88% of Blacks do not Support Trump Because they are Racist

I am not justifying mass murder of civilians and drones, I am justifying the fact that they took action based on sound facts and evidence
There is no legal or moral justification for killing people due to the race or religion who are not trying to harm or kill you or anyone else. The fact that you don't know this is beyond frightening.
See this is what I mean when I say that you all are being dumbed down(although white liberals are now every bit as stupid as you).

I didn’t say that killing innocents is justified, I said killing those who are your enemy is justified. If Dylan Roof did a little less drugs and was a little smarter he would have come to the conclusion that he must attack the national media and the government and not black churchgoers. He was originally going to kill black gangbangers and other criminals but the fact that he was a former liberal wimp meant that he likely would have been the one who was killed in that exchange, so instead he decided to attack a soft target because he had already convinced himself that he was worthless if he didn’t do something and the drugs made his last minute decision seem sound to him.
You know that's not what I said, but this certainly display your dishonesty that I was referring to.

I'm not a criminal, graduated from college so I am none of the things you keep harping on. I'm obviously better educated, knowledgeable and wordly than you are on so what makes you think that you saying so hurts my feelings?

It's already been stated, repeatedly I might add by others here as well as offline that arguing with racists is a waste of my time and they are most likely correct in that respect. But because I train people, I tend to believe that if I'm explaining something and the person doesn't get it, then I logically conclude that I'm just not explaining it adequately. I know this isn't true when it comes to certain types of people and you clearly fall within that group of people.

That's why I asked if you posting your dishonest nonsense has ever helped anyone, in any way. I know my work has.

Lost cause. Ignorant individuals like him and those like him justify hating others by subconsciously convincing themselves that others hate them.

It's a common theme in the manifestos of most mass shooters.
No, it is the refusal to listen to logical and rational points from the white point of view and insistence that non-white people can never hate or do anything wrong that causes these shooters to do what they do. The only reason why you aren’t shooting anyone is because you are the one who benefits from this society.

Everything in every white national shootet’s manifesto is 100% fact. Nothing in Dylan Roof’s manifesto was wrong, and nothing in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto was wrong. The media lied repeatedly about what happened to Trayvon and repeatedly called Zimmerman white to create more and more black racists through insecurity. The media repeatedly lies about about Islam being the “religion of peace” while attacking only white Christians.

So....not being listened to or empathized with, causes these "poor, misunderstood people" to commit mass murder, because they just get to the point that "they can't take it anymore"?


And as far as acts by islamic terrorists, there has been more homeland terrorism over the past 20 years by homegrown, mostly white males....and in most cases they kill more white people than any other group.

Unbelievable. Some of the statements that you make are those of a backward, anti social nut, who is a ticking explosive device.

Please stay in Kentucky.
That is literally what their manifestos are telling you. There is a reason why only a black woman was allowed to speak on behalf of anyone who isn’t an anti-white psychopath at the hearing today.

I am easily debunking everything you believe to be gospel. Just because your party of high school dropouts now dominates this country doesn’t mean you all are now smart. You are still a party of high school dropouts.

I don't belong to any party, but obviously you are an individual who dropped out.
I graduated from one of the best high schools in the country. Far better than the shitty inner city public high school you went to.

Obviously graduating from basically any college would be no big deal for me purely from an academic standpoint.
Lost cause. Ignorant individuals like him and those like him justify hating others by subconsciously convincing themselves that others hate them.

It's a common theme in the manifestos of most mass shooters.
No, it is the refusal to listen to logical and rational points from the white point of view and insistence that non-white people can never hate or do anything wrong that causes these shooters to do what they do. The only reason why you aren’t shooting anyone is because you are the one who benefits from this society.

Everything in every white national shootet’s manifesto is 100% fact. Nothing in Dylan Roof’s manifesto was wrong, and nothing in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto was wrong. The media lied repeatedly about what happened to Trayvon and repeatedly called Zimmerman white to create more and more black racists through insecurity. The media repeatedly lies about about Islam being the “religion of peace” while attacking only white Christians.

So....not being listened to or empathized with, causes these "poor, misunderstood people" to commit mass murder, because they just get to the point that "they can't take it anymore"?


And as far as acts by islamic terrorists, there has been more homeland terrorism over the past 20 years by homegrown, mostly white males....and in most cases they kill more white people than any other group.

