*60 Minutes* Collapsing!,..lol!!!

Sorry bout that,

  1. Their boss is going to jail, seems he likes to harass the ladies for a little sumpin sumpin.
  2. Sad CBS is losing viewership, leaps and bounds!
  3. I really don't know how to express my absolute JOY!!!
  4. The head guy at CBS is flailing as well, he's next!!!,..lol!!!!
  5. '60 Minutes' Boss Jeff Fager to Stay 'on Vacation' Until Investigation Wraps, CBS Says
  6. "Deep in his New Yorker piece about CBS CEO Les Moonves, Farrow reported that six women had accused Fager of touching" note:from link

I loved the original 60 minutes. Dan Rather, Morey Shafer. I remember when CBS and Rather did the reports from Vietnam. Even then, I had queer feeling. The media had this self given appointment to be "THE" public watchdog. Well, Who is watching THEM? Well here we are, years later. We are. We blink, but we still can see.

Who's watching them? The object of the reporting, who can file a lawsuit for libel and defamation.
How many lawsuits has Trump filed against the "fake media" since taking office?
C'mon now....he loves to sue people.
He tried to sue Twitter for not letting him block all the people who post to his Twitter feed to tell him he's full of shit.
And the judge said no.
This thread has been in Politics for over an hour and has nothing to do with Politics.

The mods will let it fly because it's a swat at "fake news".
"60 Minutes" has been around for over 50 years and no one ever has had a strong enough case for libel and defamation in all that time.

And the thing is, these Trumpanzees NEVER watch "60 Minutes" in the first place.
This thread has been in Politics for over an hour and has nothing to do with Politics.

The mods will let it fly because it's a swat at "fake news".
"60 Minutes" has been around for over 50 years and no one ever has had a strong enough case for libel and defamation in all that time.

And the thing is, these Trumpanzees NEVER watch "60 Minutes" in the first place.

I watched it tonight, but I am pretty sure it was a re-run. I think I saw the Syria piece before.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Their boss is going to jail, seems he likes to harass the ladies for a little sumpin sumpin.
  2. Sad CBS is losing viewership, leaps and bounds!
  3. I really don't know how to express my absolute JOY!!!
  4. The head guy at CBS is flailing as well, he's next!!!,..lol!!!!
  5. '60 Minutes' Boss Jeff Fager to Stay 'on Vacation' Until Investigation Wraps, CBS Says
  6. "Deep in his New Yorker piece about CBS CEO Les Moonves, Farrow reported that six women had accused Fager of touching" note:from link

I loved the original 60 minutes. Dan Rather, Morey Shafer. I remember when CBS and Rather did the reports from Vietnam. Even then, I had queer feeling. The media had this self given appointment to be "THE" public watchdog. Well, Who is watching THEM? Well here we are, years later. We are. We blink, but we still can see.
Dan Rather used faked forged documents to try to bring down the relatively benign George W. Bush administration and that was his downfall. I guess he is making a couple of hundred bucks signing books in High School graduations these days. CBS executives should have been indicted for treason but they ducked the bullet by firing Rather and the producer.

They weren't faked. That was never proved. The guy who was Bush's senior officer in the National Guard refused to confirm the documents.
It's called buying people off, in case that concept is new to you, numbnuts.
This thread has been in Politics for over an hour and has nothing to do with Politics.

The mods will let it fly because it's a swat at "fake news".
"60 Minutes" has been around for over 50 years and no one ever has had a strong enough case for libel and defamation in all that time.

And the thing is, these Trumpanzees NEVER watch "60 Minutes" in the first place.

I watched it tonight, but I am pretty sure it was a re-run. I think I saw the Syria piece before.

Yep, they are in summer reruns.

Trumpanzees should do a little research on some of the big busts 60 Minutes has had over the years.
Too many to list but some huge ones:
My Lai Massacre
Big Tobacco - Jeffrey Wigand
and this biggie: Congress: Trading stock on inside information?
Last edited:
There is no news, just lying liberal dribble, FCC should pull there licenses, put them in jail for treason against America.

