50% on welfare, 44% arrested before age 23...Democrats think we need more of this?


Between 1991 and 2007, enforcement of federal immigration laws became a growing priority in response to undocumented immigration.1 By 2007, immigration offenses represented nearly one-quarter (24%) of all federal convictions, up from just 7% in 1991. Among those sentenced for immigration offenses in 2007, 80% were Hispanic.

A Rising Share: Hispanics and Federal Crime

Interesting breakdown there. So Hispanic citizens have a far low federal crime rate than do blacks or whites. And the Hispanic non-citizens mostly have immigration violations. But for our bigots here, a person of Hispanic origin that spits on the sidewalk should be hung. Bigotry always finds a way of skewing numbers.

Think per capita like smart people do.
More than 70% of this country is white.
Now look up incarceration statistics at the state level...again, be smart and think per capita.
Here, let me just go ahead and give you a free lesson....let me know what else you'd like to learn about.




California: The Color of Crime
But the population of California isn't 70% white. Cali has a much bigger Hispanic population

Remember, I said "More than 70% of this country is white."
Try to follow along bud..shits moving quick.
Try again...your turn
Yes, and then you showed pie charts for a state. So that's dishonest
I was arrested 5 times before age 23. I'm also a perfectly fine, contributing member of society.

Gee. Y'all don't have much faith in redemption, do you? You do realize you can get arrested for something as minor as public intoxication, right? That statistic means nothing. What would alarm me is if 44% were arrested before age 23 for violent crimes.
So you are a liberal criminal that should be in prison as well as the illegals democrats are importing.
the op is a stupid Trump bitch

Undocumented immigrants do not qualify for welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, and most other public benefits. Most of these programs require proof of legal immigration status and under the 1996 welfare law, even legal immigrants cannot receive these benefits until they have been in the United States for more than five years.

Let me help you pull your head from your ass and those lips from that 4" Hispanic anteater.
What else can I teach you filthy fucks?
Cashing in: Illegal immigrants get $1,261 more welfare than American families, $5,692 vs. $4,431


horseshit - youre 100% LIAR. - 150% PIECE OF SHIT - 200% RW partisan hack = one in the same.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
Pretty slanted studies.

It does not bother me at all about the Medicaid situation. Poor people need health care too and immigrants don't make much money. Immigrants are poor and hard working and low wages mean they get assistance. Heck, Walmart workers get food stamps.

The arrest thing is a nothing burger. 40% of whites get arrested also even though the police do not profile them

To be clear....Are you saying we should import more foreigners to ride the checking accounts of American taxpayers? Should we provide health care for the worlds poor...or just the ones that disregard our laws and livelihood and break in?
Surely you have a link to your source showing that 40% of whites get arrested by age 23?
Immigrants contribute a lot more to society than they take. Immigrants lead to economic growth simply by being here.

Damn, today is your lucky day...I aim to enlighten self manipulated idiots.
"The Social Security Administration estimated about 3.1 million unauthorized immigrants who worked and paid Social Security taxes generated about $13 billion in payroll taxes in 2010."
How much do undocumented immigrants pay in taxes?
Those are awesome figures...polished it up nicely.....huh?

Let's analyze the numbers....so 3.1 million illegals of the bullshit estimation of 11 million paid an average of $349 per month toward social security and Medicare according to those figures....right?
So let's look at what they steal from American taxpayers shall we?
"In 2010, the average unlawful immigrant household received around $24,721 in government benefits and services while paying some $10,334 in taxes. This generated an average annual fiscal deficit (benefits received minus taxes paid) of around $14,387 per household. This cost had to be borne by U.S. taxpayers... Under current law, all unlawful immigrant households together have an aggregate annual deficit of around $54.5 billion."
I was arrested 5 times before age 23. I'm also a perfectly fine, contributing member of society.

Gee. Y'all don't have much faith in redemption, do you? You do realize you can get arrested for something as minor as public intoxication, right? That statistic means nothing. What would alarm me is if 44% were arrested before age 23 for violent crimes.
So you are a liberal criminal that should be in prison as well as the illegals democrats are importing.
Trump and his family and friends are the ones going to jail
the op is a stupid Trump bitch

Undocumented immigrants do not qualify for welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, and most other public benefits. Most of these programs require proof of legal immigration status and under the 1996 welfare law, even legal immigrants cannot receive these benefits until they have been in the United States for more than five years.

