400 Inmates Escape from Afghan Prison


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Jailbreak In Kandahar, Afghan Official Reports


KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- More than 400 inmates – many of them Taliban insurgents – escaped from the main prison in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar overnight through an underground tunnel, an official said Monday.

The massive jailbreak in Kandahar, the focus of much of the international military effort to defeat the insurgency, is a reminder that the Afghan government is still weak and easily thwarted in the south, despite an influx of international troops, funding and advisers.

The escape comes after years of security upgrades and tightened procedures at the 1,200-inmate Sarposa Prison following a brazen 2008 Taliban attack that freed 900 prisoners.

On Sunday night, about 476 prisoners streamed out of a tunnel dug between the prison and the outside and disappeared into Kandahar city, prison supervisor Ghulam Dastagir Mayar said. He said many of the missing were Taliban militants.

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid said the insurgents on the outside dug the 1,050-foot (320-meter ) tunnel to the prison over five months, bypassing government checkpoints. The tunnel finally reached the prison cells Sunday night, and the inmates were led through it to freedom by three prisoners who had been informed of the plan, Mujahid said.

About 100 of those who escaped were Taliban commanders, and most of the others were fighters with the insurgency, he said.

In the 2008 attack, dozens of militants on motorbikes and two suicide bombers assaulted the prison. One suicide bomber set off an explosives-laden tanker truck at the prison gate while a second bomber blew up an escape route through a back wall. About 900 inmates escaped, including 400 Taliban fighters.

Jailbreak In Kandahar, Afghan Official Reports
Underground tunnel? Did they get the Mexican Drug Cartels to help out?

Who knows? probably.:doubt:

I don't pay much attention to these wars anymore. I keep wondering why we're still there. The troops have my undying support, but we sure could use them back in the States.

I don't blame you, we have been in Afghanistan for 10 years now and most of the people there are still living in mud huts without a pot to piss in, and they seem to like it that way, I say fuck them and bring our boys home.
In reality this isn't a big deal.

Once we declare victory and leave in the near future.

All of the prisoners will be freed anyway.

I don't know if all of them will be freed but most of them probably will, the ones that are considered a threat to American security are in our custody anyways.
Came on here to post this news, but it was already done, tyvm.

LOL, unreal. It's not even funny but it is as it's unbelievable. For some reason I've got the "Candyman" song in my head, but with replace with these words..

Who can dig a tunnellllllllllllllll
Right beneath your feeeeet?
You'll never see em coming
They'll just dig and dig and dig,
The Taliban caaan....... Oh the Taliban caaaan!


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