Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Pajamas Media » March on Washington: How Big Was the Crowd?
“How big is it?” is certainly one of the world’s most dreaded questions.
In fact, after the Million Man March in 1995, Congress restricted the National Park Service from even making estimates — a restriction that was maintained for 14 years and then quietly rescinded this January for the Obama inauguration.
I’m talking about crowds, of course. I can’t take you people anywhere.
There have been a lot of estimates, from the “official” one of 60 to 70 thousand, up to the rumored 2 million. Let’s see if we can make a plausible estimate with some rigor and some idea of possible error...(continued at link)
Confusion abounds regarding the crowd estimate for 9/12 protest, and the above article quite thoroughly combines all the current estimates. Read the article for the methodology.
If this protest indeed broke the 800,000 people who attended the Inauguration, this does mark an unexpected shift in American politics...the modern community organization of the center-right.
Unfortunately, this is rough speculation until the official park service count is in. Time will tell...