4TH Grader Killed by illegal alien, sexual assault, knife to the chest.

In 2002, HIV/AIDS was the third leading cause of death among Hispanic men aged 35 to 44 and the fourth leading cause of death among Hispanic women in the same age group. Most Hispanic men were exposed to HIV through sexual contact with other men.

There's another one for the moondouche collection.
"Cases of Leprosy on The Rise In The U.S."

The New York Times

"While there were some 900 recorded cases in the United States 40 years ago, today more than 7,000 people have leprosy." Leprosy is an airborne virus; it can also be spread by touching and coughing.

Most of those infected in the United States are immigrants from global leprosy hot spots, places like Brazil, India and the Caribbean. But, in the past six years, Levis and his colleagues have proved that a few of his patients — including a 73-year-old man from Queens who had never been out of the country and an elderly Jewish man from Westchester County — have contracted leprosy in the United States.

As a result, The disease is now officially endemic to the Northeastern United States for the first time ever. (Cases of leprosy transmission in the Southeast date as far back as the turn of the 19th century.) Leprosy experts think that even some foreign-born people with the infection may have acquired it in immigrant communities here.


Cases of Leprosy on The Rise In The U.S. - The New York Times

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Illegal immigrants bring diseases into States

This is a huge biological threat to the citizens of the United States. New strains of tuberculosis that are resistant to drug treatment have developed, and research by the Indiana University of Medicine affirmed it was introduced into the United States by Mexican Nationals.

A tuberculosis outbreak involving 131 immigrants occurred at a South Carolina poultry plant just a few weeks ago.

If the United States wants to continue to be a strong prosperous nation, we need to learn to control the borders so as to protect our country from disease. The longer we continue to blatantly ignore problems, the worse the repercussions.
In 2002, HIV/AIDS was the third leading cause of death among Hispanic men aged 35 to 44 and the fourth leading cause of death among Hispanic women in the same age group. Most Hispanic men were exposed to HIV through sexual contact with other men.

There's another one for the moondouche collection.

Do you dispute his facts?

BTW, Mexico is rife with TB, always has been. I know because before I went to Mexico, my TB test came back negative, and now it comes back positive. Once it's positive, it's always positive. I had to take pills for a year where the side effects were so bad, the pills could have caused my death as much as the TB.

BTW, feel free to call me a racist, it wouldn't be the first time I was called a racist and it won't be the last. Funny thing is that the more you use that word, the less it means. You really should get over it and concentrate on the subject.

Guess what, some people really are racist..pointing it out isn't going to stop that. However, if you can come up with stats to disprove his stats, that'll go a long ways towards proving your argument.
Derry wants to screen illegal immigrants from food service industry

The Sun: Derry wants to screen illegal immigrants from food service industry :InlandPolitics.com

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

San Bernardino County Supervisor Neil Derry is proposing an ordinance that would require anyone seeking a job in the food service industry be screened for eligibility to work in the United States using the federal E-Verify program before a food handler card could be obtained.

E-Verify is an online system overseen by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services that shows a potential employee’s eligibility to work in the country. He believes many of the county’s food service jobs should be going to people under age 25 and not to illegal immigrants.
Derry wants to screen illegal immigrants from food service industry

The Sun: Derry wants to screen illegal immigrants from food service industry :InlandPolitics.com

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

San Bernardino County Supervisor Neil Derry is proposing an ordinance that would require anyone seeking a job in the food service industry be screened for eligibility to work in the United States using the federal E-Verify program before a food handler card could be obtained.

E-Verify is an online system overseen by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services that shows a potential employee’s eligibility to work in the country. He believes many of the county’s food service jobs should be going to people under age 25 and not to illegal immigrants.

They should be screened from all jobs, then maybe they will go home.
In 2002, HIV/AIDS was the third leading cause of death among Hispanic men aged 35 to 44 and the fourth leading cause of death among Hispanic women in the same age group. Most Hispanic men were exposed to HIV through sexual contact with other men.

