60 Minutes on the Lincoln Project

Its a Fantastic profile of the Lincoln Project by 60 Minutes. They're clear about their strategy...distract Trump to create chaos in his campaign. I'm not sure they needed to instill chaos...they are doing the best to increase it.

The strategy to target specific segments of the Republican Party is really interesting:

Misguided Women


The second ad for veterans....some of the quotes from the blob are truly shocking in how disgusting they are.

It's soooo comical watching you moonbats now humping the legs of the neocons.
Its a Fantastic profile of the Lincoln Project by 60 Minutes. They're clear about their strategy...distract Trump to create chaos in his campaign. I'm not sure they needed to instill chaos...they are doing the best to increase it.

The strategy to target specific segments of the Republican Party is really interesting:

Misguided Women


The second ad for veterans....some of the quotes from the blob are truly shocking in how disgusting they are.

I love the daughters one.

White Women elected Trump in 2016
They need to take back the Republican Party
Lincoln Project has had enough

They are trying to reclaim the Republican Party

They never owned it.

They ignored a huge part of it while they had a significant say.

Enter....Donald Trump.

To bad you can't see them as the same losers Harris & Co. are.......power hungry people who don't give a shit about America.

Trump doesn’t own it

He has bullied the rest of the party into subservience
Its a Fantastic profile of the Lincoln Project by 60 Minutes. They're clear about their strategy...distract Trump to create chaos in his campaign. I'm not sure they needed to instill chaos...they are doing the best to increase it.

The strategy to target specific segments of the Republican Party is really interesting:

Misguided Women


The second ad for veterans....some of the quotes from the blob are truly shocking in how disgusting they are.

It's soooo comical watching you moonbats now humping the legs of the neocons.

I plan to do further research into this group.

Their betrayal will cost them the support of those of us who don't want the corruption ticked (Biden/Harris) to win.

That they don't like Trump is fine.

They they actively fight against those in their party is unforgivable.
Lincoln Project has had enough

They are trying to reclaim the Republican Party

They never owned it.

They ignored a huge part of it while they had a significant say.

Enter....Donald Trump.

To bad you can't see them as the same losers Harris & Co. are.......power hungry people who don't give a shit about America.

Trump doesn’t own it

He has bullied the rest of the party into subservience

Nice fairy tale...but pure garbage.

He was selected by a significant group of Republicans who were tired of McCain/Romney milquetoasts.

The lost, just like you did.

Trump supports more of their values than Biden does.
Its a Fantastic profile of the Lincoln Project by 60 Minutes. They're clear about their strategy...distract Trump to create chaos in his campaign. I'm not sure they needed to instill chaos...they are doing the best to increase it.

The strategy to target specific segments of the Republican Party is really interesting:

Misguided Women


The second ad for veterans....some of the quotes from the blob are truly shocking in how disgusting they are.

It's soooo comical watching you moonbats now humping the legs of the neocons.

I plan to do further research into this group.

Their betrayal will cost them the support of those of us who don't want the corruption ticked (Biden/Harris) to win.

That they don't like Trump is fine.

They they actively fight against those in their party is unforgivable.

Lincoln Project has had enough

They are trying to reclaim the Republican Party

Tough shit, they can't have it. The GOP belongs to President Trump now.

Like the very first internet meme said, "All your base are belong to us..."
The LP, the establishment Republicans, lost control of the Party with their pathetic failures. They got schlonged twice by B. Hussein O, failed to progress the Republican Agenda an inch even after winning the House and Senate.

The people were tired of the failures of Romney, McCain, Paul Ryan, etc., and nominated and elected an outsider.

If the LP had DONE THEIR JOB, Trump would have never been nominated in the first place.

What will change if they regain control of the GOP?
Lincoln Project has had enough

They are trying to reclaim the Republican Party

Tough shit, they can't have it. The GOP belongs to President Trump now.

Like the very first internet meme said, "All your base are belong to us..."

And the genie is out of the bottle.

Looking forward to 2024 (whether Trump wins or loses).

You can bet that if a Lincoln project dick is nominated, we'll help them quickly see that he or she is toast. We won't be backing anyone who comes from a huge group of backstabbers.
Its a Fantastic profile of the Lincoln Project by 60 Minutes. They're clear about their strategy...distract Trump to create chaos in his campaign. I'm not sure they needed to instill chaos...they are doing the best to increase it.

The strategy to target specific segments of the Republican Party is really interesting:

Misguided Women


The second ad for veterans....some of the quotes from the blob are truly shocking in how disgusting they are.

It’s encouraging to see some Republicans – albeit a tiny minority – acknowledge the fact that Trump is unfit to be president and should be voted out of office.

