Zone1 85 Percent of Whites Are Killed by Other Whites, So Why Do We Keep Seeing Videos of Blacks Killing Whites Here?

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Another white person kills over eighty percent of all whites who are killed. Yet every day in this forum we see threads and posts about blacks beating and killing whites..


If all lives matter, why aren’t white people addressing white-on-white murders​

Thousands of white people are murdered by white people every year. The murderers of white people are overwhelmingly white — every year about 85% of white victims are killed by white offenders.

Where are the parades protesting this? Where are the country songs demanding an end? To all those white people who clutch their pearls when they see a Black person coming toward them on the street, you’re doing it all wrong — you are far, far more likely to be murdered by a white person than a Black person. You should fear white people.

Fact check: False data on U.S. racial murder rates​

Users on social media are sharing an image that features misleading data on black and white murder rates. Based on existing U.S. government data, all the figures are false.

The image alleges, for example, that 81% of white murder victims are killed by Blacks. Data from the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice show on the contrary that more than 80% of white murder victims are killed by whites.

When will those on the right take responsibility for the behavior they enable? All lives have not mattered, that was just a line used to dismiss the efforts of Black Lives Matter and to whine disingenuously about what they percieve as black racism.
Another white person kills over eighty percent of all whites who are killed. Yet every day in this forum we see threads and posts about blacks beating and killing whites..

Sigh, not this shit again.

Most murders are committed by people who have some kind of relationship - family, romantic, neighbors, business associates. So, yes, you are most likely to be killed by a member of your own race.

It doesn't make the videos of random street crimes committed by blacks any less horrible.
I wonder why this person wants to draw attention away from what the black criminals are doing? Must be a reason...
I think the point is that blacks murder whites much more than whites murder blacks, regardless of the other stats. However, even in those stats there are profound differences.

Whites kill others in a more premeditated, cold-blooded fashion, targeting only their intended victim.

Blacks kill in a fit of anger or fear, or for some petty reason, often involving criminal activity by both killer and victim, without regard for collateral deaths of innocent people. They also kill for no other reason than to establish 'street cred'.
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I think the point is that blacks murder whites much more than whites murder blacks, regardless of the other stats. However, even in those stats there are profound differences.
That point has no merit when you consider that 5 times more whites are murdered by other whites and the use of per capita never gets used in this instance because if it was the impact of whites kiilling blacks is far greater. Furtherrmore whites like some here ignore the other ways whites kill black people besides getting shot, beaten, or stabbed. There is medical racism where lack of proper medical care for blacks by white medical professionals ends up in death, and then there is hypertentensioon caused by white racism that ends up in heart attacks or strokes. The reality is there are far more blacks killed by or because of whiite actions than blacks who kill whites.
We need a statistic that addresses murders committed against strangers, what are the percentages?
I believe that number is available in some instances. Domestic violence is one example.
Another white person kills over eighty percent of all whites who are killed. Yet every day in this forum we see threads and posts about blacks beating and killing whites..

View attachment 877697

If all lives matter, why aren’t white people addressing white-on-white murders​

Thousands of white people are murdered by white people every year. The murderers of white people are overwhelmingly white — every year about 85% of white victims are killed by white offenders.

Where are the parades protesting this? Where are the country songs demanding an end? To all those white people who clutch their pearls when they see a Black person coming toward them on the street, you’re doing it all wrong — you are far, far more likely to be murdered by a white person than a Black person. You should fear white people.

Fact check: False data on U.S. racial murder rates​

Users on social media are sharing an image that features misleading data on black and white murder rates. Based on existing U.S. government data, all the figures are false.

The image alleges, for example, that 81% of white murder victims are killed by Blacks. Data from the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice show on the contrary that more than 80% of white murder victims are killed by whites.

When will those on the right take responsibility for the behavior they enable? All lives have not mattered, that was just a line used to dismiss the efforts of Black Lives Matter and to whine disingenuously about what they percieve as black racism.
This reason this pie graph doesn't add up to 100% is b/c the math was done by a woman.
Actually this joke was written by a you don't know what to say
Well not really. We don't hire women around here.
That point has no merit when you consider that 5 times more whites are murdered by other whites and the use of per capita never gets used in this instance because if it was the impact of whites kiilling blacks is far greater. Furtherrmore whites like some here ignore the other ways whites kill black people besides getting shot, beaten, or stabbed. There is medical racism where lack of proper medical care for blacks by white medical professionals ends up in death, and then there is hypertentensioon caused by white racism that ends up in heart attacks or strokes. The reality is there are far more blacks killed by or because of whiite actions than blacks who kill whites.
Or blacks are dying because they are living in the wrong country. We had an Eskimo fellow in our platoon in Korea. Even in that cold climate he was always miserable, sweating.
Well IM2 I'll be the first to admit that we should have picked our own cotton. My ancestors certainly did not do us any favors by bringing your ancestors here.....I mean look what we are left with....People like you.
If we had to pick our own cotton, I'll bet the cotton gin would have been developed long before Eli Whitney did it.
really???? the eskimos in my platoon would shit in the corner of the barracks
True story from my time in Korea.
A guy named Pugh (that's right, pronounced phew), hungover from drinking the night before actually stuck his ass out of his bunk and shit on the floor, then went back to sleep. A Japanese American guy named Takeshita volunteered to clean it up. We all had a good laugh over the irony of the names.
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OP got beat so badly in other threads he is hiding in here.

