440,000 Guard Members Face Missing Paychecks As Republicans Block Funding


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
The bill had a poison pill, as many written by the liberals do.

The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
What else was in the bill?
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
Tell the whole story you lying asshole. Democrats always add outrageous waste or power grabs through stupid regulations to the bills they pass. Let's see the bill disputed and what it says. I'll wait.
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
The bill had a poison pill, as many written by the liberals do.

What was the poison pill?
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
Tell the whole story you lying asshole. Democrats always add outrageous waste or power grabs through stupid regulations to the bills they pass. Let's see the bill disputed and what it says. I'll wait.
Oh yeah, improving security at the Capitol and creating a rapid response force, that is what the Republicans oppose. I got to say it, the average IQ of a House Republican doesn't come close to 100.
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
Tell the whole story you lying asshole. Democrats always add outrageous waste or power grabs through stupid regulations to the bills they pass. Let's see the bill disputed and what it says. I'll wait.

The $1.9 billion legislation was developed in response to the findings and recommendations of a task force led by retired Army Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré, who was tasked by Pelosi to lead a review of Capitol security after the insurrection.

Among a number of provisions, the legislation would provide $250 million for Capitol grounds security, which could be used for physical infrastructure including "retractable, or 'pop-in' fencing, and security sensors," according to a bill summary released by the House Appropriations Committee.

There would be $162.7 million to harden security safeguards for windows and doors at the Capitol as well as at House and Senate office buildings.

The plan would have $7.4 million set aside to increase security for lawmakers, including threat assessments, and $10.6 million would go toward security measures and the installation of camera systems in district offices for members.

The Capitol Police force would get $8.6 million for body cameras, $6.8 million for specialized training and $2.6 million "to procure basic riot control equipment to outfit all officers with ballistic helmets, batons, and body shields," the bill summary states.

The legislation would set aside $200 million "to create a dedicated Quick Reaction Force to augment the Capitol Police," according to the summary.

Additionally, the measure provides funding for efforts related to the prosecution of individuals who took part in the January 6 attack.

The bill summary says there would be $39.5 million "to process the hundreds of prosecutions of perpetrators of the January 6 insurrection, including $34 million for United States Attorneys; $3.8 million for the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice; and $1.7 million for the National Security Division of the Department of Justice."

Too many different "fruits" in that basket. Many should be in a separate bills rather than bunched together.
Title is one hint regards the resistance;

Insurrection Financing Transparency Act of 2021​

Also only Democrats co-sponsor, not a bi-partisan Bill to begin with.
Also, nothing about those whom engaged in insurrection and attacks upon Federal LEO and Federal buildings and property in the many USA cities during the several months of insurrection in Summer of 2020.
The military has become the armed branch of the Socialist revolutionaries. Hard to feel sorry for them.

The National Guard should have joined the Patriots on Jan 6th but instead they protected the shitheads that stole the election from the American people.
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
Tell the whole story you lying asshole. Democrats always add outrageous waste or power grabs through stupid regulations to the bills they pass. Let's see the bill disputed and what it says. I'll wait.
Oh yeah, improving security at the Capitol and creating a rapid response force, that is what the Republicans oppose. I got to say it, the average IQ of a House Republican doesn't come close to 100.
There is no need to improve security because of a false flag operation by the FBI. Our system of government was never in any danger on Jan.6th.
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
Tell the whole story you lying asshole. Democrats always add outrageous waste or power grabs through stupid regulations to the bills they pass. Let's see the bill disputed and what it says. I'll wait.
Oh yeah, improving security at the Capitol and creating a rapid response force, that is what the Republicans oppose. I got to say it, the average IQ of a House Republican doesn't come close to 100.
There is no need to improve security because of a false flag operation by the FBI. Our system of government was never in any danger on Jan.6th.
Oh yeah, and I just had dinner with the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus.
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
The bill had a poison pill, as many written by the liberals do.

What was the poison pill?
Repaying the National Guard for their costs is the only crucial item in the Democrat Party's bill. The other items they attached fall in 2 categories:
  • Wasteful and unnecessary
  • Worthy of being considered in a separate bill
Read the link and see what the Republicans left out of their new bill.

Republicans Try New Bill to Repay National Guard for Post-Riot Protection, Minus a Rapid Response Force

We have the National Guard. We do not need a Rapid Response Force. Nancy Pelosi ignored the advice of advisors to have the Guard there in preparation for Jan 6.
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The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.

Let's for phony asshole patriots who empty lip service our Men and Women in Uniform.
The military has become the armed branch of the Socialist revolutionaries. Hard to feel sorry for them.

The National Guard should have joined the Patriots on Jan 6th but instead they protected the shitheads that stole the election from the American people.
They supported the constitution as they swore an oath to do. By January 6th, trump had long since been beaten soundly at the polls, the recounts, the state houses, and the courts (including the Supreme Court), not presenting any logical option to people that swore to protect and defend. You just a sore loser.
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
The bill had a poison pill, as many written by the liberals do.

