72 percent say media dividing Americans spreading hate

Are you actually claiming that CNN hasn't use blue and green screens and faked "on the scene" reporting?
NO, if you reread my post, I said that even Jones' lawyer had a hard characterizing what he said as truthful or factual. That notion is also backed up by the apologies he's had to deliver in the past.
InfoWars' Alex Jones apologizes for saying Chobani supports 'migrant rapists' The story behind Alex Jones' unlikely Pizzagate apology
Chobani supported cheap migrant labor. Pizzagate? James Alefantis is using his pizza parlor as a front to peddle child porn and snuff films in exchange for bitcoin whose server is connected to 8 other sites worldwide. Jones crawfished on what happened at Comet Ping Pong and Pizza when a Blist actor went inside and allegedly fired a single shot through as door and hit his server mere days after a hacker contacted Detective Marcus Stevens about the dark web pedophile porn peddling. So, you were saying? I have more...lots more but let's see if you can digest a few breadcrumbs first.
It's a lot more effective when Jones does it, but every demagogue has his parrots.
I know more than you...infinitely more.
At least you think you do, but if you insist on listening to intricate conspiracy theories based on what Jones says, the best I can do is giggle.
Today, the major outlets are almost all owned by six conglomerates. They can easily hide the truth or spread all kinds of lies simultaneously. And that's basically what we have been witnessing lately.

The 6 Companies That Own (almost) All Media [Infographic] | WebpageFX

View attachment 228686

Yep, I have posted that for years and it goes right over the heads of these morons. They still post from CNN that should tell yah something bahahah.

Once in a blue moon will post something from CNN when I know it's actually not one of their bs lies LOL..

Can you give us 3 examples where CNN has lied on Pres Trump

Recently? Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

Haven't been to the site today so dunno yet, but I suspect.

In other words, NONE.
If it's a day that ends with the letter "y", you can count on a CNN lie.

Funny that I can't get a Trumper to post any.
Yep, I have posted that for years and it goes right over the heads of these morons. They still post from CNN that should tell yah something bahahah.

Once in a blue moon will post something from CNN when I know it's actually not one of their bs lies LOL..

Can you give us 3 examples where CNN has lied on Pres Trump

Recently? Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

Haven't been to the site today so dunno yet, but I suspect.

In other words, NONE.
If it's a day that ends with the letter "y", you can count on a CNN lie.

Funny that I can't get a Trumper to post any.
Are you actually claiming that CNN hasn't use blue and green screens and faked "on the scene" reporting?
NO, if you reread my post, I said that even Jones' lawyer had a hard characterizing what he said as truthful or factual. That notion is also backed up by the apologies he's had to deliver in the past.
InfoWars' Alex Jones apologizes for saying Chobani supports 'migrant rapists' The story behind Alex Jones' unlikely Pizzagate apology
Chobani supported cheap migrant labor. Pizzagate? James Alefantis is using his pizza parlor as a front to peddle child porn and snuff films in exchange for bitcoin whose server is connected to 8 other sites worldwide. Jones crawfished on what happened at Comet Ping Pong and Pizza when a Blist actor went inside and allegedly fired a single shot through as door and hit his server mere days after a hacker contacted Detective Marcus Stevens about the dark web pedophile porn peddling. So, you were saying? I have more...lots more but let's see if you can digest a few breadcrumbs first.
It's a lot more effective when Jones does it, but every demagogue has his parrots.
I know more than you...infinitely more.
At least you think you do, but if you insist on listening to intricate conspiracy theories based on what Jones says, the best I can do is giggle.

Knock yourself out, after all, ignorance is bliss so you must be one happy mofo'.


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