Unbelievable. Some of the statements that you make are those of a backward, anti social nut, who is a ticking explosive device.

Please stay in Kentucky.
That is literally what their manifestos are telling you. There is a reason why only a black woman was allowed to speak on behalf of anyone who isn’t an anti-white psychopath at the hearing today.

I am easily debunking everything you believe to be gospel. Just because your party of high school dropouts now dominates this country doesn’t mean you all are now smart. You are still a party of high school dropouts.

I don't belong to any party, but obviously you are an individual who dropped out.
I graduated from one of the best high schools in the country. Far better than the shitty inner city public high school you went to.

Obviously graduating from basically any college would be no big deal for me purely from an academic standpoint.

Im am much further removed from high school than you are.

And chances are, that based on tech advances, most schools public or private are better than schools from the past.

From a quality of facility standpoint.

That doesn't change the fact that you reside in a zone reserved for the currently or potentially insane.

Hopefully, you find a resolution to your issues, or go ahead and make the ultimate sacrifice.
Last edited:
White people are treated like shit.

We have no rights anywhere in the world.

And I am working to correct that.

Tell me. I'm "white," How are we being "treated like shit" and "have no rights"? Be specific. You can't live, work, have another baby, worship, vote? Who has done something bad to you? Names and places, please.
Our culture is being spit on and destroyed every day and we are not allowed to defend it, we aren’t allowed to seek justice for the people in our communities who are killed, we aren’t allowed to organize for our well being, we aren’t allowed to critique the narratives being written about us, we aren’t allowed to advocate for change in society that benefits US.

We are just expected to all die from drug overdoses, depression, suicide etc while both the left and the right pat themselves on the back for not listening to “Nazis”.

Who is doing this to you? And please explain what "our culture" consists of. What are these cultural customs that you are being stopped from practicing? By whom? You never say anything specific.

I am sure that there are people of African descent who appreciate my Tchaikovsky, would party with me on St. Patrick's Day, and appreciate the sound of Amazing Grace played on the bagpipes. I think that many would like a dollop of sour cream and appreciate James Joyce and the lions of Russian, British, and French literature. You people who talk about "our culture" seem to be totally ignorant of it. Go and enjoy some Riverdance and a bit of the Rockettes.

BTW: way to go Motown! Love you Bruce Springsteen, The Boss! Miss you, Sam Cook and Jackie Wilson- your love lifted us higher and higher. I was born in Teaneck, NJ., home of the Isley Brothers. Once a Jersey girl, always a Jersey girl.

Don't huff and puff about "our culture." We've got one. It's called "American."

Hell yes! I appreciate Tchaikovsky, would party with you on St. Patrick's Day, and appreciate the sound of Amazing Grace played on the bagpipes. And let me have that sour cream on my nachos or on a bake potato.

That's our culture.

We have so much to celebrate here in the USA, and a beautiful American "melting pot" culture. Something that people like ptbw can't enjoy for whatever depressing reason.

Love ya! Passing you virtual sour cream. Please pass the ribs! And put on the Isley Brothers' SHOUT! for me and get up and dance. The U.S. and us Americans can be so much fun.:eusa_angel:

I'll pass you some ribs and a loaf of bread because you'll need it. Have a cold one with them, play some Springsteen and we can dance to that too.
Lost cause. Ignorant individuals like him and those like him justify hating others by subconsciously convincing themselves that others hate them.

It's a common theme in the manifestos of most mass shooters.
No, it is the refusal to listen to logical and rational points from the white point of view and insistence that non-white people can never hate or do anything wrong that causes these shooters to do what they do. The only reason why you aren’t shooting anyone is because you are the one who benefits from this society.

Everything in every white national shootet’s manifesto is 100% fact. Nothing in Dylan Roof’s manifesto was wrong, and nothing in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto was wrong. The media lied repeatedly about what happened to Trayvon and repeatedly called Zimmerman white to create more and more black racists through insecurity. The media repeatedly lies about about Islam being the “religion of peace” while attacking only white Christians.

So....not being listened to or empathized with, causes these "poor, misunderstood people" to commit mass murder, because they just get to the point that "they can't take it anymore"?


