*60 Minutes* Collapsing!,..lol!!!


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

  1. Their boss is going to jail, seems he likes to harass the ladies for a little sumpin sumpin.
  2. Sad CBS is losing viewership, leaps and bounds!
  3. I really don't know how to express my absolute JOY!!!
  4. The head guy at CBS is flailing as well, he's next!!!,..lol!!!!
  5. '60 Minutes' Boss Jeff Fager to Stay 'on Vacation' Until Investigation Wraps, CBS Says
  6. "Deep in his New Yorker piece about CBS CEO Les Moonves, Farrow reported that six women had accused Fager of touching" note:from link

Sorry bout that,

  1. Their boss is going to jail, seems he likes to harass the ladies for a little sumpin sumpin.
  2. Sad CBS is losing viewership, leaps and bounds!
  3. I really don't know how to express my absolute JOY!!!
  4. The head guy at CBS is flailing as well, he's next!!!,..lol!!!!

I loved 60 Minutes. Haven't seen it in years, but I'm not happy with their demise if it's true. If they are political, I would not enjoy it today, regardless of their position, but I enjoyed their investigative reporting.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Their boss is going to jail, seems he likes to harass the ladies for a little sumpin sumpin.
  2. Sad CBS is losing viewership, leaps and bounds!
  3. I really don't know how to express my absolute JOY!!!
  4. The head guy at CBS is flailing as well, he's next!!!,..lol!!!!
Why is that funny?
Sorry bout that,

  1. Their boss is going to jail, seems he likes to harass the ladies for a little sumpin sumpin.
  2. Sad CBS is losing viewership, leaps and bounds!
  3. I really don't know how to express my absolute JOY!!!
  4. The head guy at CBS is flailing as well, he's next!!!,..lol!!!!

I loved 60 Minutes. Haven't seen it in years, but I'm not happy with their demise if it's true. If they are political, I would not enjoy it today, regardless of their position, but I enjoyed their investigative reporting.

60 Minutes was a good show years ago, then they decided to get political.
Is that old docu-drama show still on? Mike Wallace specialty used to be barging into locations with a microphone and pinning innocent people down. I wonder if they ever punched him out? It's ironic that his son Chris Wallace is a Fox anchor.
Sorry bout that,

  1. The irony is horrendous,* vagina's * or ladies as we call then here in Texas, are very busy tearing down *CBS*.
  2. The liberal station *CBS* is being dismantled brick by bloody brick by the *Vigina Hats*!
  3. Such poetic justice.
  4. Such wonderful irony to absorb. lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reasoner, Wallace and Safer was the backbone of the show... Things went to hell when Reasoner left for ABC and then returned... Ed Bradley was a great addition to the talent...
Sorry bout that,

Is that old docu-drama show still on? Mike Wallace specialty used to be barging into locations with a microphone and pinning innocent people down. I wonder if they ever punched him out? It's ironic that his son Chris Wallace is a Fox anchor.

  1. Yes I watch it ALL the time,..or monitor it is more like it.
  2. They constantly attack the President, *EVERY SUNDAY*,
  3. Its a GREAT DAY!
  4. *CBS* gets their cum ~ sumkins!

Sorry bout that,

  1. Their boss is going to jail, seems he likes to harass the ladies for a little sumpin sumpin.
  2. Sad CBS is losing viewership, leaps and bounds!
  3. I really don't know how to express my absolute JOY!!!
  4. The head guy at CBS is flailing as well, he's next!!!,..lol!!!!
  5. '60 Minutes' Boss Jeff Fager to Stay 'on Vacation' Until Investigation Wraps, CBS Says
  6. "Deep in his New Yorker piece about CBS CEO Les Moonves, Farrow reported that six women had accused Fager of touching" note:from link

I loved the original 60 minutes. Dan Rather, Morey Shafer. I remember when CBS and Rather did the reports from Vietnam. Even then, I had queer feeling. The media had this self given appointment to be "THE" public watchdog. Well, Who is watching THEM? Well here we are, years later. We are. We blink, but we still can see.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Their boss is going to jail, seems he likes to harass the ladies for a little sumpin sumpin.
  2. Sad CBS is losing viewership, leaps and bounds!
  3. I really don't know how to express my absolute JOY!!!
  4. The head guy at CBS is flailing as well, he's next!!!,..lol!!!!
  5. '60 Minutes' Boss Jeff Fager to Stay 'on Vacation' Until Investigation Wraps, CBS Says
  6. "Deep in his New Yorker piece about CBS CEO Les Moonves, Farrow reported that six women had accused Fager of touching" note:from link