Let me help you pull your head from your ass and those lips from that 4" Hispanic anteater.
What else can I teach you filthy fucks?
Cashing in: Illegal immigrants get $1,261 more welfare than American families, $5,692 vs. $4,431


horseshit - youre 100% LIAR. - 150% PIECE OF SHIT - 200% RW partisan hack = one in the same.

Write to the Washington Examiner bud.
I'm tired of hearing your bullshit, whining and crying.....hahaha....Shit is getting American around here again and you lowlifes can't fucking stand it....hahahaha
That's a good point, all those aging baby boomers are going to bankrupt the government. Going to take SS and Medicare till there is nothing left. Take take take WAY more than they paid in,

But more immigration would help by having more pay into the system
I was arrested 5 times before age 23. I'm also a perfectly fine, contributing member of society.

Gee. Y'all don't have much faith in redemption, do you? You do realize you can get arrested for something as minor as public intoxication, right? That statistic means nothing. What would alarm me is if 44% were arrested before age 23 for violent crimes.
So you are a liberal criminal that should be in prison as well as the illegals democrats are importing.
Trump and his family and friends are the ones going to jail
When? You meat bags have been claiming that lie since before the election! The Russia lie is dead, the economy is roaring, taxes are lower, and all YOU stomp your feet and claw and scratch your face! lol
I was arrested 5 times before age 23. I'm also a perfectly fine, contributing member of society.

Gee. Y'all don't have much faith in redemption, do you? You do realize you can get arrested for something as minor as public intoxication, right? That statistic means nothing. What would alarm me is if 44% were arrested before age 23 for violent crimes.
So you are a liberal criminal that should be in prison as well as the illegals democrats are importing.
Trump and his family and friends are the ones going to jail
When? You meat bags have been claiming that lie since before the election! The Russia lie is dead, the economy is roaring, taxes are lower, and all YOU stomp your feet and claw and scratch your face! lol
Obamas economy is rolling along, for now...

Mueller will release his findings.

Jail for Trump
That's a good point, all those aging baby boomers are going to bankrupt the government. Going to take SS and Medicare till there is nothing left. Take take take WAY more than they paid in,

But more immigration would help by having more pay into the system
How do immigrants with no marketable skills pay taxes? Loon.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows

The crazy Democrat bigots care more about criminals than the middle class taxpayers who work hard to support the welfare system
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democratsfiel think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows

How stupid. This is not about "immigrants". This is about so-called "dreamers", that is the children bought here by their immigrant parents. They were not born here, but they have been raised here.

Now, let me educate you. These individuals must be under the age of 31. They must have lived in the United States since June 15, 2007. In order to be part of DACA they have to file paperwork with the federal government showing that they are either in school, have graduated from high school or have a GED. or that they have been honorably discharged from the US Armed Forces. That they have never been convicted of a felony or significant misdemeanor, that they have less than three minor misdemeanor convictions. (Jaywalk three times and your out)

There are about 700,000 dreamers. Almost a thousand are CURRENTLY SERVING IN THE US MILITARY. Hard to claim one respects the military when you want to kick some of those serving out of the country isn't it? Almost three out of four of these "dreamers" are enrolled in an institution of higher education. Over nine out of ten are working. Their average wage is, now check this out, $17.46 an hour.

When you look at those numbers it is pretty easy to figure out why Republicans want them out. The number of "real" Americans working fulltime between the age of 21-34 is just over seventy percent. The average wage of those with just a high school education is less than $15.00 an hour. Those Republicans know that their young adult child that lives in their basement and spends more time playing video games than working can't possibly compete with those dreamers.

