$40M lawsuit: Ferguson police used excessive force

As we will pretend you have a functioning mind. The First Amendment doesn't give you the right to take over public or private property or resist lawful orders by LE. And so far, no one has provided any evidence that the orders were unlawful. Feelings aren't evidence.

Where were they "taking over"? They can protest in a public street and sidewalks, that is allowed under the First Amendment. You just don't want people you disagree with expressing their views.
Damn boy, that pot has you messed up.

In case you didn't notice, or maybe you did, you were probably right in the middle of them, taking televisions, electronics, cigarettes, liquor, and anything else that wasn't nailed down. How is that new tv working for you anyway? Shame the police didn't shoot to kill, like they should have, then we wouldn't be having this conversation.
What trial are you referring to? Who claimed that all lawsuits are won by the plaintiffs?

In the original posting there’s a link to the story via AP and reprinted at WND.com that reported a federal lawsuit had been filed by five plaintiffs alleging the use of excessive force and of false arrest. That’s all.

For a number of reasons it’s unlikely this type of action would ever see the inside of a courtroom. But I digress.

I posed a bit of a summation about this issue with a couple of questions a bi earlier I’d like to share with you as well, Iceweasel.

“Regarding the lawsuit by itself, certainly the 40M dollar amount seems excessive at first glance. I’m not litigious by nature, I’m sure you’re not either, (nor are most Americans for that matter) and as such we collectively tend to look at anyone suing another for large dollar amounts with great suspicion. I’m not even arguing such suspicions are completely unwarranted.

That stated, taking one of the plaintiff’s allegations as an example, what would be the correct amount of remuneration owed a citizen if it’s proved in a court of law she and her son actually were roughed up and unlawfully arrested for not evacuating a McDonald’s quickly enough?

Obviously that will have to be proven in a court of law, but as an intellectual and empathetic exercise, assuming the allegations are proven true what would you ask for in compensation for the physical violence, the emotional trauma, and the unlawful arrest inflicted upon you and your son?

To put it mildly, I wouldn’t be happy about it. A lawsuit might very well be an option I would exercise”.

I’m not so certain that “only” five individuals jointly filing a federal lawsuit at this time speaks volumes; it only really speaks for itself. Have you found a news link somewhere outlining a law firm actively soliciting individuals to join a class action suit? While it’s certainly possible, I haven’t seen anything like that. This appears to be only what it appears to be.

I.e. These are the five people alleging a number of legal and civil rights violations and are seeking remedy through the courts.

If their claims are baseless or factually unsupportable they’ll end up with nothing. As they should.

If however the claims are true, they have every right to seek damages. Both compensatory and punitive.

You don’t agree? If you were in their circumstance, what would you do?

First of all, I wouldn't have put myself OR my child in that position. "Oh sorry son there are rioters and looters out and about, well eat at home tonight, let the police get things under control then go to McD"
That would imply common sense, something that this generation is sorely lacking!
I don't think the police department used near enough force.

If I owned a business in Ferguson, I would be suing the city, for the police department, not being allowed to do their jobs and protect my business. And, I suspect some insurance companies are looking into that already.
What would you have had them do? Use the snipers? machine guns?
No, I don't want malcontents blocking access to public and private pathways. Your rights stop where another's begins.

Nope. You don't have a constitutional right to drive a car. That's a privelege provided by the government. People do have a constitutional right to assemble and express their grivances towards the government. That includes anything public. 1st amendment jurisprudence is clear on this.
No, I don't want malcontents blocking access to public and private pathways. Your rights stop where another's begins.

Nope. You don't have a constitutional right to drive a car. That's a privelege provided by the government. People do have a constitutional right to assemble and express their grivances towards the government. That includes anything public. 1st amendment jurisprudence is clear on this.
The government is a privilege provided by the people. You are as clear as mud, you can't take over public or private property. The right to assemble doesn't mean anywhere, anytime. Go to the park, don't block streets or sidewalks.
The government is a privilege provided by the people. You are as clear as mud, you can't take over public or private property. The right to assemble doesn't mean anywhere, anytime. Go to the park, don't block streets or sidewalks.

Not private property, but they can assemble on public property and the government can't ban them from doing it. I don't think you truly understand the First Amendment.
Everyone got upset when they shoved Journalists...White ones. But think its unfair that blacks complain about being tear gassed and having guns pointed at them.

They wont even do that in Afganistan because they are trying to "win the hearts and minds" over there. Then say "fuck hearts and minds" over here and wonder why they received such a response
The government is a privilege provided by the people. You are as clear as mud, you can't take over public or private property. The right to assemble doesn't mean anywhere, anytime. Go to the park, don't block streets or sidewalks.

Not private property, but they can assemble on public property and the government can't ban them from doing it. I don't think you truly understand the First Amendment.
No, you don't. Just like the Second Amendment doesn't allow anyone to own any firearm and carry it anywhere anytime. Do you think the KKK has the right to assemble and protest at a rap concert?
As we will pretend you have a functioning mind. The First Amendment doesn't give you the right to take over public or private property or resist lawful orders by LE. And so far, no one has provided any evidence that the orders were unlawful. Feelings aren't evidence.

Where were they "taking over"? They can protest in a public street and sidewalks, that is allowed under the First Amendment. You just don't want people you disagree with expressing their views.
Damn boy, that pot has you messed up.

In case you didn't notice, or maybe you did, you were probably right in the middle of them, taking televisions, electronics, cigarettes, liquor, and anything else that wasn't nailed down. How is that new tv working for you anyway? Shame the police didn't shoot to kill, like they should have, then we wouldn't be having this conversation.

I agree. The store owners should have been on the roofs of their business and shooting the hell out of the 1st Ammendment rights looters.

I can still see the Koreans doing that during the LA riots.

I have no sympathy for anyone in that Town except for the business owners who had their businesses looted and destroyed. I'd have shot em all.
I don't think the police department used near enough force.

If I owned a business in Ferguson, I would be suing the city, for the police department, not being allowed to do their jobs and protect my business. And, I suspect some insurance companies are looking into that already.
What would you have had them do? Use the snipers? machine guns?
How about arresting somebody when you see them walking out of a store, with their face wrapped up, and carrying an armload of goods.

If they were afraid to do that, then yeah, shoot them, and if they kill them, that's tough shit.
The 2010 census says there were 21,203 people of which 67% were black.
Only 40 million?
I'd expect it to be a class action suit for at least a million each for all black people that live there and their offspring wherever they may be....AND all black people that ever lived there, whether dead or alive now and THEIR offspring wherever they may be.

...and all black people anywhere in the north american continent who have ever heard the words Ferguson or Missouri..bonus money to those who have heard them in the same sentence.

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