist for a Nazi commander and for knowing what was going on inside.

Thankfully, she was tried as a juvenile. The modern German justice system recognizes her youth at the time. Taint doesn’t much care for actual justice.
sralin. what do you think about pootler´s fav ideologist ?

Are you talking about John Kerry or Jen Psaki?

Are you talking about John Kerry or Jen Psaki?

View attachment 740441
no, more like about NKVD thugs like Vassili Kononov
Kononov led a unit into a Latvian village and killed nine people, including three women, one in the late stages of pregnancy who was burned alive.

more :

Czeslawa Kwoka Polish girl, 14 years old
She died in the Auschwitz death camp on February 18, 1943 from a phenol injection into her heart.
Shortly before the execution, she was photographed by prisoner Vilem Brasset, who testified against the executioner of Czeslawa, a nazi who hit her in the face, shortly before the photo, as evidenced by a hematoma on her lip.
We see — this is the face of a frightened child who lost her mother a few days ago. She was one of about 250,000 minor children executed at Auschwitz–Birkenau.

The photo, originally in black and white, located in the Auschwitz Memorial, was painted by a Brazilian professional photographer Anna Amaral, who was impressed by the photo of Czeslawa and decided to give it color and make it accessible to everyone so that people would not forget the horrors of fascism.
The name of the Soviet partisan became known to the whole world in connection with the so-called Kononov case. In 1998, the Latvian authorities, trying to revise the history of the Second World War in the spirit of the losing side, chose Kononov as a target. Vasily Kononov was accused of war crimes and spent almost 2 years in prison.

Vasily Kononov, a 17-year-old teenager, left Latvia with the retreating Red Army and returned to his homeland (he was parachuted into a group of fighters) in 1943 to fight against the German occupiers in the ranks of the partisans.

Vasily Kononov personally blew up 14 nazi echelons, was awarded the Order of Lenin for his military exploits.
On May 27, 1944, Kononov's detachment killed nine residents of the Latgalian village of Malye Baty for giving 12 partisans to the Germans in February of the same year.

A Latvian court sentenced Kononov to 20 months in prison. The veteran challenged this decision in the Strasbourg court. In July 2008, the International Court of Justice issued a verdict according to which Kononov was convicted illegally. He was awarded compensation in the amount of 30 thousand euros. However, the fascists of Latvia appealed against this decision and won the case.
Complicity in the murder of 10500 people. ..

Correct is complicity in the murder of more than 11,412 cases and complicity in attempted murder in 18 cases - because she worked when she had been a very young woman as a secretary in a concentration camp.

She got a juvenile sentence - 2 years on probation. So let us all hope she learned this lesson now in the age of 97, so no one has to bury her out in 79 years in the age of 142 years (97+79 = 142) years) and has to waste again a lot of tax money for the propaganda motor of Neonazis. What an absurdity: "Justice as an end in itselve".

What could perhaps be a more interesting question: How was she able to keep her psychological balance during this long time? She knew what had happened there.
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She was a teenage girl recruited by the most brutal regime we've seen in the last century. ...

This "most brutal regime" - which no one here has seen - has by the way sometimes very interesting psychological and sociological side effects. The unbelievable heavy crimes in the Kongo from 1888-1908 had been nearly forgotten meanwhile since Adolf Hilter (sometimes in combination with the Soviet Stalin) replaced the former king of Belgium in the perception "worst devil who ever had existed". It seems it is always only one devil - or a group of common devils - able to exist in the perception of human beings - like Democrats and/or Republicans for example.

By the way: Work secretaries in the US-American torture prisons and concentration camps like Guantanamo which do not exist any longer? Work secretaries for Lukashenko, Putin or Kim Jong Un? ... Bad luck for them if they are no whistle blowers ... but more bad luck for them if they are whistle blowers ... isn't it?
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She was a teenage girl recruited by the most brutal regime we've seen in the last century. What would you have expected her to do? Take on the Nazis? What punishment for a fukking 97 year old woman satisfy you Tommy?
Stalin is on line one saying he is. Very upset Hitler beat him again as being the most glorious bastard of that war!
You’re just being a troll.

The crimes of Nazi Germany were many. ...

Really? Except "practiced Darwinism on eugenic, racist and terror reasons" - what else do you see as a crime of Nazi-Germany?
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Czeslawa Kwoka Polish girl, 14 years old
She died in the Auschwitz death camp on February 18, 1943 from a phenol injection into her heart.
Shortly before the execution, she was photographed by prisoner Vilem Brasset, who testified against the executioner of Czeslawa, a nazi who hit her in the face, shortly before the photo, as evidenced by a hematoma on her lip.
We see — this is the face of a frightened child who lost her mother a few days ago. She was one of about 250,000 minor children executed at Auschwitz–Birkenau.

The photo, originally in black and white, located in the Auschwitz Memorial, was painted by a Brazilian professional photographer Anna Amaral, who was impressed by the photo of Czeslawa and decided to give it color and make it accessible to everyone so that people would not forget the horrors of fascism.

She had been by the way a blond-eyed and blue-haired Aryan like I. The Slaws in general had been definded as Aryans from the Nazis - as stupid as all this Aryan nonsense had been. It could be a picture of myselve. The Nazis will do the same with me because I am a German who has also Jewish roots.

In other cases the SS stole such children in Poland and they were educated in SS families. I read for example a story from someone who had been such a robbed Polish child. After world war 2 he visited Poland to try to find his real roots - the Polish forced him to have to stay in Poland, although he liked to go back to Germany. Meanwhile he came back to Germany and lives here like all other Germans.
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The name of the Soviet partisan became known to the whole world in connection with the so-called Kononov case. In 1998, the Latvian authorities, trying to revise the history of the Second World War in the spirit of the losing side, chose Kononov as a target. Vasily Kononov was accused of war crimes and spent almost 2 years in prison.

Vasily Kononov, a 17-year-old teenager, left Latvia with the retreating Red Army and returned to his homeland (he was parachuted into a group of fighters) in 1943 to fight against the German occupiers in the ranks of the partisans.

Vasily Kononov personally blew up 14 nazi echelons, was awarded the Order of Lenin for his military exploits.

On May 27, 1944, Kononov's detachment killed nine residents of the Latgalian village of Malye Baty for giving 12 partisans to the Germans in February of the same year.

A clear murder.

A Latvian court sentenced Kononov to 20 months in prison.

So he was lucky.

The veteran challenged this decision in the Strasbourg court. In July 2008, the International Court of Justice issued a verdict according to which Kononov was convicted illegally. He was awarded compensation in the amount of 30 thousand euros. However, the fascists of Latvia appealed against this decision and won the case.

Freedom fighters fought for Germany against Stalin and freedom fighters fought for Russia against Hitler. Most of them were children.

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