And although this is for the most part preaching to the choir, if only a small number of Trump voters from 2016 abandon Trump this year, it will be an effort worthwhile.
Its a Fantastic profile of the Lincoln Project by 60 Minutes. They're clear about their strategy...distract Trump to create chaos in his campaign. I'm not sure they needed to instill chaos...they are doing the best to increase it.

The strategy to target specific segments of the Republican Party is really interesting:

Misguided Women


The second ad for veterans....some of the quotes from the blob are truly shocking in how disgusting they are.

It’s encouraging to see some Republicans – albeit a tiny minority – acknowledge the fact that Trump is unfit to be president and should be voted out of office.

And although this is for the most part preaching to the choir, if only a small number of Trump voters from 2016 abandon Trump this year, it will be an effort worthwhile.

The dream of my life is to hear you caught Covid and are dying a slow and painful death.

There have always been traitors in the GOP.

In 2008 we went along with, and supported MacCain.

In 2012 we did what we could to help Romney.

And we get this.......Go fuck yourself.
Lincoln Project has had enough

They are trying to reclaim the Republican Party
But what constitutes the Republican Party?

The sad fact is that the GOP was the Party of Trump long before Trump; Trump is merely a symptom of the disease that infected the GOP some 50 years ago.

Republicans will need to do so much more than just get rid of Trump to get their Party back.
Lincoln Project has had enough

They are trying to reclaim the Republican Party
But what constitutes the Republican Party?

The sad fact is that the GOP was the Party of Trump long before Trump; Trump is merely a symptom of the disease that infected the GOP some 50 years ago.

Republicans will need to do so much more than just get rid of Trump to get their Party back.

There is no party to get back dumbass.

The Lincoln project might as well change their affiliation to democrat because they will never get the power they seek as members of the GOP.
The LP, the establishment Republicans, lost control of the Party with their pathetic failures. They got schlonged twice by B. Hussein O, failed to progress the Republican Agenda an inch even after winning the House and Senate.

The people were tired of the failures of Romney, McCain, Paul Ryan, etc., and nominated and elected an outsider.

If the LP had DONE THEIR JOB, Trump would have never been nominated in the first place.

What will change if they regain control of the GOP?
If the LP are Republicans, as they say they are, what's their strategy for gaining power in America and implementing Republican policies? Or do they see Sleepy Joe and his New Green Deal and alliance with Crazy Bernie as "conservative"?
After the Trumpublicans crash the republican party someone has to pick up the pieces.

"Picking up the pieces" is a far cry from winning elections and implementing policy. And that's what political parties are for. If they can't achieve that, they are just a pointless debating society.
It's too early yet for you envision what the republican party will be like after Trump loses the presidency and the senate flips.
Lincoln Project has had enough

They are trying to reclaim the Republican Party
But what constitutes the Republican Party?

The sad fact is that the GOP was the Party of Trump long before Trump; Trump is merely a symptom of the disease that infected the GOP some 50 years ago.

Republicans will need to do so much more than just get rid of Trump to get their Party back.

Like I said, it's not "their" party any more. Their sucking up to the Democrats just proves how worthless they are.

Goodbye, adios, see ya later. Have a nice trip. Don't forget to write.

This started long before Trump ever showed up. I remember a meeting my county GOP had back in 2011, while Obama was president. One of the GOP members did and said some things that were so questionable that the party actually refunded his membership fee and told him to get lost.

That was in 2011, mind you. The guy's name was Dale Shultz. He later became a Democrat and just faded into obscurity.

True story.
If the LP are Republicans, as they say they are, what's their strategy for gaining power in America and implementing Republican policies? Or do they see Sleepy Joe and his New Green Deal and alliance with Crazy Bernie as "conservative"?
After the Trumpublicans crash the republican party someone has to pick up the pieces.

"Picking up the pieces" is a far cry from winning elections and implementing policy. And that's what political parties are for. If they can't achieve that, they are just a pointless debating society.
It's too early yet for you envision what the republican party will be like after Trump loses the presidency and the senate flips.

It will completely come apart.

You'll see the power hungry consolidate and we will continue to see the Orwellinan transformation we've already started.
Its a Fantastic profile of the Lincoln Project by 60 Minutes. They're clear about their strategy...distract Trump to create chaos in his campaign. I'm not sure they needed to instill chaos...they are doing the best to increase it.

The strategy to target specific segments of the Republican Party is really interesting:

Misguided Women


The second ad for veterans....some of the quotes from the blob are truly shocking in how disgusting they are.

TDS Driven Thread: 9576

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