9/12 Rally in Washington, DC

Are you going to the 9/12 rally in Washington, DC on Sept. 12th?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 11 52.4%
  • Don't know just yet.

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Are you out of your mind asking such a silly question?

    Votes: 5 23.8%

  • Total voters
nah someone has to stay home and wrk for a living. Hobos??? Sorry ain't seen any bindlestiff's yet so they can't be real hoboes.
I'll be celebrating my birthday at the back lake with plenty of beer, barbecue and bikini clad women! You are all invited!! But bring a lawnchair if you don't like sitting on hay bales!
Anybody going to the 9/12 rally in Washington, DC on September 12th? If I wasn't in the middle of having my two houses remodeled and had to be here with the contractor's I think I would go. Might be kind of interesting and I can support letting the idiots in DC know how I feel about things.

Wasn't even aware there was a rally BBD. What's it for and who's organizing it?

The Fake News channel. They are protesting how hard it is to be rich. I mean they can't afford their yachts. So horrible, we need to give the money to the rich because their lives are so hard.
Most of the crowd will be made up hobos wearing "Taxed Enough Already" signs. What they think they're being taxed on, God only knows.

These are the things we are being taxed on, so god is not the only one who knows ;).

Home improvement items
Utility bills (heat, electric, cable, phone)
Interest income
Investment income
Retirement income
Health Care Premiums
Unearned Income from gambling winnings
Social security/medicare
Unemployment tax

You need more, there are more things i could list?

How about a poem?

Tax his land, tax his wage,
Tax his bed in which he lays.
Tax his tractor, tax his mule,
Teach him taxes is the rule.

Tax his cow, tax his goat,
Tax his pants, tax his coat.
Tax his ties, tax his shirts,
Tax his work, tax his dirt.

Tax his chew, tax his smoke,
Teach him taxes are no joke.
Tax his car, tax his grass,
Tax the roads he must pass.

Tax his food, tax his drink,
Tax him if he tries to think.
Tax his sodas, tax his beers,
If he cries, tax his tears.

Tax his bills, tax his gas,
Tax his notes, tax his cash.
Tax him good and let him know
That after taxes, he has no dough.

If he hollers, tax him more,
Tax him until he's good and sore.
Tax his coffin, tax his grave,
Tax the sod in which he lays.

Put these words upon his tomb,
"Taxes drove me to my doom!"
And when he's gone, we won't relax,
We'll still be after the inheritance tax
Is there something significant about this being on Sep. 12, as opposed to the anniversary of Sep. 11th?

something you know nothing about. respect

Oh, I think I know quite a bit about it; I was in the service, too, for one thing (not that it's necessarily a criterion, of course). Who I choose to give it to...that's another story.

For example, for all the crap that's gone on between and one con on here - DiveCon - I still actually have more respect for him than others.

I'd say you, with your talk of revolution, thinly veiled hope of the Prez being asasinated and your assumption about what people know about and what they don't, are pretty much at the bottom of the heap as far as due respect goes.

Now go fuck yourself, you disgrace to vets everywhere (that is if you even are really a vet).
Is there something significant about this being on Sep. 12, as opposed to the anniversary of Sep. 11th?

something you know nothing about. respect

Oh, I think I know quite a bit about it; I was in the service, too, for one thing (not that it's necessarily a criterion, of course). Who I choose to give it to...that's another story.

For example, for all the crap that's gone on between and one con on here - DiveCon - I still actually have more respect for him than others.

I'd say you, with your talk of revolution, thinly veiled hope of the Prez being asasinated and your assumption about what people know about and what they don't, are pretty much at the bottom of the heap as far as due respect goes.

Now go fuck yourself, you disgrace to vets everywhere (that is if you even are really a vet).

I'd say you, with your talk of revolution, thinly veiled hope of the Prez being asasinated and your assumption about what people know about and what they don't, are pretty much at the bottom of the heap as far as due respect goes.

you need to read the post i put in reply to this. you have no respect and zero honor. so go suck your prez's cock you phoney bastard
Too far away and too many fishies to harass here.

Dude, How do you be mean to fishies? Put hot water in their tank or something? Maybe food coloring in the tank? Curse at them? Inquiring minds want to know...:confused:

I'm on my annual muskie hunt.


Lucky you! Where do you fish? We used to go Thousand Islands on the St. Lawrence.
Is there something significant about this being on Sep. 12, as opposed to the anniversary of Sep. 11th?

September 11th is the day to remember the 9/11 victems we lost to terrorist attacks.

you dont do things like protest the govt on 9/11.