But hey, if you want them gone I am willing to support it. I just want everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, under the age of 31 to meet the very same requirements as the dreamers. Felony conviction, deport them. High school dropout, deport them. Three misdemeanor convictions, deport them. And I would take it a step further. If they are over 21 and not enrolled in college they damn sure better have a job. If they don't, deport them. Because if we are going to deport these dreamers then we should use the opportunity to get rid of some of the dead weight around here. And make no mistake about it, if a young adult is still living with mommy and daddy, refuses to get a job, and spending all his time playing Call of Duty, he is DEAD WEIGHT.
Oh my, you just gave the 'Conservatives' that much more reason to hate the 'Dreamers'. After all, education is an anathema to our 'Conservatives'. They don't want to have to compete with anyone with over a third grade education. And the young dreamers make an average of $17.46 an hour while the 'Conservative' has to hold a minimum wage job because he keeps showing up for work stoned or drunk. How dare those insolent beaners demonstrate real work ethic! 'Dreamers' serving in the military. What stupidity. If they were smart, they would have a pimple on their ass, like Limpbaugh, or bone spurs, like President Pussy Grabber, or show up with their pants full of of shit like Teddy boi. LOL

Conservatives pay taxes so that Democrats can get votes and genocide the conservatives, and even better, all whites. Turn America into Mexico.

Yeah, there is no reason the hate this development... none at all. Embrace the nightmares!

I was arrested 5 times before age 23. I'm also a perfectly fine, contributing member of society.

Gee. Y'all don't have much faith in redemption, do you? You do realize you can get arrested for something as minor as public intoxication, right? That statistic means nothing. What would alarm me is if 44% were arrested before age 23 for violent crimes.
So you are a liberal criminal that should be in prison as well as the illegals democrats are importing.
Trump and his family and friends are the ones going to jail


Between 1991 and 2007, enforcement of federal immigration laws became a growing priority in response to undocumented immigration.1 By 2007, immigration offenses represented nearly one-quarter (24%) of all federal convictions, up from just 7% in 1991. Among those sentenced for immigration offenses in 2007, 80% were Hispanic.

A Rising Share: Hispanics and Federal Crime

Interesting breakdown there. So Hispanic citizens have a far low federal crime rate than do blacks or whites. And the Hispanic non-citizens mostly have immigration violations. But for our bigots here, a person of Hispanic origin that spits on the sidewalk should be hung. Bigotry always finds a way of skewing numbers.

Think per capita like smart people do.
More than 70% of this country is white.
Now look up incarceration statistics at the state level...again, be smart and think per capita.
Here, let me just go ahead and give you a free lesson....let me know what else you'd like to learn about.




California: The Color of Crime
But the population of California isn't 70% white. Cali has a much bigger Hispanic population

Right, that'a why they are financially in the black and have such low taxation.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
/----/ "More than half of immigrants on welfare" That's the plan Stan.

Wait .... who pays for that?
Newsflash, if you build the stupid wall, native born whites will still be overdosing on drugs

Maybe, but many less of them.

I just came home from a funeral. The person I went on behalf of was a 54 year old guy. While the autopsy won't be in for a couple of months, I'm willing to bet that he OD'd since he's been hooked for many years.

I'm about sick of seeing this, and I'm willing to take the chance that a wall will indeed slow down the drug flow in this country.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democratsfiel think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows

How stupid. This is not about "immigrants". This is about so-called "dreamers", that is the children bought here by their immigrant parents. They were not born here, but they have been raised here.

Now, let me educate you. These individuals must be under the age of 31. They must have lived in the United States since June 15, 2007. In order to be part of DACA they have to file paperwork with the federal government showing that they are either in school, have graduated from high school or have a GED. or that they have been honorably discharged from the US Armed Forces. That they have never been convicted of a felony or significant misdemeanor, that they have less than three minor misdemeanor convictions. (Jaywalk three times and your out)

There are about 700,000 dreamers. Almost a thousand are CURRENTLY SERVING IN THE US MILITARY. Hard to claim one respects the military when you want to kick some of those serving out of the country isn't it? Almost three out of four of these "dreamers" are enrolled in an institution of higher education. Over nine out of ten are working. Their average wage is, now check this out, $17.46 an hour.