There's another one for the moondouche collection.

Do you dispute his facts?.

The comments I quoted weren't really about illegal immigration, were they? No, they were part of moondouche's general hatred for Hispanic people. You've really picked a hell of a bandwagon to jump on, champ.
School holds benefit dinner for slain Oklahoma City girl | NewsOK.com

Hundreds of people packed the John Glenn Elementary School cafeteria Wednesday night for a dinner benefiting the family of fourth-grader Jasmen Gonzalez, who was abducted and fatally stabbed in Texas last month.

The school's Parent Teacher Association hosted the dinner in hopes of helping the family with funeral and transportation costs.
Elvira and Hector Gonzalez sat in front of the stage and wore purple shirts in remembrance of their daughter. Purple was Jasmen's favorite color.
In my opinion, we need to put the military on the border that will stop the illegal aliens from crossing the border. Say, we put about 150,000 soldiers on the border or more, with orders to shoot to kill that should do it.

This will serve 2 purposes it will help secure our countries sovereignty and also help the soldier’s transition from deployment into civilian life without going through Post Traumatic Syndrome, PTS. LINK

A lot of the soldiers coming home from the Middle East will suffer from Post Traumatic Syndrome, PTS if they are just release in to cilvilian society. They need a transition period the border duty would be perfect for that. Patrolling the border would give them the transition time they need to adjust from being released from military duty into civilian life.

The weather and the terrain are much like Iraq and Pakistan and they would be in a relatively safe zone. Except for the drug cartels they might encounter, LINK , but they can handle that, it would be a piece of cake for those guys. Because they’re already so well equipped and so well trained. Some of them could also be trained to become Border Patrol agents and law enforcement officers. It would be perfect!

One thing for sure we have to vote out all the old politicians that created this mess in the first place. They are the one's who are stopping any progress on controlling the border. Every thing they do is a failure. The illegal aliens are illiterate, 75% of them have less than a 6th grade education and they're smarter than our politicians! Knowing that you know it’s really time to vote out all these old cronies in Washington D.C. and clean house in every state on every level.

It’s obvious the illegal aliens aren’t the only problem it's the politicians who are the REAL problem.

We Need Occupy Wall Street On the Border, ASAP! Let’s get some organizing and funding going to make that come true!


A report shows 75% of illegal aliens have less than a 6th grade education. Over 71% have children. 30% admit of using forged social security cards, and half of them have done so, for more than 5 years.

Two-thirds of illegal aliens lack a high school degree, the primary reason they create a fiscal deficit is their low education levels and resulting low incomes and tax payments, into their legal status or heavy use of most social services.
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In my opinion, we need to put the military on the border that will stop the illegal aliens from crossing the border. Say, we put about 150,000 soldiers on the border or more, with orders to shoot to kill that should do it.

This will serve 2 purposes it will help secure our countries sovereignty and also help the soldier’s transition from deployment into civilian life without going through Post Traumatic Syndrome, PTS.

A lot of the soldiers coming home from the Middle East will suffer from Post Traumatic Syndrome, PTS if they are just release in to cilvilian society. They need a transition period the border duty would be perfect for that. Patrolling the border would give them the transition time they need to adjust from being released from military duty into civilian life.

The weather and the terrain are much like Iraq and Pakistan and they would be in a relatively safe zone. Except for the drug cartels they might encounter. But they can handle that, it would be a piece of cake for those guys. Because they’re already so well equipped and so well trained. Some of them could also be trained to become Border Patrol agents and law enforcement officers. It would be perfect!