The signifigance of 9/12....remember how the majority of the country felt on 9/12? We weren't dems, repubs, conservs, liberals, we were all AMERICANS. Those of us who are going are trying to hold onto that feeling of unity, hence the siginifigance of the date to us.

Is there something significant about this being on Sep. 12, as opposed to the anniversary of Sep. 11th?

September 11th is the day to remember the 9/11 victems we lost to terrorist attacks.

you dont do things like protest the govt on 9/11.

The signifigance of 9/12....remember how the majority of the country felt on 9/12? We weren't dems, repubs, conservs, liberals, we were all AMERICANS. Those of us who are going are trying to hold onto that feeling of unity, hence the siginifigance of the date to us.


So, feelings of unity are what the gathering is all about?
Is there something significant about this being on Sep. 12, as opposed to the anniversary of Sep. 11th?

September 11th is the day to remember the 9/11 victems we lost to terrorist attacks.

you dont do things like protest the govt on 9/11.

The signifigance of 9/12....remember how the majority of the country felt on 9/12? We weren't dems, repubs, conservs, liberals, we were all AMERICANS. Those of us who are going are trying to hold onto that feeling of unity, hence the siginifigance of the date to us.


So, feelings of unity are what the gathering is all about?

EDIT: no that is just the signifigance of the date

no the rallies are about how since clinton left office the president(bush) and congress have defecit spent us into a giant hole of debt. Now the current 111th congress and President obama seem dead set on tripling bush's idiotic defecit spending putting our financial futures at even greater risk than bush and his congresses did.

We are sick of irresponsible govt, we balance our checkbooks, we demand they do the same....they work for us and not for themselves or their special corporate interests.

This has been boiling inside many americans for years now.....unfortunately for obama his admin and the congress is defecit spending at such a rate it lit a lot of our previously unlit fuses.
I won't be there, for 2 reasons.

1.) I have a job, and 9/12 is pretty much one of the busiest days of the year for me.
2.) The rally is completely directionless, and pointless. It'll be just like the tea parties - everyone will have a completely different idea as to what they are protesting - some people there will be LaRouchers with Obama = Nazi signs, some will be just protesting against Obama in general, some will be protesting spending. There will be no single voice, and no single purpose.
September 11th is the day to remember the 9/11 victems we lost to terrorist attacks.

you dont do things like protest the govt on 9/11.

The signifigance of 9/12....remember how the majority of the country felt on 9/12? We weren't dems, repubs, conservs, liberals, we were all AMERICANS. Those of us who are going are trying to hold onto that feeling of unity, hence the siginifigance of the date to us.


So, feelings of unity are what the gathering is all about?

EDIT: no that is just the signifigance of the date

no the rallies are about how since clinton left office the president(bush) and congress have defecit spent us into a giant hole of debt. Now the current 111th congress and President obama seem dead set on tripling bush's idiotic defecit spending putting our financial futures at even greater risk than bush and his congresses did.

We are sick of irresponsible govt, we balance our checkbooks, we demand they do the same....they work for us and not for themselves or their special corporate interests.

This has been boiling inside many americans for years now.....unfortunately for obama his admin and the congress is defecit spending at such a rate it lit a lot of our previously unlit fuses.

OK, one second, if I may...

You don't find it odd that people are celebrating the "feeling of togetherness" you described by holding partisan protests against the current administration?

That seems rather strange to me.
I won't be there, for 2 reasons.

1.) I have a job, and 9/12 is pretty much one of the busiest days of the year for me.
2.) The rally is completely directionless, and pointless. It'll be just like the tea parties - everyone will have a completely different idea as to what they are protesting - some people there will be LaRouchers with Obama = Nazi signs, some will be just protesting against Obama in general, some will be protesting spending. There will be no single voice, and no single purpose.

Because there's nothing like "Obama = Nazi signs" to demonstrate a vast feeling of "togetherness".

I won't be there, for 2 reasons.

1.) I have a job, and 9/12 is pretty much one of the busiest days of the year for me.
2.) The rally is completely directionless, and pointless. It'll be just like the tea parties - everyone will have a completely different idea as to what they are protesting - some people there will be LaRouchers with Obama = Nazi signs, some will be just protesting against Obama in general, some will be protesting spending. There will be no single voice, and no single purpose.

Because there's nothing like "Obama = Nazi signs" to demonstrate a vast feeling of "togetherness".


I can't blame all the protesters for shit like that. I'd say the vast majority of the people protesting will be doing it for the "right" reasons, even though I'm sure I'd disagree with most of them. The ones with the Nazi signs are LaRouchers - an entirely different political animal than your average conservative protester (completely batshit).

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