And as far as acts by islamic terrorists, there has been more homeland terrorism over the past 20 years by homegrown, mostly white males....and in most cases they kill more white people than any other group.

Unbelievable. Some of the statements that you make are those of a backward, anti social nut, who is a ticking explosive device.

Please stay in Kentucky.
That is literally what their manifestos are telling you. There is a reason why only a black woman was allowed to speak on behalf of anyone who isn’t an anti-white psychopath at the hearing today.

I am easily debunking everything you believe to be gospel. Just because your party of high school dropouts now dominates this country doesn’t mean you all are now smart. You are still a party of high school dropouts.

I don't belong to any party, but obviously you are an individual who dropped out.
I graduated from one of the best high schools in the country. Far better than the shitty inner city public high school you went to.

Obviously graduating from basically any college would be no big deal for me purely from an academic standpoint.

Apparently anything involving intelligence does not include you. Judging by intelligence, katsteve laps you. Accomplishment wise, you'll never achieve what he has. You're a loser white male crying because you aren't getting what you think you are naturally entitled to just because you are white. A dumb ass suffering from psychosis. You are a terrorist act waiting to happen. Quite frankly, you should be reported.
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The reality is that this country doesn’t give a shit about white people. That is why it will let the white people in South Africa be slaughtered. That is why it allows the seconding coming of the Soviet Union with the European Union and all the endless suffering of indigenous Europeans.

White are not getting slaughtered in South Africa and South Africa didn't belong to the white man to start with. Your post is a bunch of whiny bullshit that is not borne out by reality. You've watched American History X too many times junior.
I have never watched American History X.

You wouldn’t trade places with the white South Africans for all the gold in the world. You know Malema and the current president of the South Africa couldn’t give less of a shit about what happens to white peoples there.

Fuck a white South African. Malema is not in power and why in the hell would any black in South Africa give a damn about the people who imposed apartheid on them. You ass is crazy as hell if you think I have any sympathy for whites in South Africa. Your psychosis allows you to ignore apartheid to cry about whites. So if South Africans are beating and killing whites, maybe your ass should learn that the wages of apartheid that whites implemented in South Africa is death.
Apartheid was an upgrade to their previous living conditions. There was nothing about Apartheid that would lead to blacks wanting to kill whites.

You currently live in a land where every measurable category favors your demographic, yet claim to be a victim.
Funny how this bullshit is the same rhetoric that the Democrats who control everything in the country say.....
No, it is the refusal to listen to logical and rational points from the white point of view and insistence that non-white people can never hate or do anything wrong that causes these shooters to do what they do. The only reason why you aren’t shooting anyone is because you are the one who benefits from this society.

Everything in every white national shootet’s manifesto is 100% fact. Nothing in Dylan Roof’s manifesto was wrong, and nothing in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto was wrong. The media lied repeatedly about what happened to Trayvon and repeatedly called Zimmerman white to create more and more black racists through insecurity. The media repeatedly lies about about Islam being the “religion of peace” while attacking only white Christians.

So....not being listened to or empathized with, causes these "poor, misunderstood people" to commit mass murder, because they just get to the point that "they can't take it anymore"?


And as far as acts by islamic terrorists, there has been more homeland terrorism over the past 20 years by homegrown, mostly white males....and in most cases they kill more white people than any other group.

Unbelievable. Some of the statements that you make are those of a backward, anti social nut, who is a ticking explosive device.

Please stay in Kentucky.
That is literally what their manifestos are telling you. There is a reason why only a black woman was allowed to speak on behalf of anyone who isn’t an anti-white psychopath at the hearing today.

I am easily debunking everything you believe to be gospel. Just because your party of high school dropouts now dominates this country doesn’t mean you all are now smart. You are still a party of high school dropouts.

I don't belong to any party, but obviously you are an individual who dropped out.
I graduated from one of the best high schools in the country. Far better than the shitty inner city public high school you went to.

Obviously graduating from basically any college would be no big deal for me purely from an academic standpoint.

Apparently anything involving intelligence does not include you. Judging by intelligence, katsteve laps you. Accomplishment wise, you'll never achieve what he has. You're a loser white male crying because you aren't getting what you think you are naturally entitled to just because you are white. A dumb ass suffering from psychosis. You are a terrorist act waiting to happen. Quite frankly, you should be reported.
Both of you combined have less intelligence than I do.