You have no idea what you are mouthing about. None.
I bet you've never even watched 60 Minutes in your whole miserable life.
Reasonable people argue the issue relating to the mainstream media but pop-culture video game raised idiots would rather post a cartoon of a toilet. I rest my case.

Attack the messenger because you can't attack the message.
You want me to post some of the Obama memes that were here for 8 years?
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. Their boss is going to jail, seems he likes to harass the ladies for a little sumpin sumpin.
  2. Sad CBS is losing viewership, leaps and bounds!
  3. I really don't know how to express my absolute JOY!!!
  4. The head guy at CBS is flailing as well, he's next!!!,..lol!!!!
  5. '60 Minutes' Boss Jeff Fager to Stay 'on Vacation' Until Investigation Wraps, CBS Says
  6. "Deep in his New Yorker piece about CBS CEO Les Moonves, Farrow reported that six women had accused Fager of touching" note:from link

Like the NRA is collapsing.

  1. Stay on topic, why not just start a *NRA* thread.
  2. *CBSN* is spiralling in the toilet!
  3. And I like IT!!!!!!


I wish the press and media would go on strike for 3 days, just to show idiots like you what it's like to be in the dark.
I would love for them to just not show up at a Trump rally.
You know they are NOT obligated to do so, right?
And guess who would not "like IT!!!"?
That's right, your Orange Goon.
60 minutes used to be about real journalism.......investigations........I used to watch them...........

They have lost their way and become a shrill mouthpiece for the left........and are no longer worth watching.......

Perhaps one day the media will do what it was always intended to do.........for now...........they are nothing.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Their boss is going to jail, seems he likes to harass the ladies for a little sumpin sumpin.
  2. Sad CBS is losing viewership, leaps and bounds!
  3. I really don't know how to express my absolute JOY!!!
  4. The head guy at CBS is flailing as well, he's next!!!,..lol!!!!

I loved 60 Minutes. Haven't seen it in years, but I'm not happy with their demise if it's true. If they are political, I would not enjoy it today, regardless of their position, but I enjoyed their investigative reporting.
Sadly 60 minutes is not what it used to be the days when they had people like Mike Wallace, Harry Reasoner, Ed Bradley and Morley Safer are long gone.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Their boss is going to jail, seems he likes to harass the ladies for a little sumpin sumpin.
  2. Sad CBS is losing viewership, leaps and bounds!
  3. I really don't know how to express my absolute JOY!!!
  4. The head guy at CBS is flailing as well, he's next!!!,..lol!!!!
Why is that funny?

Because it’s funny to see the arrogant lefties hoisted on their own petard.
I recall Cronkite's negative review of the Vietnam war. I also remember Rather's' scathing criticism of the war too. The press is good on sitting on it's laurels and second judging situations. I remember, and after watching K. Burns documentary on the subject, one period in time specially . The 1968 TET offensive fiasco. Actually, the North did lose that one. But the media portrayed that as a defeat. We lost Vietnam because we let the media dictate it to us.Flash forward 40+ years, the media is in need of a good swift kick in the ass. Wake up call. Who watches watchers? We do!
I recall Cronkite's negative review of the Vietnam war. I also remember Rather's' scathing criticism of the war too. The press is good on sitting on it's laurels and second judging situations. I remember, and after watching K. Burns documentary on the subject, one period in time specially . The 1968 TET offensive fiasco. Actually, the North did lose that one. But the media portrayed that as a defeat. We lost Vietnam because we let the media dictate it to us.Flash forward 40+ years, the media is in need of a good swift kick in the ass. Wake up call. Who watches watchers? We do!
Cronkite was a fucking scumbag who should have gotten a Sonny Corleone garbage can lid beating from any Vietnam Veteran. After we inflicted maybe the worst asskicking ever on an enemy who tried to sneak attack us, that fucking Communist douchebag Cronkite, said the Vietcong won the day. Burn in Hell
The news died with Walter Cronkite. All he did was report news. Thats it. Nowadays..they have panels and clucking hens giving THEIR input when it should be unbiased.

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