What was the poison pill?
Repaying the National Guard for their costs is the only crucial item in the Democrat Party's bill. The other items they attached fall in 2 categories:
  • Wasteful and unnecessary
  • Worthy of being considered in a separate bill
Personally, I thought they were brought on to federal duty. I am not real sure of what costs were not covered anyway. Their check come from the Federal Treasury, not the states.
I figured the rub on the bill with republicans was setting up a rapid deployment force to guard against domestic attack on the capital in the future. That would call for facilities, equipment, personnel, training (initial and ongoing, long term), along with the more hardened physical upgrades in and around the Capital and would make it harder to take over the capital, next time the Republicans supported doing that kind of thing.
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
Tell the whole story you lying asshole. Democrats always add outrageous waste or power grabs through stupid regulations to the bills they pass. Let's see the bill disputed and what it says. I'll wait.
Oh yeah, improving security at the Capitol and creating a rapid response force, that is what the Republicans oppose. I got to say it, the average IQ of a House Republican doesn't come close to 100.
There is no need to improve security because of a false flag operation by the FBI. Our system of government was never in any danger on Jan.6th.
Oh yeah, and I just had dinner with the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus.
Oh yeah is right the hyperbole and fake patriotism is enough to make people vomit. The FBI was responsible for Babbitt's murder. That is not hyperbole.
The military has become the armed branch of the Socialist revolutionaries. Hard to feel sorry for them.

The National Guard should have joined the Patriots on Jan 6th but instead they protected the shitheads that stole the election from the American people.
They supported the constitution as they swore an oath to do. By January 6th, trump had long since been beaten soundly at the polls, the recounts, the state houses, and the courts (including the Supreme Court), not presenting any logical option to people that swore to protect and defend. You just a sore loser.

You are confused.

They suppose to protect the Constitution against both foreign and domestic enemies. The assholes that stole the election are domestic enemies and the NG protected them. Shame!

The Socialist Revolutionaries have purged the military leadership of leaders with honesty and courage and replaced them with weak minded yes men. They are getting rid of the rank and file Patriots and replacing them with queers, affirmative action Negros and women and transsexuals and brainwashing the remainng to be Left Wing dickheads with training like CRT.

The Left has done what no foreign power could do; destroy the US military.

The military is not a friend of the American people anymore. They are the tools of the Socialist assholes.
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
Tell the whole story you lying asshole. Democrats always add outrageous waste or power grabs through stupid regulations to the bills they pass. Let's see the bill disputed and what it says. I'll wait.
We know that trump fluffers don't really support our troops. This is not a surprise.
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
The bill had a poison pill, as many written by the liberals do.

What was the poison pill?
Repaying the National Guard for their costs is the only crucial item in the Democrat Party's bill. The other items they attached fall in 2 categories:
  • Wasteful and unnecessary
  • Worthy of being considered in a separate bill
Personally, I thought they were brought on to federal duty. I am not real sure of what costs were not covered anyway. Their check come from the Federal Treasury, not the states.
I figured the rub on the bill with republicans was setting up a rapid deployment force to guard against domestic attack on the capital in the future. That would call for facilities, equipment, personnel, training (initial and ongoing, long term), along with the more hardened physical upgrades in and around the Capital and would make it harder to take over the capital, next time the Republicans supported doing that kind of thing.
That's not the way it works.

The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
Tell the whole story you lying asshole. Democrats always add outrageous waste or power grabs through stupid regulations to the bills they pass. Let's see the bill disputed and what it says. I'll wait.

The $1.9 billion legislation was developed in response to the findings and recommendations of a task force led by retired Army Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré, who was tasked by Pelosi to lead a review of Capitol security after the insurrection.

Among a number of provisions, the legislation would provide $250 million for Capitol grounds security, which could be used for physical infrastructure including "retractable, or 'pop-in' fencing, and security sensors," according to a bill summary released by the House Appropriations Committee.

There would be $162.7 million to harden security safeguards for windows and doors at the Capitol as well as at House and Senate office buildings.

The plan would have $7.4 million set aside to increase security for lawmakers, including threat assessments, and $10.6 million would go toward security measures and the installation of camera systems in district offices for members.

The Capitol Police force would get $8.6 million for body cameras, $6.8 million for specialized training and $2.6 million "to procure basic riot control equipment to outfit all officers with ballistic helmets, batons, and body shields," the bill summary states.

The legislation would set aside $200 million "to create a dedicated Quick Reaction Force to augment the Capitol Police," according to the summary.

Additionally, the measure provides funding for efforts related to the prosecution of individuals who took part in the January 6 attack.

The bill summary says there would be $39.5 million "to process the hundreds of prosecutions of perpetrators of the January 6 insurrection, including $34 million for United States Attorneys; $3.8 million for the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice; and $1.7 million for the National Security Division of the Department of Justice."

Ah....no wonder the GOP and trump's cult doesn't like it.

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