Case in point you think that the authorities side with me while saying that the authorities will apprehend me for what I am saying. If you weren’t a retard you would understand how contradictory those 2 thoughts are.
I am not justifying mass murder of civilians and drones, I am justifying the fact that they took action based on sound facts and evidence
There is no legal or moral justification for killing people due to the race or religion who are not trying to harm or kill you or anyone else. The fact that you don't know this is beyond frightening.
See this is what I mean when I say that you all are being dumbed down(although white liberals are now every bit as stupid as you).

I didn’t say that killing innocents is justified, I said killing those who are your enemy is justified. If Dylan Roof did a little less drugs and was a little smarter he would have come to the conclusion that he must attack the national media and the government and not black churchgoers. He was originally going to kill black gangbangers and other criminals but the fact that he was a former liberal wimp meant that he likely would have been the one who was killed in that exchange, so instead he decided to attack a soft target because he had already convinced himself that he was worthless if he didn’t do something and the drugs made his last minute decision seem sound to him.
And exactly how do you all determine who is your enemy because now you've gone from sounding like Dylan Roof to Timothy McVeigh.
White are not getting slaughtered in South Africa and South Africa didn't belong to the white man to start with. Your post is a bunch of whiny bullshit that is not borne out by reality. You've watched American History X too many times junior.
I have never watched American History X.

You wouldn’t trade places with the white South Africans for all the gold in the world. You know Malema and the current president of the South Africa couldn’t give less of a shit about what happens to white peoples there.

Fuck a white South African. Malema is not in power and why in the hell would any black in South Africa give a damn about the people who imposed apartheid on them. You ass is crazy as hell if you think I have any sympathy for whites in South Africa. Your psychosis allows you to ignore apartheid to cry about whites. So if South Africans are beating and killing whites, maybe your ass should learn that the wages of apartheid that whites implemented in South Africa is death.
Apartheid was an upgrade to their previous living conditions. There was nothing about Apartheid that would lead to blacks wanting to kill whites.

You currently live in a land where every measurable category favors your demographic, yet claim to be a victim.
Funny how this bullshit is the same rhetoric that the Democrats who control everything in the country say.....

Except that democrats don't control everything and:

You currently live in a land where every measurable category favors your demographic, yet claim to be a victim.

Show us how this isn't true young boy.
Lost cause. Ignorant individuals like him and those like him justify hating others by subconsciously convincing themselves that others hate them.

It's a common theme in the manifestos of most mass shooters.
No, it is the refusal to listen to logical and rational points from the white point of view and insistence that non-white people can never hate or do anything wrong that causes these shooters to do what they do. The only reason why you aren’t shooting anyone is because you are the one who benefits from this society.

Everything in every white national shootet’s manifesto is 100% fact. Nothing in Dylan Roof’s manifesto was wrong, and nothing in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto was wrong. The media lied repeatedly about what happened to Trayvon and repeatedly called Zimmerman white to create more and more black racists through insecurity. The media repeatedly lies about about Islam being the “religion of peace” while attacking only white Christians.

So....not being listened to or empathized with, causes these "poor, misunderstood people" to commit mass murder, because they just get to the point that "they can't take it anymore"?


And as far as acts by islamic terrorists, there has been more homeland terrorism over the past 20 years by homegrown, mostly white males....and in most cases they kill more white people than any other group.

Unbelievable. Some of the statements that you make are those of a backward, anti social nut, who is a ticking explosive device.

Please stay in Kentucky.
That is literally what their manifestos are telling you. There is a reason why only a black woman was allowed to speak on behalf of anyone who isn’t an anti-white psychopath at the hearing today.

I am easily debunking everything you believe to be gospel. Just because your party of high school dropouts now dominates this country doesn’t mean you all are now smart. You are still a party of high school dropouts.

I don't belong to any party, but obviously you are an individual who dropped out.
I graduated from one of the best high schools in the country. Far better than the shitty inner city public high school you went to.

Obviously graduating from basically any college would be no big deal for me purely from an academic standpoint.
And I graduated from the number one aeronautical university in the world with an aeronautical science degree in a STEM field which has served me well. How has your diploma served you? And please tell me you don't actually believe that you & Harmonica are better educated than we are simply because we're not white
So....not being listened to or empathized with, causes these "poor, misunderstood people" to commit mass murder, because they just get to the point that "they can't take it anymore"?