Suppose 100,000 young White males in a stadium. What percentage are known violent actors? Very low IMO.

Put 100,000 young Black males in a stadium. Probably at least half to 90% are violent actors. At least half with a record. 25% would be locked up on felonies and could not show to the stadium.

it is “percentages of the groups” the OP does not understand or does not want to admit to? Yet STATS show (although sanatized by corrupt Deep State) who the violent criminal groups are. Hope that helps//
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Another white person kills over eighty percent of all whites who are killed. Yet every day in this forum we see threads and posts about blacks beating and killing whites..

View attachment 877697

If all lives matter, why aren’t white people addressing white-on-white murders​

Thousands of white people are murdered by white people every year. The murderers of white people are overwhelmingly white — every year about 85% of white victims are killed by white offenders.

Where are the parades protesting this? Where are the country songs demanding an end? To all those white people who clutch their pearls when they see a Black person coming toward them on the street, you’re doing it all wrong — you are far, far more likely to be murdered by a white person than a Black person. You should fear white people.

Fact check: False data on U.S. racial murder rates​

Users on social media are sharing an image that features misleading data on black and white murder rates. Based on existing U.S. government data, all the figures are false.

The image alleges, for example, that 81% of white murder victims are killed by Blacks. Data from the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice show on the contrary that more than 80% of white murder victims are killed by whites.

When will those on the right take responsibility for the behavior they enable? All lives have not mattered, that was just a line used to dismiss the efforts of Black Lives Matter and to whine disingenuously about what they percieve as black racism.
OP got beat so badly in other threads he is hiding in here.

Suppose 100,000 young White males in a stadium. What percentage are known violent actors? Very low IMO.

Put 100,000 young Black males in a stadium. Probably at keast half to 90% are violent actors. At least half with a record. 25% would be locked up on felonies and could not show to the stadium.

it is percentages of the groups the OP does not understand or does not want to admit to. Yet STATS show (although sanatized by corrupt Deep State). Who the violent criminal groups are. Hope that helps//

Gather a couple dozen white people together and a ball game will break out. :)

Gather a couple dozen blacks together and a riot will break out. :omg:
Another white person kills over eighty percent of all whites who are killed. Yet every day in this forum we see threads and posts about blacks beating and killing whites..

View attachment 877697

If all lives matter, why aren’t white people addressing white-on-white murders​

Thousands of white people are murdered by white people every year. The murderers of white people are overwhelmingly white — every year about 85% of white victims are killed by white offenders.

Where are the parades protesting this? Where are the country songs demanding an end? To all those white people who clutch their pearls when they see a Black person coming toward them on the street, you’re doing it all wrong — you are far, far more likely to be murdered by a white person than a Black person. You should fear white people.

Fact check: False data on U.S. racial murder rates​

Users on social media are sharing an image that features misleading data on black and white murder rates. Based on existing U.S. government data, all the figures are false.

The image alleges, for example, that 81% of white murder victims are killed by Blacks. Data from the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice show on the contrary that more than 80% of white murder victims are killed by whites.

When will those on the right take responsibility for the behavior they enable? All lives have not mattered, that was just a line used to dismiss the efforts of Black Lives Matter and to whine disingenuously about what they percieve as black racism.
The reason we seeing it here so much is probably that horselightning dude. It his hobby
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Another white person kills over eighty percent of all whites who are killed. Yet every day in this forum we see threads and posts about blacks beating and killing whites..

View attachment 877697

If all lives matter, why aren’t white people addressing white-on-white murders​

Thousands of white people are murdered by white people every year. The murderers of white people are overwhelmingly white — every year about 85% of white victims are killed by white offenders.

Where are the parades protesting this? Where are the country songs demanding an end? To all those white people who clutch their pearls when they see a Black person coming toward them on the street, you’re doing it all wrong — you are far, far more likely to be murdered by a white person than a Black person. You should fear white people.

Fact check: False data on U.S. racial murder rates​

Users on social media are sharing an image that features misleading data on black and white murder rates. Based on existing U.S. government data, all the figures are false.

The image alleges, for example, that 81% of white murder victims are killed by Blacks. Data from the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice show on the contrary that more than 80% of white murder victims are killed by whites.

When will those on the right take responsibility for the behavior they enable? All lives have not mattered, that was just a line used to dismiss the efforts of Black Lives Matter and to whine disingenuously about what they percieve as black racism.
You don't even have to ask , the answer , the truth is in the numbers. Hate Nazi's never deal in facts , they wouldn't exist without lie and distortions. They couldn't/
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