6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet

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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g-FO1UzBAQ]Rock-Throwing Palestinian Kid Gets Demolished By Car - YouTube[/ame]
6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet

IDF soldiers shot 6-year-old Musab al-Sarahneh in the eye in al-Fawwar refugee camp south of Hebron early last week, his family reported.*The boy lost his right eye after Israeli forces opened fire on the car he was traveling in with rubber-coated steel bullets, according to the family's account.*At the time, last Friday, Musab was sitting in a car holding his mother's hand as they made their way home, his family says.*As they approached the entrance to al-Fawwar refugee camp, an Israeli soldier opened fire at their car out of nowhere, according to Musab's mother. She said that the Israeli soldier who shot Musab was only about 40 meters from their car. Immediately following the incident, Musab noticed blood flowing from right eye, and was taken to the hospital. One of the rubber-coated metal bullets fired by the Israeli soldier hit Musab straight in the eye.

*6-year-old loses eye to Israeli rubber bullet | Maan News Agency

Palestinians in Refugee camps in Occupied Palestine are subjected to constant attacks by Israel.

The goal is to make life as miserable as possible for the inhabitants to pressure the inhabitants to leave.

Children often are the victims, as we see in this story of a young child losing an eye .

Israel occupies the West Bank, they owe an obligation to protect civilians, not shoot children in the eyes and cause this horrible injury like this to a child.



Poor thing.

That sounds painful
I am wondering if it was a response to the attack on this 6 year old child.

No difference between this attack and that one, both terror attacks.

Actually, there is one difference, in Palestine Israelis injure and kill Palestinian children with Impunity. But there are consequences when Palestinians injure or kill Israeli illegal settler children.

Discrimination on display!

Apartheid on display!
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I am wondering if it was a response to the attack on this 6 year old child.

No difference between this attack and that one, both terror attacks.

Actually, there is one difference, in Palestine Israelis injure and kill Palestinian children with Impunity. But there are consequences when Palestinians injure or kill Israeli illegal settler children.

Discrimination on display!

Apartheid on display!

You - naturally, given your hatred of Israel - assume that the child was deliberately targeted. I do not. For one thing baton rounds are extremely inaccurate.

Palestinian terrorists use children as cover. They fire their rockets into Israel from schools and hospitals. Their intention is to maximise child casulties to fuel propaganda spread by the likes of you.
Nobody but Zionists buy that propaganda that every time Israel hurts and kills and steals and maims and imprisons it is the Palestinians fault .

Israeli soldiers and war criminal illegal settlers deliberately steal and maim and injure and kill Palestinians every day.

Why? Because Zionists in Israel live to steal and maim and injure and kill all nonJews in the land.

Ethnic cleansing and killing is the essence of the Zionist Regime.

And human rights groups and NGOs have been documenting the human rights abuses for decades now.
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Abuse and torture in interrogations of dozens of Palestinian minors in the Israel Police Etzion Facility

22 Aug 2013Since November 2009, B’Tselem has received testimonies from dozens of Palestinian residents of the Bethlehem and Hebron districts, most of them minors, alleging that they were subjected to threats and violence, sometimes amounting to torture, during their interrogation at the police station at Gush Etzion. The station is located within the jurisdiction of the SHAI (Judea and Samaria) District of the Israel Police. The testimonies describe interrogations in which the minors were forced to confess to alleged offenses, mostly stone-throwing. In almost all cases, the interrogators stopped using violence against the interrogatees once they confessed.The right of every person not to be subjected to ill-treatment or torture (whether physical or mental) is one of the few human rights that are considered absolute. As an absolute right, it may never be "balanced" against other rights and values, nor suspended or limited, even in difficult circumstances such as war or fighting terrorism. This right now holds the highest and most binding status in international law. A confession obtained through violation of this right can certainly not serve as the basis for a conviction.

Abuse and torture in interrogations of dozens of Palestinian minors in the Israel Police Etzion Facility | B'Tselem
Israeli Center Keeps Focus*On Human Rights

It may seem surprising to some that*B'Tselem*— the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories — documents and exposes violations carried out by its country’s army against Palestinians. However, these doubts quickly disappear when you witness Palestinian victims dialing the numbers of B'Tselem personnel for emergency help when they are exposed to settler attacks and army abuses.Read more:*Israeli Center Keeps Focus On Human Rights - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East work in documenting and exposing*human rights violations*in the occupied territories has been so extensive that mere mention of B'Tselem vexes Israeli settlers and soldiers alike. Its consistent success in bringing hundreds of cases against settlers and soldiers to the Supreme Court has earned it Israeli ire and Palestinian praise.Read more:*

Israeli Center Keeps Focus On Human Rights - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
research manager Karim Jibran said, “Yes, it is an Israeli organization. But after 24 years of documenting and exposing the practices of the occupation it has earned our respect and widespread approval across the Palestinian occupied territories because of our penchant for human rights.”Read more:*Israeli Center Keeps Focus On Human Rights - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Israeli Center Keeps Focus On Human Rights - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
Violence by settlers

As the occupying force, Israel must protect the Palestinians in the West Bank. However, the Israeli authorities neglect to fulfill this responsibility and do not do enough to prevent Israeli civilians from attacking Palestinians, their property and their lands. The undeclared policy of the Israeli authorities in response to these attacks is lenient and conciliatory. Perpetrators are rarely tried, and many cases are not investigated at all or are closed with no operative conclusions.6 Aug 2013'Omar Hushiyeh told B’Tselem that he was attacked by masked men on 14 July 2013, as he was walking his flock home. When soldiers came by, the assailants fled. The soldiers did not pursue the assailants, but called a medic for Hushiyeh. As the medic did not arrive for some time, Hushiyeh was taken to hospital by his relatives. Hushiyeh filed a police complaint, but B’Tselem’s inquiry revealed that just two weeks later, the case was closed on grounds of “unknown assailant”. B’Tselem demanded that the police reopen its investigation and that the military require the soldiers who had been on the scene to testify before the police.

Violence by settlers | B'Tselem
Border Policeman sentenced to 75 days community service for attacking 13-year-old Hebron boy

Published:**10 Apr 2013Last month, the Jerusalem Magistrate Court handed down a sentence for a Border policeman convicted of attacking a Palestinian child in Hebron nearly four years ago: a 75-day prison sentence to be fulfilled in community service and a further four-month suspended sentence valid for four years. The policeman must also pay NIS 2,000 to the boy he assaulted.The policeman was convicted of the following offense in a plea bargain: In August 2009, while on duty near the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron, the policeman attacked 13-year-old Yunes Abu Ermeileh who, along with his brother, was selling sweets to passersby. The policeman demanded that Abu Ermeileh, who was proclaiming his wares loudly, stop shouting. As the boy did not comply, the policeman ran after him, flung his police helmet at him, knocked him to the ground and kicked him. The boy suffered trauma to his back and shoulder. Following a complaint filed by B’Tselem, the Department for the Investigation of Police (PID) opened an inquiry into the incident, which led to the indictment and conviction of the policeman.

Border Policeman sentenced to 75 days community service for attacking 13-year-old Hebron boy | B'Tselem
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