And as far as acts by islamic terrorists, there has been more homeland terrorism over the past 20 years by homegrown, mostly white males....and in most cases they kill more white people than any other group.

Unbelievable. Some of the statements that you make are those of a backward, anti social nut, who is a ticking explosive device.

Please stay in Kentucky.
That is literally what their manifestos are telling you. There is a reason why only a black woman was allowed to speak on behalf of anyone who isn’t an anti-white psychopath at the hearing today.

I am easily debunking everything you believe to be gospel. Just because your party of high school dropouts now dominates this country doesn’t mean you all are now smart. You are still a party of high school dropouts.

I don't belong to any party, but obviously you are an individual who dropped out.
I graduated from one of the best high schools in the country. Far better than the shitty inner city public high school you went to.

Obviously graduating from basically any college would be no big deal for me purely from an academic standpoint.

Apparently anything involving intelligence does not include you. Judging by intelligence, katsteve laps you. Accomplishment wise, you'll never achieve what he has. You're a loser white male crying because you aren't getting what you think you are naturally entitled to just because you are white. A dumb ass suffering from psychosis. You are a terrorist act waiting to happen. Quite frankly, you should be reported.
Both of you combined have less intelligence than I do.

Case in point you think that the authorities side with me while saying that the authorities will apprehend me for what I am saying. If you weren’t a retard you would understand how contradictory those 2 thoughts are.

Except they don't contradict. You have people in authority that support what you believe. You won't get apprehended for what you say. You will get apprehended if what you say leads to you committing a crime. You need to learn how to read dumb ass. After that you need to study reality.
Because Europeans are supposed to be our allies and this country was created by Europeans.

And South Africa is just another Nazi Germany and we swore that we wouldn’t allow genocide ever again.

South Africa was Nazi Germany during apartheid. That was the genocide. There is no white genocide anywhere on this planet.
Except it wasn’t.

White people bullt the country of South Africa all by themselves and they didn’t want black people screwing it up so they allowed the black people to have shelter but not to vote or run for office and such.

Through pillaging, plundering and dehumanizing native Africans.

The Great South African Land Heist
Your link doesn’t say anything about any of that.

There was no pillaging or plundering or dehumanizing. The white people built a giant homestead and told the black people that they couldn’t be part of it. That is all that happened.

You apparently did not read anything in it. Not that I should even expect that you could. This is but one paragraph from it: of course ypu will apply your "poor victimized white people spin"

"Apartheid left a devastating mark on South Africa and the world. In 1948, several laws were passed, officially making whites the superior race, and subjected blacks to discrimination in almost every aspect of life. Blacks were stripped of their right to own a business or land in white areas and were forced into using separate schools, transportation and public facilities.

Many blacks were denied citizenship and even interracial marriages were forbidden.

This lasted for a long 46 years until it was finally overturned in 1994"....

There is more below.

Land was stolen under apartheid. It still hasn't been given back - CNN
They didn’t have any right to own land or businesses to begin with, they didn’t build the country.

And again, NONE of your links say anything about pillaging, plundering or dehumanizing. Do you even have a clue what these words mean?

The only pillaging and plundering and dehumanizing in South Africa happened AFTER Apartheid. The shit that CNN condones TODAY.
That is literally what their manifestos are telling you. There is a reason why only a black woman was allowed to speak on behalf of anyone who isn’t an anti-white psychopath at the hearing today.

I am easily debunking everything you believe to be gospel. Just because your party of high school dropouts now dominates this country doesn’t mean you all are now smart. You are still a party of high school dropouts.

I don't belong to any party, but obviously you are an individual who dropped out.
I graduated from one of the best high schools in the country. Far better than the shitty inner city public high school you went to.

Obviously graduating from basically any college would be no big deal for me purely from an academic standpoint.

Apparently anything involving intelligence does not include you. Judging by intelligence, katsteve laps you. Accomplishment wise, you'll never achieve what he has. You're a loser white male crying because you aren't getting what you think you are naturally entitled to just because you are white. A dumb ass suffering from psychosis. You are a terrorist act waiting to happen. Quite frankly, you should be reported.
Both of you combined have less intelligence than I do.