I loved the original 60 minutes. Dan Rather, Morey Shafer. I remember when CBS and Rather did the reports from Vietnam. Even then, I had queer feeling. The media had this self given appointment to be "THE" public watchdog. Well, Who is watching THEM? Well here we are, years later. We are. We blink, but we still can see.
Dan Rather used faked forged documents to try to bring down the relatively benign George W. Bush administration and that was his downfall. I guess he is making a couple of hundred bucks signing books in High School graduations these days. CBS executives should have been indicted for treason but they ducked the bullet by firing Rather and the producer.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Their boss is going to jail, seems he likes to harass the ladies for a little sumpin sumpin.
  2. Sad CBS is losing viewership, leaps and bounds!
  3. I really don't know how to express my absolute JOY!!!
  4. The head guy at CBS is flailing as well, he's next!!!,..lol!!!!
  5. '60 Minutes' Boss Jeff Fager to Stay 'on Vacation' Until Investigation Wraps, CBS Says
  6. "Deep in his New Yorker piece about CBS CEO Les Moonves, Farrow reported that six women had accused Fager of touching" note:from link


Self administered auto-da-fé of the politically correct. Priceless.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Their boss is going to jail, seems he likes to harass the ladies for a little sumpin sumpin.
  2. Sad CBS is losing viewership, leaps and bounds!
  3. I really don't know how to express my absolute JOY!!!
  4. The head guy at CBS is flailing as well, he's next!!!,..lol!!!!
  5. '60 Minutes' Boss Jeff Fager to Stay 'on Vacation' Until Investigation Wraps, CBS Says
  6. "Deep in his New Yorker piece about CBS CEO Les Moonves, Farrow reported that six women had accused Fager of touching" note:from link

Like the NRA is collapsing.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

  1. Their boss is going to jail, seems he likes to harass the ladies for a little sumpin sumpin.
  2. Sad CBS is losing viewership, leaps and bounds!
  3. I really don't know how to express my absolute JOY!!!
  4. The head guy at CBS is flailing as well, he's next!!!,..lol!!!!
  5. '60 Minutes' Boss Jeff Fager to Stay 'on Vacation' Until Investigation Wraps, CBS Says
  6. "Deep in his New Yorker piece about CBS CEO Les Moonves, Farrow reported that six women had accused Fager of touching" note:from link

Like the NRA is collapsing.

  1. Stay on topic, why not just start a *NRA* thread.
  2. *CBSN* is spiralling in the toilet!
  3. And I like IT!!!!!!

60 Minutes used to be great before they became just another liberal media shill for Democrats.

News of yesterday is gone as is professionalism, class and dignity. Today they report fabrications in support of their devious agendas.

You nailed it. :eusa_clap: I used to enjoy the news, now the bias and intentional dishonesty is so bad I don't believe one word coming out of their lying filthy mouths. The lies and blatant Pravda like attempts to throw elections in favor of Democrats should concern all Americans.
There is no news, just lying liberal dribble, FCC should pull there licenses, put them in jail for treason against America.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Their boss is going to jail, seems he likes to harass the ladies for a little sumpin sumpin.
  2. Sad CBS is losing viewership, leaps and bounds!
  3. I really don't know how to express my absolute JOY!!!
  4. The head guy at CBS is flailing as well, he's next!!!,..lol!!!!
  5. '60 Minutes' Boss Jeff Fager to Stay 'on Vacation' Until Investigation Wraps, CBS Says
  6. "Deep in his New Yorker piece about CBS CEO Les Moonves, Farrow reported that six women had accused Fager of touching" note:from link


Were you celebrating when Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly, Bill Shine and Eric Bolling had to leave Fox for the same reasons?
At least CBS isn't burdened with $3M in payoffs like Fox was for Bill O.

Oh, and you're lying. Nobody has been convicted much less sentenced for jail time.

Too bad you think CBS is fake news.
They've busted more corruption than even Donald could ever perpetuate.
60 Minutes used to be great before they became just another liberal media shill for Democrats.

News of yesterday is gone as is professionalism, class and dignity. Today they report fabrications in support of their devious agendas.

You nailed it. :eusa_clap: I used to enjoy the news, now the bias and intentional dishonesty is so bad I don't believe one word coming out of their lying filthy mouths. The lies and blatant Pravda like attempts to throw elections in favor of Democrats should concern all Americans.

You mo'fos' LOVE to rant about fake news, but you never bother to post even a sampler.
Lazy, lazy,.....and of course, totally fucking brainwashed by your Stalinist leader.

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