When you look at those numbers it is pretty easy to figure out why Republicans want them out. The number of "real" Americans working fulltime between the age of 21-34 is just over seventy percent. The average wage of those with just a high school education is less than $15.00 an hour. Those Republicans know that their young adult child that lives in their basement and spends more time playing video games than working can't possibly compete with those dreamers.

But hey, if you want them gone I am willing to support it. I just want everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, under the age of 31 to meet the very same requirements as the dreamers. Felony conviction, deport them. High school dropout, deport them. Three misdemeanor convictions, deport them. And I would take it a step further. If they are over 21 and not enrolled in college they damn sure better have a job. If they don't, deport them. Because if we are going to deport these dreamers then we should use the opportunity to get rid of some of the dead weight around here. And make no mistake about it, if a young adult is still living with mommy and daddy, refuses to get a job, and spending all his time playing Call of Duty, he is DEAD WEIGHT.

Let me help you pull your head from your ass and your lips from that 4” anteater.
First, nobody that matters gives two shits that theses “kids” were brought here as children...in the real world when our parents break the law we as children aren’t issued a winning lotto ticket...sorry bud.
See, in this nation we’re all about the Constitution, law, order and legal precedent...you wouldn’t understand...you thirdworlders don’t work like that in Mehico.
Disgusting subhumans can’t just abandon their children on our soil and expect REAL Americans to pick up the tab...anyone sane with a third grade education understands this...while lowlife pieces of shits riding on someone else’s checking account can’t wrap their head around it.
It is not the responsibility of REAL Americans to raise the worlds abandoned children...remember that.
Most of your DACA nightmares are in Southern Mexifornia where $13.96 an hour is a lowlifes wage...one can not afford their own shithole on that wage here....I’d suggest you stop bragging about that..it makes you look like the fool you are.
  • DACA helped raise wages: According to a 2016 survey, recipients made an average wage of $13.96 and hour, compared to $9.83 an hour before DACA.

  • .
DACA recipients by the numbers: Who’s affected? Where do they live? What now?

Those Republicans know that their young adult child that lives in their basement and spends more time playing video games than working can't possibly compete with those dreamers.”
Let me remind you, Smart rich people vote Republican while ignorant lowlife filth vote Democrat...you know this, you just like playing stupid...it’s what you do.

You are a dishonest piece of shit. The OP talks about criminals when, by definition, DACA beneficiaries cannot have committed a felony. They have voluntarily completed extensive paperwork and registered with the federal government. They work, they go to school, and they pay taxes. The type of behavior that normal Americans appreciate and respect.

And you just look stupid talking about the Constitution. I would suggest you look at Article I, Section 9. The only time the Constitution mentions immigration is to specifically ban restrictions. Then you might take a look at Article III, Section 3 where it bans "corruption of blood" meaning punishing children for the actions of their parents.
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows
The right wing has no solution to this problem.

A market friendly visa would be generating revenue from tourists.

Oh Danny...when are you ever gonna learn...nobody wants your illegal thirdworlders here fucking the place up any longer...PERIOD!
We don’t need their slave labor bud.
no capitalism, just right wing socialism on a national basis?
Since Democrats are self proclaimed “numbers people”...you know, with all their polls, budget and tax reduction concerns and what not....I can’t help but wonder how it all adds up for them.
Do Democrats think 2+2=5?

Report: More than half of immigrants on welfare
Roughly 44 Percent Of Latino Males Get Arrested By Age 23, Study Shows

So they're the kind of working poor that conservatives love to create,

which, to the chagrin of conservatives, qualifies them for income based benefits.

Hold on a minute...are you implying that Republicans are working to increase the Democratic constituency? You realize that broke lowlifes vote Democrat...right? Are you playing stupid again?

You want wages low.

Those who oppose securing the border want low wages.
Healthcare reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
I was arrested 5 times before age 23. I'm also a perfectly fine, contributing member of society.

Gee. Y'all don't have much faith in redemption, do you? You do realize you can get arrested for something as minor as public intoxication, right? That statistic means nothing. What would alarm me is if 44% were arrested before age 23 for violent crimes.

I was never arrested, for anything, and I am well past 23.

I don't have much faith in redemption.

I'm glad things worked out for you.


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