Case in point you think that the authorities side with me while saying that the authorities will apprehend me for what I am saying. If you weren’t a retard you would understand how contradictory those 2 thoughts are.

Except they don't contradict. You have people in authority that support what you believe. You won't get apprehended for what you say. You will get apprehended if what you say leads to you committing a crime. You need to learn how to read dumb ass. After that you need to study reality.
Everyone in the authority hates me and supports whatever shit that could possibly come out of your mouth.

It is no diffferent than the media or academia. They are all anti-white scum who want to maintain the illusion of order. The same as South Africa.
No, it is the refusal to listen to logical and rational points from the white point of view and insistence that non-white people can never hate or do anything wrong that causes these shooters to do what they do. The only reason why you aren’t shooting anyone is because you are the one who benefits from this society.

Everything in every white national shootet’s manifesto is 100% fact. Nothing in Dylan Roof’s manifesto was wrong, and nothing in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto was wrong. The media lied repeatedly about what happened to Trayvon and repeatedly called Zimmerman white to create more and more black racists through insecurity. The media repeatedly lies about about Islam being the “religion of peace” while attacking only white Christians.

So....not being listened to or empathized with, causes these "poor, misunderstood people" to commit mass murder, because they just get to the point that "they can't take it anymore"?


And as far as acts by islamic terrorists, there has been more homeland terrorism over the past 20 years by homegrown, mostly white males....and in most cases they kill more white people than any other group.

Unbelievable. Some of the statements that you make are those of a backward, anti social nut, who is a ticking explosive device.

Please stay in Kentucky.
That is literally what their manifestos are telling you. There is a reason why only a black woman was allowed to speak on behalf of anyone who isn’t an anti-white psychopath at the hearing today.

I am easily debunking everything you believe to be gospel. Just because your party of high school dropouts now dominates this country doesn’t mean you all are now smart. You are still a party of high school dropouts.

I don't belong to any party, but obviously you are an individual who dropped out.
I graduated from one of the best high schools in the country. Far better than the shitty inner city public high school you went to.

Obviously graduating from basically any college would be no big deal for me purely from an academic standpoint.
And I graduated from the number one aeronautical university in the world with an aeronautical science degree in a STEM field which has served me well. How has your diploma served you? And please tell me you don't actually believe that you & Harmonica are better educated than we are simply because we're not white
Education means nothing. I am making fools of all of you without even having a degree.

That is what actual intelligence is. I poke holes in your logic that your mentors are not smart enough to warn you about while you are stupid enough to think that your aeronautics degree helps you in any way to debate me on racial issues. Pure comedy.
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No, it is the refusal to listen to logical and rational points from the white point of view and insistence that non-white people can never hate or do anything wrong that causes these shooters to do what they do. The only reason why you aren’t shooting anyone is because you are the one who benefits from this society.

Everything in every white national shootet’s manifesto is 100% fact. Nothing in Dylan Roof’s manifesto was wrong, and nothing in the New Zealand shooter’s manifesto was wrong. The media lied repeatedly about what happened to Trayvon and repeatedly called Zimmerman white to create more and more black racists through insecurity. The media repeatedly lies about about Islam being the “religion of peace” while attacking only white Christians.

So....not being listened to or empathized with, causes these "poor, misunderstood people" to commit mass murder, because they just get to the point that "they can't take it anymore"?


And as far as acts by islamic terrorists, there has been more homeland terrorism over the past 20 years by homegrown, mostly white males....and in most cases they kill more white people than any other group.

Unbelievable. Some of the statements that you make are those of a backward, anti social nut, who is a ticking explosive device.

Please stay in Kentucky.
That is literally what their manifestos are telling you. There is a reason why only a black woman was allowed to speak on behalf of anyone who isn’t an anti-white psychopath at the hearing today.

I am easily debunking everything you believe to be gospel. Just because your party of high school dropouts now dominates this country doesn’t mean you all are now smart. You are still a party of high school dropouts.

I don't belong to any party, but obviously you are an individual who dropped out.
I graduated from one of the best high schools in the country. Far better than the shitty inner city public high school you went to.

