85% Say America Going in Wrong Direction

Yeah, Democrats. Are you ever not an imbecile? Ever??

In February, a document is leaked that Roe v. Wade will be overturned. In March, that chart shows 68% overall thought the country was heading in the wrong direction. Since then, overall is now up 25%. That's DOWN 1% among Republicans but UP a whopping 81% among Democrats.

So who do you think that chart indicates has been more inspired since March to get out and vote in November if not Democrats?
So the choice is between Abortions R-Us and lower gas and food prices. :eusa_think:
Yeah, Democrats. Are you ever not an imbecile? Ever??

In February, a document is leaked that Roe v. Wade will be overturned. In March, that chart shows 68% overall thought the country was heading in the wrong direction. Since then, overall is now up 25%. That's DOWN 1% among Republicans but UP a whopping 81% among Democrats.

So who do you think that chart indicates has been more inspired since March to get out and vote in November if not Democrats?

It's the chart YOU posted. Again, it shows over the last 4 months that it's Democrats, not Republicans, with a growing sense the country is heading in the wrong direction. And all that changed over those 4 months is the Supreme Court has taken a hard right on half a dozen issues. Who do you think they're going to vote for to fix that problem?
Americans of all political persuasions are frustrated with the state of the nation, with 85% saying that the country is heading in the wrong direction — including nearly eight in 10 Democrats, according to a new poll.

The deep dissatisfaction is reflected in both parties, with 92% of Republicans saying the economy is performing poorly — and 78% of Democrats saying the same, an increase of 35 percentage points since March, according to an Associated Press/NORC survey released on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, as the nation prepares to vote in midterm elections that will determine which party controls Congress, President Biden’s job approval rating continues to tank.

Overall, 60% of Americans disapprove of the job Biden is doing in the White House, including 73% of independents.

More than a quarter of Democrats (27%) disapprove of Biden, while fewer than three-quarters (72%) approve of him.

The 15% group:
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Let's be real about why Democrats disapprove of Biden's job performance. It's because they're wingbat AOC acolytes and are mad that Biden isn't as far left.
85% think we are headed in the wrong direction. Okay, I'll stipulate that.

But you can be sure they disagree which direction we're supposed to be going. Democrats think we are going too far to the right, Republicans think we are going too far to the left.

If you hate the direction the country is going and want to bitch slap somebody for it, take a look in the mirror to find your culprit.

The IQ's of our elected politicians have been steadily decreasing. This is not hyperbole on my part. We are actually electing true idiots.

And because of that, they don't even know they are supposed to be embarrassed at their jackassery.

Jewish space lasers, for fuck's sake.

We get the politicians we deserve.

Our politicians do exactly what the base wants them to do.

We don't have leaders any more. Just pandering assholes with no spine.
Let's be real about why Democrats disapprove of Biden's job performance. It's because they're wingbat AOC acolytes and are mad that Biden isn't as far left.

The poll is not about how people feel about Biden -- it's about what they think about the direction of the country and most Democrats and many Independents think this conservative Supreme Court are taking us in the wrong direction.

I didn't say it....talk to drew angerer.
Americans of all political persuasions are frustrated with the state of the nation, with 85% saying that the country is heading in the wrong direction — including nearly eight in 10 Democrats, according to a new poll.

The deep dissatisfaction is reflected in both parties, with 92% of Republicans saying the economy is performing poorly — and 78% of Democrats saying the same, an increase of 35 percentage points since March, according to an Associated Press/NORC survey released on Wednesday.

Meanwhile, as the nation prepares to vote in midterm elections that will determine which party controls Congress, President Biden’s job approval rating continues to tank.

Overall, 60% of Americans disapprove of the job Biden is doing in the White House, including 73% of independents.

More than a quarter of Democrats (27%) disapprove of Biden, while fewer than three-quarters (72%) approve of him.

The 15% group:
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Not to worry, they have a plan - continue going in the same direction.
The poll is not about how people feel about Biden -- it's about what they think about the direction of the country and most Democrats and many Independents think this conservative Supreme Court are taking us in the wrong direction.
Yeah, when things are really bad in America nobody dislikes the guy in the White House. Same when things are going well.

Yeah, when things are really bad in America nobody dislikes the guy in the White House. Same when things are going well.



You're a blubbering idiot to think Democrats are not blaming the recent rash of Supreme Court rulings as the reason for their growing discontent with the direction this country is heading. Especially given the timing, which is evident in the graph you posted, showing that disconnect starting to grow right after it was leaked the Supreme Court was on path to overturn Roe v. Wade.

You're a blubbering idiot to think Democrats are not blaming the recent rash of Supreme Court rulings as the reason for their growing discontent with the direction this country is heading. Especially given the timing, which is evident in the graph you posted, showing that disconnect starting to grow right after it was leaked the Supreme Court was on path to overturn Roe v. Wade.
Exactly how has the court harmed anyone?

Only American haters are upset at the court, and it’s time for eviction notices to be issued.
This number appears to be low. A Monmouth poll today says 88%.

But as others have said, this isn't all about the President. That same Monmouth poll says he has a 36% approval, which surely stinks, but Congress is sporting an impressive 15.

It looks to me as if Americans are mostly saying they all suck.
Keep in mind that poll is a week old. So yes, Biden is much more hated today than last week.
Exactly how has the court harmed anyone?

Only American haters are upset at the court, and it’s time for eviction notices to be issued.

Poor, blubbering idiot. At least you admit you're not smart enough to understand the chart you posted
Poor, blubbering idiot. At least you admit you're not smart enough to understand the chart you posted
Hilarious! A guy who claims Brandon is not blamed for anything calls me an idiot!

I’ve driven around a dozen States the past couple of months and have seen hundreds of Trump bumper stickers, signs and flags and not one for Biden.

But lots for some guy named Brandon.
Hilarious! A guy who claims Brandon is not blamed for anything calls me an idiot!

I’ve driven around a dozen States the past couple of months and have seen hundreds of Trump bumper stickers, signs and flags and not one for Biden.

But lots for some guy named Brandon.

You saw Democrats with Trump bumper stickers??
No idea. But obviously no Democrat is willing to stand up for crazy Joe.

Of course you didn't. But the headed in wrong direction went up to 85% in the graph you posted and it showed that increase was solely due to Democrats. It also showed that increase began after learning the SCOTUS was going to overturn Roe v. Wade and continued increasing after several more controversial SCOTUS rulings. You're such a fucking idiot, you think it's Biden, and not the SCOTUS, that has pissed off Democrats.
Of course you didn't. But the headed in wrong direction went up to 85% in the graph you posted and it showed that increase was solely due to Democrats. It also showed that increase began after learning the SCOTUS was going to overturn Roe v. Wade and continued increasing after several more controversial SCOTUS rulings. You're such a fucking idiot, you think it's Biden, and not the SCOTUS, that has pissed off Democrats.
Considering 12% think Elvis is alive, everyone will get at least 12% support.

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