And now this worthless son of a bitch is disrespecting our military veterans and tainting them with his fucking idiocy. NOW do you fools want to hitch yourselves to the wagon of this animal-stupid, racist, vile piece of shit?
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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


In addition to military personnel that meet full criteria for a PTSD diagnosis, many others display some combination of PTSD symptoms as they readjust to the challenges of civilian life after functioning under the constant life-threat they experienced during deployment. It is common to have some PTSD symptoms at first, especially hypervigilance, insomnia and nightmares as veterans try to integrate and process their war zone experiences.
In my opinion

Deportation Plan:

1. Close and secure the border

2. Build a fence

3. Put the military on the border and increase the Border Patrol

4. Open up the FEMA REX84 facilities to accept illegal aliens for processing

5. Incorporate the E-Verify System in every work place.

6. Make all government offices like welfare, DMV… Reporting Agency

7. Make schools Reporting Agencies

8. Offer a reward to any American citizen for reporting any illegal alien’s whereabouts.

9. Make English the official language

10. End Birthright Citizenship

11. Round up the illegal aliens in every state and city

12. Place their children in state run orphanages

13. Check probation offices and deport anyone who is an illegal alien

14. Check court records and deport anyone who is an illegal alien

15. Check business license offices

16. Check with the IRS

17. Check landlords

18. Check any day labor locations

19. Deport all illegal aliens in our jails and prisons across America last.

20. Offer a volunteer self-deportation program to the illegal aliens

21. Raid suspected companies that hire illegal aliens

22. Raid known "Tramp Camps" where illegal aliens illegally camp

We need to make English the official language in America and End Birthright Citizenship. We should make schools, hospitals, the DMV, and the welfare offices reporting agencies along with any other social service offices that the illegal aliens use.

We need to incorporate the E-Verify System in every business. This system is as easy as going online. Then anyone who is found not to be an American citizen will get deported.

The problem has already been created. Now, we have to undo the problem it's like playing a game of Pick-up Sticks.

The first thing we need to do is close the border so that no more illegal aliens can enter the country and the one's we deport can't get come back in. We need to build a real fence. Then we need to put the military on the border to make sure no one comes back in illegally.

The way that the politicians have gone about securing the border and building a fence, is they put the cattle in a 3 sided pen and expect them to stay in there. The honor system does not work when it comes to an illegal alien that’s been proven!

Once we have the border secure we can start rounding them up and deporting them. Give them a choice to take their children with them. If the illegal aliens don’t want their children then place their children in state run orphanages.

As the illegal aliens get arrest for crimes at any level they should be deported ASAP. The last to be deported should be the criminals in our jails and prison across the county.

I think we should also offer a volunteer self-deportation program to the illegal aliens. The illegal aliens would voluntarily turn themselves in for deportation and they would be provided with meals, security and reasonable transportation to their countries of origin along with their families.

We should allow the illegal alien parents to take their Anchor Babies with them if they desire. (They probably won’t want to because they don’t really love them that much. When the meal ticket is gone the Anchor Babies become useless. The illegal alien parents will probably consider their own children at this point as unwanted baggage. They’ve served their purpose. The Anchor Babies would be like an anchor around the illegal alien's necks.) So, I guess we’ll have to deal with the Anchor Babies who are grandfathered into the system.
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Now wolfdouche knows how people feel about their children... :rolleyes: Children, by the way, who are US citizens. wolfdouche doesn't care about illegal immigration. He is only interested in promoting his real agenda of vile and cowardly bigotry. He doesn't deserve to reside in the US much less be a citizen.
Do people in here run stories everytime a LEGAL non hispanic, white person kills or rapes someone? Just curious. If so, then there must be a lot of these threads then.
The term "illegal alien" is not a race of people. It is a group of people from different countries who are breaking the United States Federal immigration laws. Using the term ‘illegal alien’ is NOT a racist remark or a racial slur. It is a term created by the Federal Government and is used in the Federal Immigration Laws describing law breakers.

IMO, otherwise known as “Crimigrants.”
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Do people in here run stories everytime a LEGAL non hispanic, white person kills or rapes someone? Just curious. If so, then there must be a lot of these threads then.
The overwelming amount of violent crime is commited by blacks and Hispanics
More evidence that wolfdouche has no real interest in the issue of illegal immigration:

"IMO, all Anchor Babies have Tourette’s syndrome. "

The illogical, bigoted, stupid fuck is just out to promote his racist agenda.

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