Obviously graduating from basically any college would be no big deal for me purely from an academic standpoint.
And I graduated from the number one aeronautical university in the world with an aeronautical science degree in a STEM field which has served me well. How has your diploma served you? And please tell me you don't actually believe that you & Harmonica are better educated than we are simply because we're not white

You managed to succeed in a nation that supposedly oppresses black people
About the same amount as the organization that Farrakhan LEADS has killed whites. And Farrakhan preaches genocide regularly.

Duke joined the KKK because it was the most powerful white group in the country, not because it killed black people. Duke’s chapter was specifically non-violent and he never preached anything even remotely as violent as Farrakhan does.

But what is your fascination with being "white"? Come on. You can tell it to me. My ancestors came from Russia, Poland, Lithuania, and Ireland.

You've got a complaint? Let's hear it.
White people are treated like shit.

We have no rights anywhere in the world.

And I am working to correct that.

Tell me. I'm "white," How are we being "treated like shit" and "have no rights"? Be specific. You can't live, work, have another baby, worship, vote? Who has done something bad to you? Names and places, please.
Our culture is being spit on and destroyed every day and we are not allowed to defend it, we aren’t allowed to seek justice for the people in our communities who are killed, we aren’t allowed to organize for our well being, we aren’t allowed to critique the narratives being written about us, we aren’t allowed to advocate for change in society that benefits US.

We are just expected to all die from drug overdoses, depression, suicide etc while both the left and the right pat themselves on the back for not listening to “Nazis”.

Who is doing this to you? And please explain what "our culture" consists of. What are these cultural customs that you are being stopped from practicing? By whom? You never say anything specific.

I am sure that there are people of African descent who appreciate my Tchaikovsky, would party with me on St. Patrick's Day, and appreciate the sound of Amazing Grace played on the bagpipes. I think that many would like a dollop of sour cream and appreciate James Joyce and the lions of Russian, British, and French literature. You people who talk about "our culture" seem to be totally ignorant of it. Go and enjoy some Riverdance and a bit of the Rockettes.

BTW: way to go Motown! Love you Bruce Springsteen, The Boss! Miss you, Sam Cook and Jackie Wilson- your love lifted us higher and higher. I was born in Teaneck, NJ., home of the Isley Brothers. Once a Jersey girl, always a Jersey girl.

Don't huff and puff about "our culture." We've got one. It's called "American."
Funny how you all are so obsessed with claiming cultural appropriation but yet you think anyone can be a European.

If those things you listed truly were our culture then there wouldn’t be ongoing campaigns to “diversify” and appropriate them for non-whites.

Funny how you claim that I am ignorant of European culture and yet you don’t know what is being done to it right now. The “lions” of European literature are being taken off their pedestals and forgotten in place of a new “inclusive” Europe.
So....not being listened to or empathized with, causes these "poor, misunderstood people" to commit mass murder, because they just get to the point that "they can't take it anymore"?


And as far as acts by islamic terrorists, there has been more homeland terrorism over the past 20 years by homegrown, mostly white males....and in most cases they kill more white people than any other group.

Unbelievable. Some of the statements that you make are those of a backward, anti social nut, who is a ticking explosive device.

Please stay in Kentucky.
That is literally what their manifestos are telling you. There is a reason why only a black woman was allowed to speak on behalf of anyone who isn’t an anti-white psychopath at the hearing today.

I am easily debunking everything you believe to be gospel. Just because your party of high school dropouts now dominates this country doesn’t mean you all are now smart. You are still a party of high school dropouts.

I don't belong to any party, but obviously you are an individual who dropped out.
I graduated from one of the best high schools in the country. Far better than the shitty inner city public high school you went to.

Obviously graduating from basically any college would be no big deal for me purely from an academic standpoint.
And I graduated from the number one aeronautical university in the world with an aeronautical science degree in a STEM field which has served me well. How has your diploma served you? And please tell me you don't actually believe that you & Harmonica are better educated than we are simply because we're not white

You managed to succeed in a nation that supposedly oppresses black people
She is so oppressed and yet it is white people who have to flee for their lives all over the world.
I don't belong to any party, but obviously you are an individual who dropped out.
I graduated from one of the best high schools in the country. Far better than the shitty inner city public high school you went to.

Obviously graduating from basically any college would be no big deal for me purely from an academic standpoint.

Apparently anything involving intelligence does not include you. Judging by intelligence, katsteve laps you. Accomplishment wise, you'll never achieve what he has. You're a loser white male crying because you aren't getting what you think you are naturally entitled to just because you are white. A dumb ass suffering from psychosis. You are a terrorist act waiting to happen. Quite frankly, you should be reported.
Both of you combined have less intelligence than I do.

Case in point you think that the authorities side with me while saying that the authorities will apprehend me for what I am saying. If you weren’t a retard you would understand how contradictory those 2 thoughts are.

Except they don't contradict. You have people in authority that support what you believe. You won't get apprehended for what you say. You will get apprehended if what you say leads to you committing a crime. You need to learn how to read dumb ass. After that you need to study reality.
Everyone in the authority hates me and supports whatever shit that could possibly come out of your mouth.

It is no diffferent than the media or academia. They are all anti-white scum who want to maintain the illusion of order. The same as South Africa.

Stop lying to yourself white boy. Also, South Africa is not a white nation and never has been. And if whites are getting their assess kicked over there, I'll just say it's about motherfucking time. You are a brain dead white piece of shit who thinks your whiteness entitles you to rule the world. You're learning the hard way that it doesn't. And you'll spend the rest of your life doing so or your white ass will assimilate.
But what is your fascination with being "white"? Come on. You can tell it to me. My ancestors came from Russia, Poland, Lithuania, and Ireland.

You've got a complaint? Let's hear it.
White people are treated like shit.

We have no rights anywhere in the world.

And I am working to correct that.

Tell me. I'm "white," How are we being "treated like shit" and "have no rights"? Be specific. You can't live, work, have another baby, worship, vote? Who has done something bad to you? Names and places, please.
Our culture is being spit on and destroyed every day and we are not allowed to defend it, we aren’t allowed to seek justice for the people in our communities who are killed, we aren’t allowed to organize for our well being, we aren’t allowed to critique the narratives being written about us, we aren’t allowed to advocate for change in society that benefits US.

We are just expected to all die from drug overdoses, depression, suicide etc while both the left and the right pat themselves on the back for not listening to “Nazis”.

Who is doing this to you? And please explain what "our culture" consists of. What are these cultural customs that you are being stopped from practicing? By whom? You never say anything specific.

I am sure that there are people of African descent who appreciate my Tchaikovsky, would party with me on St. Patrick's Day, and appreciate the sound of Amazing Grace played on the bagpipes. I think that many would like a dollop of sour cream and appreciate James Joyce and the lions of Russian, British, and French literature. You people who talk about "our culture" seem to be totally ignorant of it. Go and enjoy some Riverdance and a bit of the Rockettes.

BTW: way to go Motown! Love you Bruce Springsteen, The Boss! Miss you, Sam Cook and Jackie Wilson- your love lifted us higher and higher. I was born in Teaneck, NJ., home of the Isley Brothers. Once a Jersey girl, always a Jersey girl.

Don't huff and puff about "our culture." We've got one. It's called "American."
Funny how you all are so obsessed with claiming cultural appropriation but yet you think anyone can be a European.

If those things you listed truly were our culture then there wouldn’t be ongoing campaigns to “diversify” and appropriate them for non-whites.

Funny how you claim that I am ignorant of European culture and yet you don’t know what is being done to it right now. The “lions” of European literature are being taken off their pedestals and forgotten in place of a new “inclusive” Europe.

You don't know shit about Europe.
That is literally what their manifestos are telling you. There is a reason why only a black woman was allowed to speak on behalf of anyone who isn’t an anti-white psychopath at the hearing today.

I am easily debunking everything you believe to be gospel. Just because your party of high school dropouts now dominates this country doesn’t mean you all are now smart. You are still a party of high school dropouts.

I don't belong to any party, but obviously you are an individual who dropped out.
I graduated from one of the best high schools in the country. Far better than the shitty inner city public high school you went to.

Obviously graduating from basically any college would be no big deal for me purely from an academic standpoint.
And I graduated from the number one aeronautical university in the world with an aeronautical science degree in a STEM field which has served me well. How has your diploma served you? And please tell me you don't actually believe that you & Harmonica are better educated than we are simply because we're not white

You managed to succeed in a nation that supposedly oppresses black people
She is so oppressed and yet it is white people who have to flee for their lives all over the world.

White people aren't fleeing anything.

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